
jewish philosopher #homophobia #kinkshaming #fundie torahphilosophy.com

The Gay Liberation Scam

[can we trust them?]

The idea behind the Gay Liberation movement, which began about 1960 in New York, is that homosexuals are a race, similar to Negros and therefore to discriminate against them in any way is merely a form of racism - irrational hatred of someone who has different physical characteristics. They argue that just like blacks they were born the way they are and cannot change even if they wanted to and they just want to be respected and accepted like everyone else is.

The fact is that scientifically this is nonsense. There is no homosexual race and homosexuality is caused by cultural influences and childhood experiences as well as by genetics. There have been many societies in which homosexuality was rare or unknown. In addition to that the Torah merely prohibits male to male anal intercourse, which in any case is clearly an unhygienic and unhealthy practice.

Claiming homosexuals to be a race is basically equivalent to claiming that alcoholics are a race. Men having anal intercourse with other men is a vice not a race.

The fact is that since 1960, every type of sexual behavior (except regular, married sex) has become more common in the US - sex before marriage, adultery, masturbation, sex with children, sado-masochism, sex with the same sex, sex for money, sex during or after murder, oral sex, anal sex, etc. This trend is continuing. This has created a wave of abortions, fatherless children, grisly serial killings, pedophilia and disease, but not much else unfortunately.

jewish philosopher #fundie torahphilosophy.com

Straight Rights


Thousands of people are mourning the death of Mr Clementi, an 18 year old college student who committed suicide after being taunted about his homosexuality.

I wonder how many people are mourning the deaths of straight people infected with HIV by homosexual men.

Imagine for a moment that you had a twenty eight year old daughter. She is diagnosed with AIDS and tuberculosis and is expected to soon die. Her husband and her two small children, have tested HIV positive. Researching into this, it turns out that when she was 18, your daughter had unprotected sex with an 18 year old boy. That boy unknown to her was HIV positive after having had unprotected anal sex with a man who, unknown to the boy, was HIV positive. Such tragedies can and do happen in America and Europe today.

If we would follow the Torah's commandment to put to death any man who has anal sex with another man, those tradegies could be prevented.

jewish philosopher #fundie torahphilosophy.com

[An atheist poster is angry at jewish philosopher and about his religion.]

Now I think I understand you a little more. You are a criminal. You are torn apart by guilt about all the lives you've destroyed. You are terrified of the burning wrath of God, so you rant and rage against God. As if that will help. LOL.

Tell me, atheist criminal, how many rotten bodies are your in basement? How many corpses in your back yard? How many little boys have you raped? Confess, atheist criminal. Tell me immediately.

Anonymou #fundie torahphilosophy.com

Myu toenails protect my toes. People who have wisdom teeth use them to chew. My wife likes my body hair. And what's the evolutionary explanation for the fact that humans acquire body hair at puberty? Its not a derived characteristic, since apes don't have it. Whatever the evolutionary explanation is, it will work for a theistic one.

And again, vestigal organs are not proof of evolution, but rather devolution. Something function was lost after creation.
And the fact that we don't know the purpose of some genes doesn't mena that a purpose doesn't exist. Now they'vwe found that lots of there pseudogenes really make RNA that doesn't code make proteins, but rather control various functions. And the whole arguement from vestigal is a religious one, not a scientific one. The arguement is "why would
G-d creat something that serves not purpose?" But if the rules are that no religious explanations are allowed, then religious questions shouldn't be allowed either.

Now, if a development with interdependant parts can evolve so easily, then why can't plasmodium evolve resistance to quinine, or a way around sickle cell disease? That's Behe point, supported by the empirical evidence. And how something with interdependant parts evolve anyway, when it doesn't work unless all the parts are there. I know they suggest functional intermediates, but they ahven't really explain how the intermediates could function.

jewish philosopher #fundie torahphilosophy.com

The New York State government recently legalized gay marriage.

Male homosexuality is about as unhealthy as heroin usage. Nevertheless, our state government has decided to celebrate it, apparently for no other reason than to demonstrate their sympathy for a minority group and to emphasize their rejection of the Bible, which prohibits sodomy. If people die, that's just collateral damage.

Great work guys. This may lower costs for Social Security and Medicare, but then don't forget about the higher health care costs of male homosexuals.

jewish philosopher #fundie torahphilosophy.com

Let's put it like this: Name one primarily atheistic society in history which has #1 not experience any mass killings in the past few decades and #2 is reproducing on a replacement level.

This is because atheists are either selfish pleasure seekers and/or murderers.

Arguing atheists possess some level of altruism is like arguing that Islam is the "religion of peace".

laugh out loud #fundie torahphilosophy.com

Stalin was a major mass murderer. So was his fellow atheist, Mao. Th worst mass murderers in history were atheists. Moreover, a disproportionate number of mass murderers were atheists and vise-versa. And every time atheists run a country, they wind up committing mass murder. IF you are successful in your quest of making the world atheistic we can expect to see a marked increase in mass murder.

jewish philosopher #fundie torahphilosophy.com

["So 80% of the world's scientists who work in other fields are not actually scientists but op-ed writers. Its all a big conspiracy. We get it."]

