
Duuuude #conspiracy rooshv.com


What we have to start doing is being as strategic as these Zio Elites are...

We have to open up Online Dating Profiles posing as a girl next door beautiful women with a couple pictures that all guys would think is a real profile...

Then we expose 'the truths' and our perspectives with links to articles like this, and others that will blow the lid off of the Orwellian nightmare the Zionist led elite are constructing...

We show these sheeple dudes stuck in the haze of the maze how the Holocaust is a fraud.
The Gas Chamber Hoax, Germar Rudolf, Professor Nicholas Kollerstrom, David Stein-Cole.

We show them the biggest false flags of recent times...
How Fukushima was blown up by Israeli Mossad front company Magna BSP who had the security contract for Fukushima... See Jim Stone Freelance's Fukushima Report.

We show how 9/11 was not an Inside Job, but an Outside Mossad Job.

We show the holes in all these gun grab fake shootings they stage.
See Youtube:
Sandy Hook 'Dad' CAUGHT Playing FBI (NEWTOWN HOAX Proof)


Just like the handsome 6'4" guy gets automatic respect and credibility, so too do beautiful, educated, and well written and researched women.

So craft the profiles in that vein.

Malcolm Gladwell writes in his book Blink about how the majority of CEOs/Executives are tall white males.

He shows how we all make unconscious judgments about people and height for me has A LOT to do with this.

See this Canadian documentary about short guys and the insidiousness of height discrimination.

Short and Male:

It's funny that even the short men themselves have a bias toward heightism.

It's interesting and kinda sad.

But honestly, if you're like me, and you're a short dude that's been shit on his whole life, what better way to get respect than fighting the good fight and working for peace, justice and truth.


Roosh #fundie rooshv.com

7 Things I Require In The Future Mother Of My Child

It’s common in these parts to make fun of women for having a delusional shopping list when seeking out a mate, but is it possible that our lists for finding women are also unreasonable? I asked myself this question while constructing a list of requirements I need in a woman who I think would be suitable for reproduction (and not necessarily state-sanctioned marriage). I ask you, dear reader, if my list is as deranged as that of a woman’s.

The following is what I require in a woman for a long-term relationship that involves having children:

1. She must be between 18-25 years old

In the case I want to have more than two kids, I need to find a woman who is substantially younger than myself so she is biologically able to keep popping them out. This requirement also accounts for the fact that single women over 25 are emotionally damaged in some way, are alpha widowed, or are professional daters who are incapable of making the proper relationship sacrifices.

2. She must have less than three prior sexual partners, though I prefer a virgin

Studies show that the more sexual partners a woman has before marriage, the more likely that marriage will fail. I also don’t want to marry a woman who has voluntarily accepted being used as a cum dumpster by other men, or who kisses my child with lips that have been previously wrapped around many other cocks. My child will not have a “reformed” slut mother.

For a woman who has had sexual partners before me, I must be the absolute best man she has ever been with in terms of appearance, personality, and resources. Otherwise, once the honeymoon is over and the relationship hits an inevitable low point, she will get a “Could I have done better?” itch and sabotage the relationship or test me to the point where I have to play “dread game” just to keep her in the kitchen. There must be no doubt within her mind that I am the best that she could possibly get.

3. Her physical attractiveness should hover around the 7 range

Thanks to technology and modern cosmopolitan society, a woman who is an 8 or above in beauty has been exposed to more toxic situations and experiences where she’s achieved some level of e-fame, been validated incessantly for her appearance, and been offered money, consumer products, and trips for her vagina (and likely accepted those offers). She has also fully utilitized her beauty to get her way in life, including prime seating for manipulating men for personal gain. Not only is such a woman harder to manage, but her entitlement is far higher. For a life partner I will purposefully aim lower than what I could get for casual sex.

4. Her skin tone should be within two shades of myself

I would like to have kids that look like me, so I will not reproduce with a woman who is black, Asian, or Indian. Acceptable races are South American, Persian, Armenian, and European (non-Northern). The average Croatian or Romanian girl is more similar to my appearance than Spanish or Italian.

5. She must be feminine

She must be a woman who takes great pride in her appearance and the feminine abilities that nature bestowed upon her. I don’t want her to be a mindless weakling who needs me all the time, but she should look and act like a woman and not try to compete with me in terms of mental or physical strength.

6. She must want to be a traditional stay-at-home mother

Once the kids arrive, she should have no desire to pursue a pointless office career in place of taking care of our growing brood. She may have some freedom to pursue hobbies like yoga or knitting, but her place will be in the home while I tirelessly work on my internet ebook hustle to bring home the bread that gives her everything she needs.

When I come home from work (at the cafe), I expect the kids to be clean, the house to be in good order, and preparations for dinner planned. I shall not participate in more than 5% of household duties outside of home improvement. In exchange, she will never have to worry about money or work outside the home. She can live a pleasant middle-class lifestyle that can even include dog and car ownership.

7. She must believe in a god

My experience shows that a woman who doesn’t believe in god has a value system taught to her by corporations and progressive degenerates. She will certainly be addicted to internet attention, alcohol, casual sex, material possessions, or food. She has relativistic morality, and what she thinks of as morality is actually built upon her feelings. When faced with any type of stress, she will almost always follow the herd or make the wrong decision. A woman who believes in god, while still prone to making mistakes, makes less of them and at least has a mental system encouraging her to perform good.


I believe the seven things above are quite reasonable, and something that would have taken no more than a 6-month search two generations ago, but based on my last decade of intensive fornication, I’ve encountered maybe two girls who fit the bill, especially when it comes to girls being a virgin and eager to stay at home. Part of this reason is that most of my time hunting for women was spent in big cities where such values are rapidly disappearing.

The decision I have to make now is how badly I want kids. If I don’t want kids, I should live in a place like Poland where I can attain a comfortable life of easy sex with “strong and independent” sluts, but where it’s close to impossible to meet girls who meet the above requirements (in the Polish cities I have lived in). If I do want to have kids, I should immediately move, because I’m surely not getting any younger. The two countries that seem to best accomplish my list are Ukraine and Russia, though there are huge obstacles and difficulties with living there long term instead of just going for two months of adventure and fun.

While I can honestly state that I’m not crazy about having kids right now, I know that my desires can change and so I have to guess if I will want them within five years time. Only five years ago I was still in the middle of nonstop casual sex, thinking the party would never end, and of course the music did stop and it’s something that no longer drives me. If being a father is in my future, I must prepare for it now.

Roosh #homophobia rooshv.com

While there are dozens of corporations that are on board with the homosexual agenda, the one company that has been particularly active in spending millions of dollars to legalize homosexual marriage is Starbucks. They have been so hellbent on pushing gay marriage that shareholders have called out the company for operating like a homosexual charity that happens to sell coffee. It should not also surprise you that they are big donors to Planned Parenthood, a eugenics organization that proudly profits from the sale of dead fetuses. For these reasons, I wonder if all heterosexual men should stop spending money on the company.

