
Newsspell.Org #conspiracy #magick #crackpot newsspellcom.org


Of course, the freemasonic order, which is controlled by the Jesuit order in Rome, has taken pains to leave a plethora of their fingerprints behind at the scene of the crime.

It is any surprise to discover, then, that, in gematria, the number 19, the very number attached to the coronavirus, equals AI or artificial intelligence (1=A, 9=I)?

The term COVID, in English Ordinal gematria, sums to 53, which equals 8 (aces and eights/mark of the Jesuit order).

The word corona, which is a reference to the sun —- the symbolic object of divine reverence among both high-degree freemasons and those of the Jesuit order — sums to 66 (12/21/777/intelligence joker code) in English Ordinal gematria and 33 in Reverse Full Reduction (high-degree Scottish Rite freemasonry).

The utilization of the 777, or the triple seven intelligence joker code is also quite evident in the following series of recently published articles, concerning a heart-stirring story which details the emotional tribulations of a family alleged to have been mortally effected by the onslaught of the “coronavirus”.