I am sorry to destroy your innocent trust in others, however not everyone is honest.

["Religious claims have no exemption from scientific scrutiny just because you call it "religion".]

Can a physicist or a chemist prove that the Roman Empire existed? We actually base few of our beliefs on hard, exact, repeatable laboratory experiments. So the assertion that "I only believe in science." is ridiculous.

jewish philosopher #fundie torahphilosophy.com

I [heart] Genocide

Some people have criticized the Torah for being cruel because the Torah commands the extermination of certain ancient peoples, specificially the Canaanites, the Amalekites and the Midianites, including the killing of women and children.

I think that a few things must however be borne in mind.

These commandments were given by God who knows all of people's thoughts and all their future actions and the actions of their potential descendents. God knew that these people were evil, they were "bad to the bone", and the kindest solution was to kill them, for their sakes and the sakes of everyone else. Killing a baby is normally a heinous crime. However if someone would be truly psychic and would have truly been able to see the future, surely he would have done everyone a big favor if he would have strangled Adolf Hitler in his crib.

Additionally, we must bear in mind that these commandments were specifically regarding those nationalities. Orthodox Jews today are basically pacsifists who are almost never kill anyone.

Torah Philosophy #fundie torahphilosophy.com

[On his post on preventing atheism and claiming that all rejection of the Torah is due to emotional pain which causes people to sin which according to them they then rationalize by denying the Torah]:

If the child has already reached the point of medicating his pain with sex, this is a crisis situation however all is not yet lost. Counseling and therapy, perhaps for the entire family, may be helpful. Perhaps the child can still be convinced to find more positive coping mechanisms. Obviously, a parent must be aware of a problem. Internet monitoring software may be very helpful. If a boy remains in bed until late in the morning this may be a sign that he is masturbating until late at night. A hidden camera with night vision in his bedroom might be helpful.

Once the child has reached the stage of rationalization, and has denied the Torah, then all hope is presumably lost. The child should be expelled from the home in order to avoid a bad influence on others. If he is under 18, then the parents are legally obligated to support him however they should do so by placing him in a boarding school. He should not be allowed contact with siblings.
(emphasis added)

jewish philosopher #fundie torahphilosophy.com

It is true that latex condoms, when used consistently and correctly, reduce the risk of transmission of STDs such as gonorrhea. However very few people actually do use them consistently and correctly, for many reasons, between the discomfort of condom usage to the lack of sobriety of people having sex. Surveys indicate that most sexually active unmarried Americans seldom use condoms at all. During fellatio it seems to be unheard of.

This should give a little bit of pause to potential atheists out there who are looking forward to a life of sexual freedom. They could well be in for a life of permanent misery. And it helps us to appreciate the great wisdom of the Torah's emphasis on chastity.

jewishphilosopher #fundie torahphilosophy.com

(Note: The link is to a documentary about communism on YouTube.)

Where Can Atheism Lead?


Of course, not every atheist is a killer. Many atheists are afraid of the reaction of their theistic neighbors or they retain some shreds of decency from theistic parents or grandparents. But, given free reign, how murderous could atheists become? Click here to find out.

Atheism is perhaps similar to anarchism. It may not explicitly advocate violence, however if widely accepted it does cause terrible destruction.

jewish philosopher #fundie torahphilosophy.com

By the way, atheists earnestly insist: no one has been killed "in the name of atheism". True enough. Atheism doesn't ask anyone to do anything. However atheism removes all barriers which would prevent murder; from that point, raw human nature takes over. This is similar to arguing that blowing up a dam would not be murder. The dam breaking does no harm. It's all that water behind the dam which is killing thousands of people and the bomber had nothing to do with that! Of course, such a ridiculous argument would not hold water in any courtroom.

Jewish Philosopher #fundie torahphilosophy.com

Atheists love fun!

He's having fun - smoking and stinking of tobacco.
He's having fun - having sex with various average looking women and then wondering what that rash he keeps getting is and why it burns when he urinates.
He's having fun - drinking all night and waking up in mid-day depressed and with a splitting headache.
He's having fun - masturbating while using the Internet to the point where he is having difficulty ever functioning sexually at all.
He's having fun - taking more and more prescription pain pills, which make him more and more sick, to try and fight off his depression.
He's having fun - being poor because he can't hold a job.
He's having fun - being alone, because he's so selfish no one wants to be around him.
He's having so much fun that he wishes he were dead.

jewish philosopher #fundie torahphilosophy.com

["all of these people were no doubt raised with (strict) religion... as most were back in those days - i would imagine finding out that its all bullshit one day could push one to over the edge, to varying degrees."]