The day after the Supreme Court ruling that legally endorsed gay marriage in the United States, I was at Berlin’s central station waiting for a train to Poland. With time to kill, I decided to grab an espresso at its Starbucks. This is what greeted me at the entrance:


I paused, stared at the rainbow cup, and realized that by purchasing the espresso, I would be monetarily supporting Starbucks and their pro-homosexual, pro-abortion, and anti-heterosexual agenda. I went somewhere else instead, and since then I have tapered my Starbucks visits, even going to proletariat shops like Dunkin’ Donuts and 7-11 to get my coffee fix. I have been inconvenienced numerous times in seeking out an alternative venue, especially while in the United States.

The CEO of Starbucks, Howard Schultz, is so in favor of anything homosexual that one has to wonder if he developed Starbucks as a vehicle to push this particularly sinister agenda, which began surfacing in 2011. His intentions became crystal clear in January of 2012 when he allowed a vice president to make a statement that began official support for the destruction of traditional marriage (PDF).

"We are deeply dedicated to embracing diversity and treating one another with respect and dignity, and remain committed to providing an inclusive, supportive and safe work environment for all of our partners."

This was further clarified when Starbucks backed attempts by degenerates to allow homosexual marriage in Washington State:

"Starbucks said in a statement Tuesday that it was “proud to join other leading Northwest employers in support of Washington state legislation recognizing marriage equality for same-sex couples.”

“This important legislation is aligned with Starbucks’ business practices and upholds our belief in the equal treatment of partners,” the statement read.

Last year, Starbucks was among a group of 70 businesses and organizations that filed a brief in federal court opposing the Defense of Marriage Act, which restricts the definition of marriage to that between a man and a woman."

Starbucks has not been shy to spend money on lawyers to get involved with the courts to specifically legalize homosexual marriage. Their corporate legal department was one of 379 to petition the Supreme Court to re-write the rules of traditional marriage and inevitably make it easier for two homosexual men to get married and adopt young boys.

When a prominent shareholder accused Starbucks of putting the gay agenda in front of business, Schultz told him that the gay agenda is more important than profit, and he can sell his shares if he doesn’t like it.

"Was Schultz taken aback? Not in the least. He responded, “Not every decision is an economic decision. Despite the fact that you recite statistics that are narrow in time, we did provide a 38% shareholder return over the last year. I don’t know how many things you invest in, but I would suspect not many things, companies, products, investments have returned 38% over the last 12 months. Having said that, it is not an economic decision to me. The lens in which we are making that decision is through the lens of our people. We employ over 200,000 people in this company, and we want to embrace diversity. Of all kinds.”"

Many Americans think corporations exist solely to enrich their shareholders, but when it comes to the progressive agenda, ideology trumps profit.

If you had any doubt about Starbucks’ support of homosexuals above that of heterosexual marriage and tradition, take a look at company headquarters the day after the Supreme Court ruling:

There was also a press release where Schultz bragged about how far Starbucks has bent over to support homosexuals:

Being open, inclusive and forward-thinking is at the core of what Starbucks is about. Starbucks has been a longtime advocate for the LGBT community and marriage equality. The company filed an amicus brief to the Supreme Court case challenging the Defense of Marriage Act in 2013 and signed onto The People’s Brief earlier this year.

The shocker of the decade is that they’ve since become leading corporate activists for transsexuals. In the next five years they may even swap out their mermaid logo for something more fitting of their value system.


The cherry on top is Starbucks’ support for Planned Parenthood, an organization that earns profits by removing fetuses from the bodies of women before chopping them up for sale.

If evil comes in beverage form, it would have a Starbucks logo on it. If you are against the platform shared by feminists, social justice warriors, and liberals, I strongly urge you not to patronize Starbucks and its associated brands (Seattle’s Best, Teavana, Evolution Fresh, and Tazo Tea). Otherwise, every purchase you make at the chain goes into the pocket of a company that has vigorously used both marketing and legal means to push an agenda that goes against the values of decency and traditional family.

It’s hard not to feel a sort of hopelessness about the direction of Western culture. Traditional layers of society are being methodically removed for a degenerate experiment that seems to have a grand goal of destroying the family unit. Homosexual marriage was just one step over the past few decades that also included women’s suffrage, feminism, abortion, and birth control.

While our power is limited to reverse this direction, there are still things that we can control. One of them is to remove financial support of corporations that go against what we believe is right, a few dollars at a time. There are many more companies that support gay marriage, some of which we simply can’t avoid, but Starbucks was especially active and so they deserve to be punished for accelerating the decline of Western morals and tradition. I will do all I can to enact that punishment.

Roosh #fundie rooshv.com

Not long ago I proposed that decreasing birth rates in the Western world is happening due to some cosmic force that is seeking balance upon the universe. I missed the mark. The force is not something cosmic or metaphysical, but human. After studying the evidence, it’s clear that there is a conscious scheme to control the human population through both cultural and biological means, which allows the elite to sustain or elevate their power and wealth.

The first piece of evidence showing you have been primed to favor depopulation is that you most likely agree to at least two of the following three statements, even if you consider yourself “red pill”:

“Agendas or schemes by the global elite should be first considered a 'conspiracy theory.'”
“There are too many people on planet Earth.”
“Needs of the environment must come before plans to increase human fertility.”

It’s not a coincidence that you are already on board with depopulation agenda, and if you live in a Westernized nation, you came to that conclusion “naturally” because since you were in grade school, you have been bombarded with messages about the dangers of over-population and the fragility of the environment. It turns out that all the progressive ideas being spread in the West have one thing in common: they all limit human reproduction.

Here is a short list of progressive causes that have percolated from intellectuals and later sponsored or hijacked by billionaire activists and major government institutions of the West.

1. Abortion is a bodily “choice,” not human murder. Result: it decreases population.

2. Birth control is a “choice” that allows women to better practice consumer lifestyles. Result: it decreases population.

3. Female empowerment in the form of feminism and egalitarianism pushes women into corporate work with the goal of delaying motherhood (or eliminating it outright). Result: it decreases reproduction and family formation.

4. Promotion of sterile human relationships in the form of homosexuality and transsexuality can’t possibly result in the creation of life. Result: it decreases population, reproduction, and traditional family formation.

5. Promotion of atheism, nihilism, individualism, and consumerism as suitable alternatives to traditional living via nuclear family units. Result: it decreases reproduction and traditional family formation.

6. The needs of the “environment” must be served before that of living humans. Result: it makes human guilty of family formation.

7. Massive waves of foreign immigrants are encouraged entry into Western nations to break bonds between tribe and neighbor that decrease notions of nationalism and patriotism while transferring fertility and economic resources from native people to foreigers. Result: it decreases relative population of native citizens.

All of the above decreases the reproductive rate, either directly through the killing of life, or indirectly by promoting guilt and alternative lifestyles that are incompatible with the creation of life. At the same time, immigrant populations are allowed to grow at a faster rate that the natives’ ability to reproduce.


Most corporations, whose sole motivation is profit for shareholders, have for some odd reason pathological soft spots for women and the environment. It’s no coincidence that empowerment of women into becoming corporate workers and mindless consumers shatters their reproduction while promotion of environmental concerns makes you not only guilty to have a family of your own, but inclined to give unwavering support and authority to globalist agendas that limit population in the “privileged” Western world while at the same time supporting the breeding of third-world immigrants to displace them.

