
sadman #racist sluthate.com

I'm Asian myself and it's disgusting. Every time I walk past Asian people I just want to vomit. Can you guys please post with structural proof as to why Asian faces look funny? For example I know the eye hooding makes the eyes look dumb and the brow is gross. They are manlets as well. So post away thanks!

Bealzibub #racist sluthate.com

nothing is worst than niggers. Niggers are different species, they don't look human with that black skin, nose nappy hair and whatnot. Niggers wouldn't be able to do anything with oil even if they had it. They are retarded. They still live in fucking mudhuts, birds have made better nest houses than niggers.

Before niggers are all other ethnics. Gooks, indians, arabs. Atleast they have education, skyscrapers, technology and advancement in all areas. Muslims are retarded in general believing in the shit they do.


broken angel #racist sluthate.com

(in reference to the Baltimore riots)

this is why niggers and muslims are a failed species , the only thing working for the dirty ugly arab monkeys are oil and when that runs out , u can see nigger shithole afrtica and sand nigger shit hole middle east killing each other but the rate of sand nigger killing is more than nigger killing ,sand niggers and muslims are the worst

broken angel #racist sluthate.com

gooks and indians are all engineers are doctors , atleast where i come from , the niggers and arabs are filthy and stupid . i rate niggers and muslims the same , the indians and gooks are annoying but wont commit this kind of stupidity and kill people . i just dont like muslims in general and want them dead ;) :D . is that too much to ask :lol: :lol:

Broadband Slayer #fundie sluthate.com

[JB is short for Jailbait, as in Adolescents]

why is other peopel`s atraction YOUR problem?

About 50 year`s ago, you guy`s here woulde be antigay`s. You woulde not want anyone to be in gay relacionships or have gay atraction. You woulde have felt that it somehow your business. Even if the gay sex and LTR`s were not rapes, you woulde still stick your nose in.

"i'm not atract to it so it shoulden`t be allowed"

Today, you guy`s are antiJBlover. As another tread of this forum said this week, no body here meets with JB or even talk with them. It is stricly an atraction that not manifest into real life. But why so many here care if X user is atract to JB? Why is his atraction your business if he's not raping JB or grooming JB? JBlovers should be gassed for thier thoughts and feelings? Strong minority report.

Why is someone`s atraction your problem if thier atraction never manifest itself out side their brain?

alienfranco #fundie sluthate.com

]Andreas Lubitz crashed a passenger plane in an act of murder/suicide, apparently.]

Spring Break.... Spring Break.... SPRING BREAK BITCHES!!!!!!

What a fucking SLAYER.

Did you ever know that you're my hero? You are the wind beneath my WINGS. 8-)

uwotm8 wrote:Dude you are straight out retard. Why didn't he kill the persons who where really assholes to him instead of crashing a plane full of people he never met?

Why go out with a whimper when you can go out with a BANG? An incel killing 150+ people will make a lot more of an impact than killing 1 asshole or a few assholes.

A large percentage of the 150+ people on that plane were sluts and Chads anyway.

Hopefully all these incel killings get to a point where society will fear autists/incels and give us $2000/month and subsidized prostitution to placate us from killing normalfags.

NewGenious119 #fundie sluthate.com

["Thank God he made some of you incels ugly. If you were attractive you would truly be scum of the earth. Nobody owes you shit and im glad your phsyco genetics are being weeded out.

Not only is your face not attractive but your brain followed suit."]

This idea that nobody owes anyone anything completely goes against the entire point of even having a society in the first place. If society doesn't owe an individual person anything, then the individual owes society nothing either, so don't be surprised when they take their frustration out on the world. You can tell a person that they aren't owed anything all you want, but here's the problem with that... It doesn't prevent them from acting on their free will to do violence to others when they've finally had enough.

Spout your unrelenting capitalistic viewpoints all you want, it doesn't change the very real moral reality that there is absolutely NO GOOD reason why, in the 21st century, every person shouldn't have their basic needs met. That means food, shelter, clothing, and transportation for all and, yes, if you are a male, sexual access to attractive females as that is considered a basic need for men as well.

I would never want anyone who I love or care about to be a victim of a tragedy, because the people who I love and care about don't deserve to be. I only refer to those that DO - the bullies, the alpha males who don't share their women, the attractive sluts who reject ugly and sensitive guys. Once again, you rage all you want about how such people are entitled to do what they want, but I assure you, the next ER thinks the same way as you do only going in the opposite direction.

NewGenious119 #fundie sluthate.com

Seriously, is there something mentally wrong with you? Thinking that a school full of sluts and frat stars getting slain by an incel is a bad thing is characteristic of a normalfag mindset. Our ONLY hope for ever getting to fuck multiple hot sluts is if there are enough incels in the western world who snap and cause bloodshed. It's the only way that sluts and alphas will realize and accept that there are serious consequences for allowing so many males to live their lives in misery.

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