
Italian Transport Ministry #fundie nytimes.com

When 26 year-old Danilo Giuffrida told doctors he was gay at his medical examination for [Italian] military service, they passed the information to the transport ministry, who told him he must repeat his driving test or have his license withdrawn due to his "sexual identity disturbance."

Giuffrida agreed to re-take his test, passed it for a second time, but the ministry renewed his license for just one year rather than the usual 10 years because of his homosexuality.

Tanzanian Witch Doctors #fundie nytimes.com

Discrimination against albinos is a serious problem throughout sub-Saharan Africa, but recently in Tanzania it has taken a wicked twist: at least 19 albinos, including children, have been killed and mutilated in the past year, victims of what Tanzanian officials say is a growing criminal trade in albino body parts.

Many people in Tanzania — and across Africa, for that matter — believe albinos have magical powers. They stand out, often the lone white face in a black crowd, a result of a genetic condition that impairs normal skin pigmentation and strikes about 1 in 3,000 people here. Tanzanian officials say witch doctors are now marketing albino skin, bones and hair as ingredients in potions that are promised to make people rich.

Wayne Bent and John Sayer #fundie nytimes.com

For 16 years, John Sayer followed a man who calls himself Michael, finally settling along with other families on a former ranch in a remote corner of New Mexico.

There were red flags along the way, but Mr. Sayer stayed with the Lord Our Righteousness Church until late 2005.

He said the church’s leader, Michael Travesser, whose real name is Wayne Bent, “said God told him that he was supposed to sleep with seven virgins,” including Mr. Sayer’s daughters, then 14 and 15.

“I just told him no,” Mr. Sayer, 36, said. “I don’t see it’s right.”

...Mr. Sayer said Mr. Bent did sleep with seven virgins, but all were over 18 and did not include his daughters. He said his daughters “lay naked” with Mr. Bent, although they insisted no sex was involved. He said he doubted his daughters were molested.

Maj. Freddy J. Welborn #fundie nytimes.com

When Specialist Jeremy Hall held a meeting last July for atheists and freethinkers at Camp Speicher in Iraq, he was excited, he said, to see an officer attending.

But minutes into the talk, the officer, Maj. Freddy J. Welborn, began to berate Specialist Hall and another soldier about atheism, Specialist Hall wrote in a sworn statement. “People like you are not holding up the Constitution and are going against what the founding fathers, who were Christians, wanted for America!” Major Welborn said, according to the statement.

Major Welborn told the soldiers he might bar them from re-enlistment and bring charges against them, according to the statement...

At the July meeting, Major Welborn told the soldiers they had disgraced those who had died for the Constitution, Specialist Hall said. When he finished, Major Welborn said, according to the statement: “I love you guys; I just want the best for you. One day you will see the truth and know what I mean.”

George Gilder #fundie nytimes.com

The notion that “the whole universe contains no intelligence,” Mr. Gilder said at Thursday’s conference, is perpetuated by “Darwinian storm troopers.”

“Both Nazism and communism were inspired by Darwinism,” he continued. “Why conservatives should toady to these storm troopers is beyond me.”

Pagosa Springs Homeowner's Association #fundie nytimes.com

Last week, a couple were threatened with fines of $25 a day by their homeowners’ association unless they removed a four-foot wreath shaped like a peace symbol from the front of their house.

The fines have been dropped, and the three-member board of the association has resigned, according to an e-mail message sent to residents on Monday.

...A board member later told a newspaper that he thought the familiar circle with angled lines was also, perhaps, a sign of the devil.

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