Men who have come to the conclusion of depopulation arrive at it from different paths. I saw it not through politics but through sex. I saw firsthand how the government, media, and universities are deliberately trying to promote mistrust between man and woman through feminism, the myth of rape culture, and social justice ideas that allow a divide and conquer strategy to pit the sexes against each other, making every woman see a man as a potential rapist and every man see a woman as someone who could ruin his life.


The three main cultural mechanisms of reducing native populations is to program people to be concerned for women’s rights, third world immigration, and the environment. This is why nearly everyone on the left, including SJW’s, are fanatically supportive of all three. Leftists have been soundly convinced of issues that lead to the destruction of the family unit, the breakdown of their society’s social fabric, and their own voluntary sterilization. When you combine biological efforts that include birth control and abortion, you can see how Westerners have absolutely no chance of recovering their population compared to African, Middle Eastern, and Asian populations that do not currently face both cultural and biological bombs to reduce their birth rates, but will soon enough be targeted once the Westerners are sufficiently weakened and depopulation goals are met.

You probably now understand why when Brussels accepts a new country into the European Union, the first thing they do is mandate a gay pride parade on the capital streets, and why they immediately start screeching about the need for more women’s rights. This is the cultural attack that aims to limit the reproduction of that country so that their sovereignty can be easily dismantled within only two generations, an attack that begins even before they join the EU in order to “prove” they are ready to destroy themselves for the short term gain of big loans and free trade for that nation’s local elite.


I’m coming to the conclusion that the only way to defeat the evils of liberalism, feminism, social justice, and progressivism is to have huge families and create tribes that are free-thinking, self-reliant, and, most importantly, armed. The men of the future who can resist totalitarianism and unjust government authority come from the wombs of the women living today, and those women must at some point be convinced that being stay-at-home mothers who raise strong men is superior to becoming zombie consumers who poison and sterilize their own bodies.

The last thing that those in power want is for women to pair-bond with independent, masculine men who do not need the state and who place more importance and loyalty in their blood relatives and nation than to leftist ideas, iPhones, and sports teams. In the past, my fantasies were about sleeping with as many women as possible so I can be the playboy that I saw in the Hollywood movies, but now they are about creating the sons who will one day lead their people and their nation. It’s squarely up to us to create the men who can eliminate the parasites that are successfully controlling modern humanity.

Roosh #fundie rooshv.com

After a long period in society of women having unlimited personal freedom to pursue life as they wish, they have shown to consistently fail in making the right decisions that prevent their own harm and the harm of others. Systems must now be put in place where a woman’s behavior is monitored and her decisions subject to approval of a male relative or guardian who understands what’s in her best interests better than she does herself.

Women have had personal freedoms for less than a century. For the bulk of human history, their behavior was significantly controlled or subject to approval through mechanisms of tribe, family, church, law, or stiff cultural precepts. It was correctly assumed that a woman was unable to make moral, ethical, and wise decisions concerning her life and those around her. She was not allowed to study any trivial topic she wanted, sleep with any man who caught her fancy, or uproot herself and travel the world because she wanted to “find herself.”

You can see this level of control today in many Muslim countries, where expectations are placed on women from a young age to submit to men, reproduce (if biologically able), follow God’s word, and serve the good of society by employing her feminine nature instead of competing directly against men on the labor market due to penis envy or feelings of personal inferiority.


When you give a female unlimited choice on which man to have sex with, what type of man does she choose? An exciting man who treats her poorly and does not care for her well-being.

When you give a female choice on what to study in university, what does she choose? An easy liberal arts major that costs over $50,000 and dooms her to a life of debt and sporadic employment.

When a female lacks any urgent demands upon her survival, what behavior does she pursue? Obsessively displaying her half-naked body on the internet, flirting with men solely for attention, becoming addicted to corporate-produced entertainment, and over-indulging in food until her body shape is barely human.

When you give a female choice on when to have kids, what does she do? After her fertility is well past its peak, and in a rushed panic that resembles the ten seconds before the ringing of the first school bell, she aims for limited reproductive success at an age that increases the likelihood she’ll pass on genetic defects to her child.

When you give a female choice of which political leader to vote into office, who do they vote for? The one who is more handsome and promises unsustainable freebies that accelerate the decline of her country.

When you give a female unwavering societal trust with the full backing of the state, what does she do? Falsely accuse a man of rape and violence out of revenge or just to have an excuse for the boyfriend who caught her cheating.

When you give a female choice on who to marry, what is the result? A 50% divorce rate, with the far majority of them (80%) initiated by women themselves.

While a woman is in no doubt possession of crafty intelligence that allows her to survive just as well as a man, mostly through the use of her sexuality and wiles, she is a slave to the present moment and therefore unable to make decisions that benefit her future and those of the society she’s a part of. Once you give a woman personal freedom, like we have in the Western world, she enslaves herself to one of numerous vices and undertakes a rampage of destruction to her body and those who want to be a meaningful part of her life.

A man does not need to look further than the women he knows, including those in his family, to see that the more freedom a woman was given, the worse off she is, while the woman who was under the heavy hand of the church or male relative comes out far better on the other side, in spite of her rumblings that she wants to be as free as her liberated friends, who eagerly and regularly post soft porn photos of themselves on social networking and dating sites while selecting random anonymous men for fornication every other weekend.

Men, on average, make better decisions than women. If you take this to be true, which should be no harder to accept than the claim that lemons are bitter, why is a woman allowed to make decisions at all without first getting approval from a man who is more rational and levelheaded than she is? It not only hurts the woman making decisions concerning her life, but it also hurts any man who will associate with her in the future. You only need to ask the many suffering husbands today on how they are dealing with a wife who entered the marriage with a student loan debt in the high five figures from studying sociology and how her wildly promiscuous sexual history impairs her ability to remain a dedicated mother, with one foot already out the door after he makes a reasonable demand that is essential for a stable home and strong family.

I propose two different options for protecting women from their obviously deficient decision making. The first is to have a designated male guardian give approval on all decisions that affect her well-being. Such a guardian should be her father by default, but in the case a father is absent, another male relative can be appointed or she can be assigned one by charity organizations who groom men for this purpose, in a sort of Boy’s Club for women.

She must seek approval by her guardian concerning diet, education, boyfriends, travel, friends, entertainment, exercise regime, marriage, and appearance, including choice of clothing. A woman must get a green light from her guardian before having sex with any man, before wearing a certain outfit, before coloring her hair green, and before going to a Spanish island for the summer with her female friends.

If she disobeys her guardian, an escalating series of punishments would be served to her, culminating in full-time supervision by him. Once the woman is married, her husband will gradually take over guardian duties, and strictly monitor his wife’s behavior and use all reasonable means to keep it in control so that family needs are met first and foremost, as you already see today in most Islamic societies. Any possible monetary proceeds she would get from divorce would be limited so that she has more incentive to keep her husband happy and pleased than to throw him under the bus for the most trivial of reasons that stem from her persistent and innate need to make bad decisions.

