
daparish #fundie p089.ezboard.com

Hey Faggots!!! Maybe you should get a friggin clue. You know why you can't have babies? Cause you're fags. Your lifestyles choose to be a virus on the community, having to recruit more into your "species". You cannot reproduce. YOU have chosen to not have kids and be gay instead. Why should you be allowed to adopt? If God wanted you have kids he would have let faggots reproduce!

clevermom #racist p089.ezboard.com

Does anyone have to wonder why people are trying to leave Mexico in droves....instead of giving California back we should just annex Mexico and make it another state....this is my husbands crazy idea but it seems like a way to get their attention to get their own house in order. We could also live up to our name as an "imperialist" nation!

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