
johnQadams/Q #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy johnqadams.substack.com

Q Post 791, Feb 18, 2018 8:57:51 PM EST
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you HOPE and a future."
:Protect 6/14-46
:Protect 6/14-46

Most of you will recognize the quoted part of this Q post, signed Q+, aka Donald J. Trump, as a Scripture verse. Jeremiah 29:11 to be exact. The ":Protect 6/14-46" lines refer to Trump as he was born on June 14, 1946. More on that later.
YHWH promised us, as subjects to the High King, that we would have victory in His-Story. YHWH keeps his promises. Do you believe that? Well, I do. And I know that when He promises something that He can deliver because He is sovereign. He declares the end from the beginning. He controls everything, from the big events down to the small micro events. He is the one who hardened Pharaoh's heart so that the Egyptians would not only eventually beg the Israelites to leave, they would also send them on their way with all the Egyptian gold and silver. He raises up kings and He removes kings. Sometimes, He even uses someone who was raised as one of them to bring about their destruction.
The Jews crucified the Messiah, but they were simply carrying out what YHWH had predestined to take place (Acts 4:28). We live in a time where our Satanic controllers think they are pushing their agenda forward through number rituals (see Part 7), but everything they do has been pre-ordained by the Most High Elohim who is sovereign over all. He has told us about His sovereignty and has demonstrated it in numerous ways. Yes, it is true that we do not know the day nor the hour when He shall return in his Second Parousia, but through Scripture He has revealed His plan for His-Story to us and for us. Because He is sovereign, and because He has determined the end from the beginning, we can know that His-Story is going somewhere, that there is a climax, a culminating eschaton. The Biblical worldview tells us that nothing can stop what is coming.