A second option for monitoring women is a combination of rigid cultural rules and sex-specific laws. Women would not be able to attend university unless the societal need is urgent where an able-minded man could not be found to fill the specific position. Women would not be able to visit establishments that serve alcohol without a man present to supervise her consumption. Parental control software on electronic devices would be modified for women to control and monitor the information they consume. Credit card and banking accounts must have a male co-signer who can monitor her spending. Curfews for female drivers must be enacted so that women are home by a reasonable hour. Abortion for women of all ages must be signed off by her guardian, in addition to prescriptions for birth control.

While my proposals are undoubtedly extreme on the surface and hard to imagine implementing, the alternative of a rapidly progressing cultural decline that we are currently experiencing will end up entailing an even more extreme outcome. Women are scratching their most hedonistic and animalistic urges to mindlessly pursue entertainment, money, socialist education, and promiscuous behavior that only satisfies their present need to debase themselves and feel fleeting pleasure, at a heavy cost for society.

Allowing women unlimited personal freedom has so affected birth rates in the West that the elite insists on now allowing importation of millions of third world immigrants from democratically-challenged nations that threaten the survival of the West. In other words, giving women unbridled choice to pursue their momentary whims instead of investing in traditional family ideals and reproduction is a contributing factor to what may end up being the complete collapse of those nations that have allowed women to do as they please.

I make these sincere recommendations not out of anger, but under the firm belief that the lives of my female relatives would certainly be better tomorrow if they were required to get my approval before making any decisions. They would not like it, surely, but due to the fact that I’m male and they’re not, my analytical decision-making faculty is superior to theirs to absolutely no fault of their own, meaning that their most sincere attempts to make good decisions will have a failure rate larger than if I was able to make those decisions for them, especially with intentions that are fully backed with compassion and love for them to have more satisfying lives than they do now.

As long as we continue to treat women as equals to men, a biological absurdity that will one day be the butt of many jokes for comedians of the future, women will continue to make horrible decisions that hurt themselves, their families, and their reproductive potential. Unless we take action soon to reconsider the freedoms that women now have, the very survival of Western civilization is at stake.

Roosh #fundie rooshv.com

How Patriarchy Will Return

Stage 1: Rise Of The Networks
This stage has already taken place with the spontaneous development of internet communities that serve to help men meet women, teach them entrepreneurship skills, improve their health and bodily strength, and enlighten them with counter-cultural truths. They arose because in the past forty years the singular cultural focus has been about empowering women (providing them with benefits and privileges) while giving bad advice and withholding information from men, if not outright sabotaging them. The informational black hole left by the establishment was filled by various teachers and thinkers like myself.

My teachings on game, along with the columnists on Return Of Kings and the hundreds of contributors on RVF, are but a drop in the bucket of Western men helping each other through antifragile networks that share common ideological beliefs. Each network attracts men who have become aware of societal problems that inhibit their own self development and liberty when compared to women.
Timeline: Already completed
Stage 2: Seed Resistance

There are many paths to truth, and once a man has attained what he believes is the correct reality, he will execute one of two options: (1) escape from the effects of the oppressive narrative by structuring his lifestyle to avoid its most severe faults, or (2) try to impose his righteous narrative upon society.
I tried the first option by expatriating to foreign lands, but have soon watched large components of that narrative follow me, most commonly through Western technology. I have moved to option two by actively resisting efforts of the far left narrative that is currently dominant in the West. Seed resistance can come in many forms:
Providing basic alternative media — producing blogs, videos, podcasts, and mailing lists that disseminate subversive information
Counter operations — producing attack pieces against far left narrative bots that expose their damaging behavior and hypocrisy
Awakening men — enlightening men by continuing to refine and disseminate ideological talking points and memes
Each resistance group has their own style of fighting, from sharing concealed knowledge to public shaming through humorous images and comics. Collectively, they begin to push back against efforts of the dominant narrative.
Timeline: Ongoing
Stage 3: Culture War

Separate networks and groups will form natural alliances that put aside their differences to defeat the enemy. In the past year, I have exchanged friendly gestures from the men’s rights sphere, religious conservatives, liberal gamers, and even white nationalists, whereas in the past there was either no communication or only hostile communication between us. These groups are currently probing each other for common ground, loyalty, and commitment.
Assuming that individual groups are ready to sacrifice and put their differences aside (a challenging task), a huge fighting force will be created that can balance out the immense power of the existing establishment. The neomasculine sphere will be but one regiment in a large army to defeat the enemy.
Culture war will involve sustained, asymmetrical, and intense informational warfare against the enemy that starts to damage their way of life, happiness, and disposable income. They will soon have sleepless nights just like I did in Canada when the full force of the establishment came down upon me. While guerrilla tactics must still be used to ensure our self-preservation, allied forces may be strong enough in the near-term to engage in open battle without having to be as anonymous as before.
Here are some additional strategies for successful culture war:
Acute divide and conquer campaigns that target weak-willed individuals who are not ready to fight without being part of the herd.
Sustained criticism of individuals to encourage meltdowns and bad decisions, facilitating their descent into illogical madness that makes them lose support or prestige within their group.
Psy-op campaigns to undermine the word of women and other alternative groups by painting them as pathological liars or mentally insane
Creation of pressure groups (i.e. mobs) to target small companies that are sensitive to even small amounts of negative publicity and profit loss.
Stealth infiltration into intellectual circles and various institutions such as universities, media, military, and government bureaucracies.
The victories of culture war will also make it easy to attract new members to our ideology. Initially, self-improvement (e.g. “how to get laid”) and dissemination of truth allowed men to find us, but now merely being seen as a “winner” will be sufficient, and I saw this first-hand with the large jump in my follower count after winning in Canada. A winner strategy may also attract women since they have an innate need to be part of groups with strong males they admire or respect.
It is difficult to estimate the start of culture war, but I want to state that it began in August 2014 with the introduction of Gamergate, a revolt against corrupt social justice gaming websites. The revolt has turned into a sustained gathering of individuals who criticize gaming websites and other sectors of the media, and which has resulted in millions of lost dollars for media companies along with career frustration for social justice journalists.
More recently, another victory over the narrative came in the form of the Hugos, a science fiction book awards show, when authors of the far left failed to exclude “Sad Puppies” authors whose disagreements with the narrative blocked them out in past awards. The cuckserative meme followed shortly afterwards to expose the traitorous social justice leanings of establishment conservatives. If we are indeed in culture war, events such as Gamergate, Sad Puppies, cuckservatism, and my battle in Canada will become more commonplace and increase in intensity in the next two years.
The current narrative is failing an increasing percentage of people, so a culture war is necessary for them to see the opposing viewpoint that is being deliberately hidden from them or outright distorted.
Timeline: 2015 – 2025
Stage 4: Culture Vacuum