Nope. It's simple. Atheist = psychopath.

jewish philosopher #fundie torahphilosophy.com

Two Proofs That Atheists Are Lying

Proof #1: Atheists do not suggest replacing law enforcement with animal control.

According to atheism people are animals who are in no way exceptional in comparison to other animals. Therefore atheists should logically suggest that animal control officers be used to capture and destroy nuisance people in the same way they are used to control nuisance animals. People are not merely like animals, we are animals. Animal control is far more effective and less expensive than law enforcement. About thirty people per year in the US are killed by dogs; about 20,000 are murdered by other humans. Furthermore the cost of police, courts and prisons is astronomical; dog catchers and animals shelters, not so much. The elaborate and expensive criminal justice system is based on the superstitious, pre-Darwinian notion that people are different; we have souls and were created in the image of God.

However no atheist suggests this because no atheist sincerely believes that we are merely animals, not better or worse than a dog or a rat.

Proof #2: Atheists do not advocate global warming.

According to atheism, microbes developed into people through the process of evolution. Mass extinctions have accelerated evolution in the past. Global warming is now causing a mass extinction. Global warming should therefore be a positive thing in the long run which should be encouraged.

However no atheist suggests this because no atheist sincerely believes in evolution.

jewish philosopher #fundie torahphilosophy.com

Everyone admits that the fossils are a major problem for evolution. If asteroid strikes once caused life to advance, why don't evolutionists applaud global warming today? The whole thing is nonsense.

Scientists love evolution for a simple reason: if there is no God then they, not clergy, are society's leading intellectuals.

About murder, murder means killing innocent people. If God killed someone He knew he was not innocent,

jewish philosopher #fundie torahphilosophy.com

What could be more beautiful than young love - spontaneous, overpowering, euphoric, exciting. Endless popular movies, songs and novels celebrate it. But the Torah prohibits any sexual stimulation outside of marriage and many people find this to be very oppressive.

Is there another side of the coin which doesn't always get in the movies? What are some of the downsides of sex outside marriage?

Pubic crabs
Genital herpes
Genital warts
Date rape
Unwanted pregnancy
Sometimes suicide.
Occasionally even murder.

The vast majority of promiscuous girls regret their behavior. Research indicates that many girls have extra-marital sex merely because men demand it.

Even masturbation can become compulsive, especially with today's Internet porn sites.

On the other hand, I doubt anyone has regretted chastity.

jewish philosopher #fundie torahphilosophy.com

I would say that extramarital sex is more like shooting heroin than driving. There is no practical need for it and the thrill such as it is is not worth the terrible consequences.

["there a millions of people who are "fine" and dont keep the torah."]

There probably were plenty of Nazis who were also fine. So?

jewish philosopher #fundie torahphilosophy.com

Atheism is especially attractive to several types of people:

Addicts. Atheism teaches that no God will punish their selfish and destructive behavior. Therefore addicts, whether alcohol, drugs, pornography, etc. flock to atheism. This is the typical atheist in Western Europe or English speaking counties. Part of recovery is belief in God.

Communists. Traditional religions might be a threat to totalitarian dictorships, therefore Communists are militant atheists. Additionally, atheism permits everything, including murder. Murder is necessary to carry out the proletarian revolution and maintain the dictatorship of the proletariat.

Scientists. According to atheism prophesy cannot exist and therefore clergymen are unimportant, making scientists society's most important intellectuals. Many scientists have therefore enthusiastically promoted atheism while many young atheists have chosen a career in science. (The 1860 Oxford evolution debate and the 1925 Scopes Trial have become the legendary symbols of scientists triumphing over clergymen.)

In general, atheists are frequently either debauched libertines, murderers or both. Many are psychopaths - remorseless and egocentric [popularly known as "a--holes"].

jewish philosopher #fundie torahphilosophy.com

Judaism is opposed to sexual equality.

Within the Orthodox Jewish community, the primary decision makers should be men.

First of all, only men are permitted to attend Talmudic lectures. Since all important decisions in society are based on the Talmud, this effectively excludes women from community decision making.

Second of all, in Judaism, wealth generally is in the hands of men. If someone dies and leaves a son, the son inherits all regardless of the existence of daughters. If a woman marries and owns property, the property is controlled by her husband during their marriage. If a married woman works, her earnings belong to her husband unless she waives her right to spousal support.

The fact is, however, this is little different than in other societies.

In all human societies, even those which claim to endorse the principle of equality of the sexes, men are dominant. In politics, about 80% of all leaders are male. In the business world, there were 21 women from a total of 1,226 billionaires worldwide in 2012. (In fact, New Atheists leaders are called by some "sexist".)

Going a step further, among most animals and nearly all mammals, the male is larger and more aggressive on the average than the female.

Gender equality is therefore seemingly not only against human nature, but against biology.