In America we have a big drug problem, and we don’t realize it’s because of abortion.
Let me 'splain correlation and causation to you. C'mere ... (Readies +5 Keen Thundering Idiotbane greatclub, Cluebringer).
Y'know, 100% of people who have abortions wear clothes. 100% of people who abuse drugs wear clothes. Obviously, clothes are the problem! Ban your pants!
okay, a little context here. The story actually reads like this:
Arias said she woke up from the anesthesia to the certain knowledge that she had killed her child.
Because of this knowledge, she is now equally certain, she slipped into years of depression, drinking and freebasing cocaine. One night when she was in her early 30s, she got as high as she could, lay down in the dark in a bathtub filled with water and slit her wrists. In her mind, all of her troubles the drugs, the suicide attempt, the third and fourth abortions she went on to have, the wrestling match of a marriage she eventually entered are the aftermath of her own original sin, the 1973 abortion. It’s a pattern she sees reflected everywhere: “In America we have a big drug problem, and we don’t realize it’s because of abortion.”
So it's clear that Ms. Arias blames her drug use on her abortion, but to then make the assumption that every drug user in America has the same problems is pretty ignorant. But, then, isn't that typical for a fundie?
WTF?, I mean, lots of drug users have never had an abortion. We know there is a big drug problem, and abortion only is, in my opinion, bad because it´s killing a potential human being, nothing more nothing else. It´s like saying, in this country we have a very big theft problem, we don´t realise it because of tax-evasion(?)
This is generalizing ALL OF AMERICA from the particular problems and motivations of just ONE PERSON -- and, from what I can tell, just a purely hypothetical, fictitious, made-up person at that.
Drugs are bad, mkay. I get that. Abortions are bad? Arguable. But a sappy little story with an outlandishly overblown generalization doesn't serve to support either position.
~David D.G.
"In America we have a big drug problem, and we don’t realize it’s because of abortion."
This, of course, is because you're talking bollocks.
I think, now reading her article, that she means the opposite. That the problem of abortion is linked to drug addiction. However, she´s so messed up that she´s unable to say it in a coherent way.
Huh? What with the how, now?
The one has nothing (or very little) to do with the other. Yes, some women who have an abortion might regret the decision, and some males might resent their womans decision to have an abortion. And some of them might turn to drugs. But the drug problem is SOOOO much bigger than just a few abortions.
Shouldn't all countries that have legal abortions have a big drug problem too. We in Sweden have a somewhat less extensive, but more accepted, abortion law. And sure, we have problems with drugs, but rather marginally. There is no acceptance of using some drugs but not others here, all drugs are considered bad.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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