After culture war, a large percentage of the population will have lost faith in the existing narrative and convert at least partially to an alternative narrative. Victory will come when approximately 20% of the American population will solidly believe in neomasculine or alternative ideals by 2025, compared to what I estimate to be 3% and lower currently. A size of 20% seems small at first glance, but it allows a tipping point that is more than sufficient to convert others at a rapid pace as the existing narrative fades away.
Culture vacuum will be highlighted by intense confusion within the population over what to believe and think. Individuals will be far more open than during culture war to give the patience and time required to understand the logic behind an alternative narrative that they were once hostile to, especially since the losing narrative utterly failed to provide them with answers on how to live and pursue happiness, and which may have even put their life at risk.
The groups that comprise the winning side of the war will now attempt to differentiate between each other and convert believers, not unlike how varying religious faiths attempt to convert those to their own church. This may result in battles where once-allied groups fight each other out for the spoils. As is said, those who start the revolution are rarely those who end it, so it is possible that the winning group will simply be less fatigued than proto-groups that were involved from the beginning stages.
It is at this stage that a winning group must position themselves to accumulate institutional power. Those who infiltrated institutions during culture war can now more readily assert their views to usher in new policies and laws that roll back the damage caused by the previous narrative. They can also open the door to allow entry of those with similar beliefs to form powerful in-groups within the institutions.
If existing institutions can’t be successfully infiltrated, parallel institutions must be made. This will be easiest to do when it concerns establishing independent media organizations. We will have to improve the quality and professionalism of our entertainment and propaganda to rival that of current slick products that so easily capture impressionable minds.
Timeline: 2025 – 2045
Step 5: Return Of The Patriarchy

Over the course of a generation, there will be a gradual return to the patriarchy as at least 50% of the population believes in traditional ideals and have the voting power to usher in non-bought leaders who see patriarchy as the only way to maintain cohesion of society.
Since America is a multiracial nation, this means that minorities must be a part of those aching for patriarchy, or else the country may be split into several different countries along racial, cultural, and economic lines. I expect many minorities to come to the realization that patriarchy serves them better and provides a deeper life meaning that the consumerist and nihilistic ideals of the far left narrative that race-baits them for their own ends. While converting these more liberal groups may seem like an impossible task today, it’s a requirement if the United States will continue to exist as one nation.
In this stage, neomasculine ideals will be obviously entrenched in the media, government, and academic spheres. Women will be encouraged to marry young instead of embarking on a decade or two of sexual experimentation. Men will put their labor into helping their family or society instead of spending large amounts of time trying to get laid for short term pleasure. Heuristic rules of living that stem from religion and tradition will be used instead of ever-shifting scientific “facts” and technological mandates. A swing back to puritanism may result, but families will be stable, welfare will be less encouraged, each gender will fulfill their biological roles, and society will be better off as a result.
Timeline: 2045 – 2075

The return of patriarchy will essentially roll back what has been added since the sexual revolution of the 1960’s, and all the damage that the far left has caused since then. Neomasculinity, and those ideologies that overlap with it, will either triumph outright in America or be a big part of republics that form as a result of secession, and I can state this without exaggeration since the current narrative is already showing severe signs of stress that will lead to outright cultural collapse of nations that have foolishly adopted it.
The process of culture change is long, and the end result may occur well after we’re dead, but since the current narrative is not sustainable, victory is inevitable. When you have the truth on your side, it becomes only a matter of time and effort. I just hope to be alive when these events do unfold in the Western world.

Roosh #fundie rooshv.com

2. Show how women are consistent liars who can’t be trusted

We’ve long known that women are essentially overgrown children who are unable to take care of themselves or act in moral and virtuous manner when not properly influenced by a male figure. Even a dog, when let loose from its master, does not begin to go on a rampage of destruction like women do when released from their traditional role.

When left to their own devices, their true nature implores them to pursue base behaviors of narcissism, attention whoring, deceit, backstabbing, cheating, manipulation, status-seeking, golddigging, and violence against men. These qualities prevent her from being a loyal wife, fit mother, or even a barely informed citizen who knows more about geopolitical issues of the day than which celebrity is fucking who.

Give a girl the “empowerment” and “independence” to go to university and she’ll pop out four years later with a million selfies on her smartphone and a notch count of at least 20 while being unable to come up with one good idea to advance civilization in a way that men have been doing for centuries. Without male guidance, a woman becomes useless in her natural motherly role.

This fact is important when dealing with today’s rape hysteria. We must make it clear to moderates that women are liars who have been proven to lie in the past and who will continue to use lies against men for their own personal gain. Once the legitimacy of a woman’s word is undermined, moderates will no longer stand by while their preach their myths of rape culture, patriarchy, and the unequal wage gap. They will be skeptical and treat women as they ought to be treated.

Roosh #fundie rooshv.com

As recently as three years ago I started noticing the flaws of evolution from self-examining my behavior and those of my hypersexual male peers, because you don’t pick up a book titled “Darwinian Fairytales” unless you already harbored serious doubts about the theory. I must admit that I made a mistake to use evolution as a reason to whore around with women when it was clear as day that I did not aim to reproduce. The behavior I did enact for so long can best be explained as entertainment seeking, relieving a lack of purpose in life, and wanting to feel masculine, but there was nothing evolutionary about it, and it has not at all increased my reproductive success than had I been an introverted 22-year-old and told my father to arrange a marriage for me with a girl from his Iranian hometown.

With this review I don’t aim to completely throw evolution under the bus, for it does apply quite nicely to other organisms, and natural selection has surely applied to humans during certain periods of their history, but it should not and can not be used to describe current human behavior, including your own, because any set of conditions that put humans through an evolutionary grinder are no longer present in modern civilization. Doing otherwise would be deception on a large scale, and I won’t deceive myself further by using it, even if it reduces scientific backing for some of my ideas.

Without using evolution as a tool, there is a big question that must be answered: where does traditional sex roles—and behavior—come from? Or more precisely: what are the correct sex roles for humans? The answer to the second is easier than the first. The correct sex roles are what has sustained human populations and society in the past and what will sustain human populations and society in the future. Biology need not be taken into account.

A careful study of history can clearly show what happens when men step outside of their traditional roles and what happens when women step outside of theirs, something spending ten minutes on Tumblr can verify. What are the sex roles and proper behavior of humans that allow a sustainable and mentally healthy population without ushering in the policies that would lead to a cultural collapse? The answer is the sex roles we already are familiar with, ones that have been known since Biblical times.

It’s a natural human urge to understand the “why” of how life came about, a question that was no doubt asked by the first man. The problem in answering with evolution is that—besides it being wrong—it locks your mind into a narrow perspective. Thinking that all humans act in genetic self interest clouds all your thoughts on human behavior and prevents you from seeing obvious contradictions and hidden truths. Because you have firm faith in evolution, you are not even allowing your mind to consider another viewpoint.

Say you encounter an article that says the following: “Men who go off to war have more children than men who don’t.” Evolution would describe this by saying that women want to reproduce with men who are most fit and strong and better able to defend the tribe. But let’s flip it and say “Men who don’t go off to war have more children than men who do.” Evolution can describe this too! It can say, “A superior reproductive strategy is to stay with the fertile women and reproduce with them during the time the alpha males are away.” Even the simplest of minds can find an explanation once it already knows the final result it’s aiming for.

If evolution can be used to explain both sides of the coin, which is often does, it’s not a scientific theory but a rationalization theory that justifies any and all human behavior as somehow fitting the theory. In other words, the theory is like playdough that can fit in any situation, and this is even done in the red pill portion of the manopshere to take any behavior a man or woman does and somehow justify it in terms of evolution, even if it’s based on people acting on the willful mission to not reproduce. What’s convenient for evolutionists is that none of their assertions can be proven, meaning that evolution is not more than one step above astrology in terms of describing or predicting human behavior. It’s gibberish.

