Eric Phelps #conspiracy
Dear Brethren and Friends,
The "hollow earth theory" is both Biblical and truly scientific. Moreso, the Jesuits have done much to suppress this knowledge. The Jesuit/Masonic/Rockefeller connection to Admiral Byrd in financing the Admiral's explorations, as well as Amadeo Giannini's connection to the Jesuit Order's wicked Bank of America spoken of below, further sustains the connection. Jesuit physicist and seismologist Jerome S. Riccard connected with the Archbishop of Boston William Cardinal O'Connell (Cardinal years being 1911-1944) further raises my suspicion of a massive Jesuit cover-up in order to keep from us the truth as to the proper functioning of the earth in relation to a geocentric creation. It is possible that between the two truths of the earth being fixed and thus "at rest," and the magnetic influences of this truly "hollow earth" we dwell upon, lie the secrets to understanding the law of gravity thus enabling the Jesuit Millita of the Black Pope to build anti-gravity aerodynes, i.e., UFOs.
This 1926 photo shows 1881 Boston College graduate William Cardinal O'Connell, who as Boston Archbishop had encouraged the Jesuits to move their College from the South End location, walking the grounds of the Chestnut Hill Campus. He is accompanied by (R-L) Jesuit University President James Dolan, S.J., Director of Harvard (Beer) Brewing Company Walter Guyette of Lowell, and Jesuit Vice Provincial James Kilroy, S.J. The Jesuit Order totally controls the Pope's Roman Hierarchy in America. The Hierarchy, using its Papal Knights, controls the Company's "trusted third party," in accordance with its Secreta Monita. That "trusted third party" is the New York City-based Council on Foreign Relations. Select Council members, many of whom are Shriner Freemasons, Knights of Malta, Skull and Bones and Opus Dei, are "elected" or appointed to key positions of power within the Papacy's"Holy Roman" Fourteenth Amendment American Empire. Through this chain of command the Black Pope utilizes all scientific discoveries of note, monopolizes those discoveries if decided upon in secret council, and then suppresses, upon pain of death, all who would seek to give high technology to the White Nations of Western Civilization born out of the Lord Jesus Christ's
Grand and Glorious Protestant Reformation.