
Marjatta #conspiracy pub48.bravenet.com

There is something interesting in this Chile miners rescue operation. Something strange; if you look at the numbers it looks very much illuministic.

- There are 33 miners; one number important to illuminists.
- The name of rescue capsule is Fenix (the symbol of Illuminati is the bird -Fenix)
- They start the rescue operation at midnight local time. Why just midnight? (The time witches are doing their spells)
- Also then has started the 13th of October. (number 13)
- That is 18 days (18=6+6+6) from witches Halloween feast 31st October.
- Also on Wednesday it has passed 22 (2x11) days from the witches Mabon-sabbath (the autumnal equinox)21st September.

So, I'm just wondering what's going on: Why all these occult timings and numbers and symbols? Is there any symbolism what will soon happen? As a believer of course you think it's like death arising in rapture, but could this also be a kind of start presentation that the NWO will be born and the WW3 start bringing up AC, who will rise like a Fenix-bird from ashes?

Well, I'm just thinking aloud. Somehow this is an important occasion: the whole world watching. It just took my attention when I saw all these dates and numbers and thought what is the message behind all this.

SisterNChrist #fundie pub48.bravenet.com

My toilet flushed 4x for no reason....

Sometime during the wee hours of the April 1st morning, my toilet flushed 4x for no reason.

Someone, I can't remember who, on RITA [forum] mentioned that God has a great sense of humor. Could He had been telling me that 4/4/2010 could be the date of our Rapture/or could this mean something else altogether?

AngelHeart #fundie pub48.bravenet.com

God is using the Disaster in Haiti for his Glory!!! Hallelujah!!!!

I can see this disaster in Haiti being used for Gods glory because I heard from a pastor in Haiti how the people were so poor there they had to eat mud pies now with this disaster the poor people are getting nutritious food they need from all the help they are getting now.

God sure does work in mysterious ways and what the enemy [Satan] used for evil God is now turning around for good and his glory!!!

Praise be to God Almighty how he can turn a disaster into a miracle for the poor people of Haiti!!!

God is so good!!!