Darwin’s theory came at the right time of history. The monarchy was overthrown and scientific rationalism dominated the day. The missing piece to complete the Enlightenment was a way to kill god, and Darwin came forth with a brilliant theory that did the job. The only problem is that it’s not true for humans, at least not in the way for other forms of life on earth.

There must be something else motivating and driving human beings that can’t be explained by current science, and so therefore the science we have is unable to provide a definitive and consistent account of our origin story along with our behavior. This means that if you are using evolution to structure, organize, or explain your own life, you are living a falsehood—a soothing falsehood but a falsehood nonetheless.

I must state that it’s not a comfortable position for me to neither believe in god or human evolution, for I have no working model for my own existence. It’s a weird place because my brain, for some reason, craves an origin story for where it came from. It’s searching, hunting, for something that explains how it got here, but I will be patient in this search, because I find it liberating and free that I no longer have to frame every human action through the lens of “survive and reproduce” and “all humans act in self-interest to spread their genes.”

Now that I have done this, it’s much easier to see how reproduction is not an important or essential human behavior and that evolution is nothing more than a severely flawed theory for explaining human beings.

Roosh #fundie rooshv.com

Since I was a little boy, I was taught that freedom was a quality that made America great, allowing us to say what we want and live life how we want. The merits of freedom were never up for debate, especially since the dark days of American slavery made it clear that any kind of bondage, actual or figurative, is the incarnation of evil itself. Now that I’m older and have been able to witness human beings living with their freedom, I’ve come to the conclusion that complete freedom is not a natural human state, and giving it to individuals is more harmful than not.

I examined this problem by asking myself the following: what do human beings typically do once given absolute personal freedom? I first looked at the behavior of people in America, since culturally they have the most freedoms out of any other world citizen to pursue whatever lifestyle they want.

Most Americans, if you give them freedom and a life without restrictions, will almost certainly dive head-first into a life of absolute degeneracy and vice. They will pursue fleeting pleasures of the body, including alcohol use, drug abuse, and casual sex. They will make colossal mistakes with their education that put them into debt for life. They will seek out fame, attention, and validation instead of developing genuine skill or competency. They will permanently disfigure their bodies with tattoos and ear gauges. They will experiment with homosexuality or an artificially invented gender identity. They will overindulge in food and mindless entertainment. They will not educate themselves unless there is a bag of money at the end of their efforts. They will lie, cheat, and rationalize the hurting of others. The more freedom you give to the average person, the more they will harm not only themselves but others whom they come across.


Giving a human being freedom simply gives them the ability to choose one of many available and willing slave masters, but even worse than an actual slave who has chains clamped on his wrists, the modern human seeks out chains for both his mind and body. What happens if you give a woman freedom? She enslaves herself to her feelings. She enslaves herself to entertainment, attention from men, alcohol, food, crushing student loans that she can’t possibly pay back, material possessions, and money. What happens when you give a man freedom? He enslaves himself to sex, corporate products, video games, to his own mirror image.


I’m currently living in a country that has changed greatly over the past twenty years from the days of communist repression when freedoms were limited to now nearly unlimited personal freedom for people to look, act, live, and behave in any way they want. I can see firsthand how this freedom has merely transformed citizens from being enslaved to the government to being enslaved to alcohol, vulgar sexual vices, Hollywood-style entertainment, and corporations selling them shiny products, all while enabling them to adopt lifestyles that will cause long-term harm to themselves and to their society.

Most humans are not capable of wisely using their freedom, and so they must be restrained and managed by rules or by those who know what’s best for that individual more than the individual himself. In the past this restraint took place with those who had a sincere investment in the person’s well-belling, such as the family, the tribe, the village, and the local church, but these restraints are long gone, released in the cultural chaos of the post-Enlightenment world. With a general trend of increasing personal freedom around the planet, the only logical result is a steadfast mental and behavioral decline of humanity. Unless people are limited in the personal decisions they’re able to make, they will continue to hurt themselves and others.

Roosh #sexist rooshv.com

Now that the world is rapidly turning against masculinity, it’s time we implement a DEFCOCK alert system to provide objective and standardized information on whether a certain environment is healthy or not for men. Here are the five levels of the DEFCOCK system:

Completely normal male-female relations in a patriarchal society that believes in a binary gender system of man and woman. Homosexuality is persecuted. Casual sex is difficult (if not impossible). There is no threat of wifing up a former cock carousel rider and then being divorce raped by her. Provider or tribal game is required to land a woman.

Current examples: Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, most Muslim countries
Male safety level: Perfectly safe for men to marry and procreate

Mostly normal male-female relationships in a fractured patriarchal society that is beginning to accept alternative lifestyles and gender systems, though men are still valued for being masculine and women are valued for being feminine. Casual sex is common but self-limiting. Divorce rates may be high, but there is a low threat of divorce rape. A mixture of provider and clown game is needed.

Current examples: Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Colombia
Male safety level: Currently safe from an institutional perspective but near-term changes are possible

Substantial degradation in traditional sex roles where men are beginning to focus on aesthetics, style, and fame seeking. Women have gained masculine traits and delay monogamy to launch a meaningless office career while experimenting with over 25 local and foreign penises to understand how their vaginas respond to various bad boy stimuli. Provider game is beginning to get phased out among women under 30. Some clown game is required in most relationships.

Current examples: Poland, Estonia, Brazil
Male safety level: Great care must be undertaken with female mate selection for marriage; new anti-male legislation is highly likely within 10-year time frame

Traditional sex roles are actively shamed in major institutions, particularly in the media, academia, and government. Non-heterosexual lifestyles are promoted as superior and major efforts are undertaken to destroy traditional marriage. Campaigns are launched to shame and criminalize consensual sex and masculine behavior such as flirting and bodybuilding. Divorce rape is common, with likelihood of imprisonment for missing alimony payments. Provider game is useless on beautiful women. Clown game is required for all men wanting to get laid.

Current examples: United States, Canada, England, Scandinavia
Male safety level: Unsafe to engage in marriage or reproduction; must screen carefully even for casual sexual encounters; slight danger for normal day-to-day masculine living

Complete absence of traditional sex roles. Institution of marriage reduced to farce. Severe threat of imprisonment for men displaying heterosexual or masculine behaviors. Roaming witch mobs actively surveil and monitor men who hint at having normal levels of testosterone. Women are elevated to goddess status while straight men appointed as their sexual servants through both legal action and media shaming.

Male safety level: Unsafe to live, fornicate, marry, or procreate; males must immediately vacate area for their own personal safety, both physical and mental

As much as many of you would like to apply DEFCOCK 1 levels to places like London, Washington DC, and Toronto, we are not quite there yet. The next five years will be critical to see if certain DEFCOCK 2 cities slide into DEFCOCK 1, which is absolutely unsuitable for male habitation. If I were to place bets, Toronto will be the first international city to enter DEFCOCK 1. This is likely to happen before 2023.

I left Washington DC, a DEFCOCK 2 location, for my current home in Poland, which recently entered DEFCOCK 3 overall, with a small possibility of entering DEFCOCK 2 in the next ten years. Each man has his own preferential DEFCOCK level that gives him the freedom to pursue sexual relations with women who still look and act like women. It’s obvious to me that DEFCOCK 3 and 4 provide a band of pleasure and happiness for the average man to live life on his own terms while pursuing a variety of relationship types.

It would be great if countries remained static when possessing a favorable DEFCOCK level, but as you’ve seen within your own lifetime, decline is inevitable, and I have not personally witnessed a country improving its DEFCOCK status. The best advice I can give men who don’t want to move every three years is to find a city that is either in DEFCOCK 4 or just recently slipped to DEFCOCK 3, because once a decline accelerates, it may happen too quickly for you to leave before you wake up and see a nuclear cloud in the shape of a vagina right outside your window.

Roosh #fundie rooshv.com

I keep reading in the mainstream media that there is a rape culture in the United States. This issue concerns me since I have a sister who I don’t want to be raped, so I carefully examined the articles on Salon, Buzzfeed, and Huffington Post that were written by professional journalists who pursue truth and justice over mass hysteria and delirium.

What I’ve gathered from the words of these future Pulitzer Prize winners is that women are not getting raped by violent offenders while taking a jog in the park or walking through a dark street—they are getting raped by men they already know, especially at college. I learned that if a man and a woman both drink at a party and have sex, she was in all likelihood raped since she could not give full legal consent. This made me confused because a woman who drinks and has sex is not responsible for her actions, but if that same woman gets into a car and drives it into someone else, causing a loss of life, she would be prosecuted and sent to jail. I couldn’t find an explanation for this inconsistency.

I also read that men must be taught not to rape, which means that they are all born with the capability to rape and have zero instinct to know that taking a woman with violence is improper. Thankfully, a man only has to be told the phrase “rape is bad” at some point after puberty by an overweight feminist to definitively stop his future brutal and bloody rape career. It’s a miracle that more men have not raped their mothers, babysitters, and sisters before being taught in college that rape is actually not a good thing.

I knew from an early age that rape was bad, as was all forms of violence, not just against women but men as well. I also knew that killing, stealing, and having sexual interest in relatives was bad. I don’t remember if someone specifically taught me these rules, but I also don’t remember being taught that the sun rises and sets once a day, or that I will go splat if I jump off a tall building. I don’t know of a single man entering adulthood who thought that rape was good and had to be manually taught it was bad in order to stop him from raping, so when journalists and cultural commentators suggest that the best way to defeat rape culture is to teach men not to rape, I couldn’t possibly agree. I saw a different set of problems instead.

I saw women wholly unconcerned with their own safety and the character of men they developed intimate relationships with. I saw women who voluntarily numbed themselves with alcohol and other drugs in social settings before letting the direction of the night’s wind determine who they would follow into a private room. I saw women who, once feeling awkward, sad, or guilty for a sexual encounter they didn’t fully remember, call upon an authority figure to resolve the problem by locking up her previous night’s lover in prison or ejecting him from school.

By attempting to teach men not to rape, what we have actually done is teach women not to care about being raped, not to protect themselves from easily preventable acts, and not to take responsibility for their actions. At the same time, we don’t hesitate to blame men for bad things that happen to them (if right now you walked into a dangerous ghetto and got robbed, you would be called an idiot and no one would say “teach ghetto kids not to steal”). It was obvious to me that the advice of our esteemed establishment writers and critics wasn’t stopping the problem, and since rape was already on the law books with severe penalties, additional laws or flyers posted on dormitory doors won’t stop this rape culture either.

I thought about this problem and am sure I have the solution: make rape legal if done on private property. I propose that we make the violent taking of a woman not punishable by law when done off public grounds.

The exception for public rape is aimed at those seedy and deranged men who randomly select their rape victims on alleys and jogging trails, but not as a mechanism to prevent those rapes, since the verdict is still out if punishment stops a committed criminal mind, but to have a way to keep them off the streets. For all other rapes, however, especially if done in a dwelling or on private property, any and all rape that happens should be completely legal.

If rape becomes legal under my proposal, a girl will protect her body in the same manner that she protects her purse and smartphone. If rape becomes legal, a girl will not enter an impaired state of mind where she can’t resist being dragged off to a bedroom with a man who she is unsure of—she’ll scream, yell, or kick at his attempt while bystanders are still around. If rape becomes legal, she will never be unchaperoned with a man she doesn’t want to sleep with. After several months of advertising this law throughout the land, rape would be virtually eliminated on the first day it is applied.

Without daddy government to protect her, a girl would absolutely not enter a private room with a man she doesn’t know or trust unless she is absolutely sure she is ready to sleep with him. Consent is now achieved when she passes underneath the room’s door frame, because she knows that that man can legally do anything he wants to her when it comes to sex. Bad encounters are sure to occur, but these can be learning experiences for the poorly trained woman so she can better identify in the future the type of good man who will treat her like the delicate flower that she believes she is. After only one such sour experience, she will actually want to get fully acquainted with a man for longer than two hours—perhaps even demanding to meet his parents—instead of letting a beer chug prevent her from making the correct decisions to protect her body.

The benefits of eradicating rape laws would extend to honest men who unfortunately now live in fear over imprisonment in the case the girl they had sex with had a blood alcohol level of 0.04 instead of 0.05 or some other arbitrary, untested, and made-up value that may imply consent was not fully achieved. There is no more having to guess the interpretation of a woman’s mixed signals or to artificially amp up her base emotions with clownish banter. Because women will never enter a man’s apartment without accepting that sex will happen, he can escort her to his bedroom and romantically consummate a relationship after it was certain he proved himself to be a good and decent man the woman fully trusted. My proposal eliminates anxiety and unfair persecution for men while empowering women to make adult decisions about their bodies.

It turns out that we don’t need more laws, policies, and university propaganda that treat every man like a criminal and every woman like a mild retardate—we need more common sense that can only come from making rape legal. Such a change will provide a mature jolt to American women who have been babied for too long, who are protected and coddled as if they have no agency or intellect of their own. If a woman is indeed a child then maybe we really need to keep promoting “rape culture” as a way to keep them safe, but if they are actual adults, which is often claimed, then we can start treating them like adults by allowing them to take responsibility for the things that happen to them which are easily preventable with barely a strain of cognitive thought, awareness, and self control.

Let’s make rape legal. Less women will be raped because they won’t voluntarily drug themselves with booze and follow a strange man into a bedroom, and less men will be unfairly jailed for what was anything but a maniacal alley rape. Until then, this devastating rape culture will continue, and women who we treat as children will continue to act like children.

Roosh #fundie rooshv.com

Displaying your homosexuality used to be culturally forbidden and even dangerous in an former Soviet satellite like Poland, but you’re starting to see an increase in guys who are gay, proud, and loud. Just last month for the first time in Eastern Europe ever I saw two men passionately kissing in front of a pizza shop. If what’s happening on USA soil is any indication, being gay in Poland will soon be seen as hip, trendy, and progressive. Both men and women will experiment with it, as if catching a sort of virus, and step back from more traditional and humanizing features of Polish culture that have historically been centered around religion.


Polish women have always been feminist in that they wanted their own career alongside family, but now they are throwing family under the bus. I’ve begun noticing Polish girls shaming their friends who decide to get married early, something you would never see in Ukraine and Russia.

Even worse is that I’m encountering a lot of Polish girls who speak of long-term travel and “Euro trips.” While it’s possible for men to find themselves through travel, the only thing a girl finds is exotic cock. Polish girls are racing to become corporate whores at the same time they’re becoming actual whores for sexy Mediterranean men who spit a smooth game.

What amazes me is the speed at which a culture can degrade. I was so unsure that the observations above were objective that I had to discuss them with other men to be sure—both Polish and foreign. They’ve confirmed that the changes I’ve seen are really occurring, that Poland is adapting the worst of the West and that there isn’t much to be done about it. The women will lead the way to the bottom and the men will have no choice but to keep up with them in order to squeeze out the last drop of genuine intimacy left before Western degeneracy crushes them completely.

There is no stopping the decline of the sort that Poland is experiencing. It’s too hard to change the minds of a large percentage of the population who have been deceived in thinking that the West’s soulless value system is their path to happiness and riches. When they approach the end of the rainbow they’ll be surprised to find that there is no pot of gold, and that they’ve lost what can never be regained.

Roosh V #homophobia #sexist rooshv.com

A new psychological disorder called heterophobia is infecting America. Promoting a heterosexual or traditional family lifestyle is becoming increasingly shamed while criticism of homosexual lifestyle is no longer allowed. Our culture is making it clear that when it comes to sex, only heterosexuality can be ridiculed, especially when it is practiced by men.

I believe we’re only 10-15 years away from when homosexuality or bisexuality will be seen as a superior lifestyle to heterosexuality. We’re already at the stage where homosexual couples are seen as more virtuous than male players (mainstream media criticizes game incessantly, but no such effort has been done on homosexual couples). Any lifestyle choice that involves men wanting to sleep with beautiful, thin women will be linked to misogyny and hate, while lifestyle choices involving men wanting to sleep with other men is seen as progressive and open-minded.


Heterophobia will be devastating on boys. Impressionable children will be bombarded with messages that guide them into adopting a lifestyle that has no genetic basis within them. And yes, I am saying that gayness is not 100% biological—there is absolutely an environmental component, as there is for all other human behavioral traits. A genetically straight man could be turned gay if raised in an environment that nurtures and encourages his slightest homosexual tendencies, which is what America is doing today. Gender re-education will ensure that even normal heterosexual boys will be softened. Masculinity and staunch heterosexuality will be seen as a nostalgic throwback, unsuitable for modern times.

Evidence of heterophobia can be found in the immense support network that gays can depend on. If you’re a gay boy and are teased in school, the administration will rush to action. There are web sites and toll free numbers to call if you need help. Unless you live in a rural town, you won’t have to go far to receive compassionate support. But how about if you’re a teenage boy who wants to have sex? Tough luck, you privileged freak. You will be brainwashed that consensual sex is possibly rape and flirting is sexual harrasment. They are telling boys now that you can’t touch a girl without her “permission.” The only support you got are guys like me, who are being put on hate lists. If you are growing up gay today, people trip over themselves to help you deal with your issues, but if you’re a straight boy, they’ll teach you harmful propaganda to prevent you from even getting laid. The culture is being successfully changed so that deviant homosexual behavior is accepted and embraced.

Roosh #fundie rooshv.com

Experience does not affect men and women the same. For one sex, experience is a stimulator of growth, a giver of value, and a path to virtue, while in the other sex, experience corrupts and creates embitterment, sadness, cat-hoarding, and decreased virtue. One sex should embrace experience to gain the strength that makes them a better human being while the other should avoid experience to preserve a more wholesome and innocent nature that makes them a worthy long-term partner capable of bearing children.

Experience to men is like lifting weights. It’s uncomfortable and causes discomfort, but once the lifting is done, the body calls upon its biological resources to heal the muscle to make it even stronger. The more a man lifts the more strength his muscles will contain, and the more able he can encounter difficult situations in the wild. When a man works difficult jobs, faces illness or poverty, struggles with a new language, or faces long bouts of sexual loneliness despite his best efforts, his muscles are being exerted. These situations are not favorable to his mind, but they turn him into steel. He becomes more capable of enduring pain and difficulty. He becomes full of wisdom, stories, and knowledge. He becomes more attractive to the opposite sex, and more knowledgeable about how to give women what they want.

Experience to a woman is like a puppy suffering abuse at the hands of its master. It rewires her brain to become cynical, jaded, distrustful, and sour. The benefits of these experiences fails to penetrate her brain, like a small stone skipping over a creek. All the experience in the world will not make her a more suitable life partner in the eyes of men, simply because her brain is not able to digest and process experiences like men.

Experience destroys a woman’s birth-given maternal and compassionate nature. It masculinizes her, morphing her into a sad excuse of a little man, void of penis. When a woman sleeps with dozens of men, receives attention from thousands more on the internet, works many comfortable office jobs, reads blogs all day, travels to Paris, London, or Barcelona, and has access to bountiful material possessions without having to work hard for them, her feminine muscles are being weakened. She loses value. Every day that she is not in the service of one man she has dedicated her life to is one that puts her farther away from ever connecting with one. Experience, it turns out, corrupts and destroys the feminine soul.

There is something admirable about a man who has done much with his life and survived, because we are given no benefit of the doubt in our pursuit of happiness. We struggle daily for basic things that women are given on a silver platter, either by the welfare state or thirsty white knights. There is no plan B for men. A man is forced to become virtuous, someone who must earn his salt every day, while a woman who has experienced the same morphs into a shrew, a calculating, un-motherly, and masculine specimen that is half-man and half-woman. She loses compassion and the ability to love one man. She becomes spoiled and ruined for the rest of her life.

Experience destroys women because their brain is not constructed to receive it. They are suitable for maintaining the hearth, for gossiping with their friends while the men risk their lives to ensure the survival of his children and his tribe. The only thing more absurd than a woman hunting zebras in ancient times is a woman today seeking out office employment to make her bread instead of serving a man in exchange for his. The only thing more absurd than a woman sleeping with every man in the tribe is a woman today needing to sexually experiment with dozens of penises as a source of entertainment or fun.

Only through experience can a man find himself, yet only through experience can a woman lose herself. The more experience she has, the more she has lost. Nature intended woman to seek protection from this cruel world behind a strong, experienced man. It’s how we’re built, and any attempt to go against this will result in misery for both sexes.

Roosh #fundie rooshv.com

Give a man leeway in living life and he does great things, but give a woman this same freedom and she fully embraces the whore lifestyle, unable to stop from getting her fill of cock.


My younger sister still lives with my mom, who is always concerned about her whereabouts. She has never had a “sleepover” in another friend’s house and of course no man can “just use the bathroom.” Her logistical living situation cockblocks so many player types that the only men willing to wait things out are the ones who actually want a serious relationship with her. This pleases me, because I know there is absolutely no need for a girl to be independent by living alone without a husband unless you want her holes to be used as a real-life enactment of 50 Shades Of Grey by many strange men.

If you end up having a daughter of your own, I highly recommend you limit her financial independence before she finds a husband. Refrain from giving her Think & Grow Rich advice that would be better suited for your son. Otherwise, she’ll become a slut who gives it up to any man who dances a good clown jig.

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