deRodes #fundie
But, hey, if you want to believe your ancestors are apes, I have no objection. My ancestors, on the other hand, were created by intelligent designed.
But, hey, if you want to believe your ancestors are apes, I have no objection. My ancestors, on the other hand, were created by intelligent designed.
Homosexual activists are spending a lot of time, money and energy forcing themselves into the Boy Scouts, YWCA, schools, etc., to teach their lifestyle to children.
In effect, they are trying to teach our children how to catch AIDS and die!
1. Alger Hiss - Democrat and Communist spy
2. John Gacy - Democrat and Serial Killer
3. Jonathan Pollard - Democrat and Convicted Traitor
Yep. that clinches it for me. Democrats = Communists, murders and traitors
[One the other boards I frequently post on, the SAB, has a frequent fundy poster named Troy Brooks who has been banned from many forums. Here is something from one of his latest sockpuppet posts on the SAB, "How Will the Antichrist Win You Over Forever?".]
Non-Christians don't like the peace they have created for themselves because it is uprooted by the peace Christians can display. So the non-Christians get jealous, agitated, losing that feeling self-exaltation in their self-generated peace, which is bound to crumble sooner or later. So they react by attacking Christians.
The protesting fvckers didn't affect me one d*mn bit. I do my own yard work. I don't go out to lunch. These POSs can all go to hell.
If these morons REALLY wanted to demonstrate a day without MEXICANS, they should stay off of the streets (using OUR infrastructure) not use any water or electricity. But, of course, what they DO do is typical of these morons. They spend the day doing NOTHING PRODUCTIVE and then b*tch about how IMPORTANT they are.
Hey Faggots!!! Maybe you should get a friggin clue. You know why you can't have babies? Cause you're fags. Your lifestyles choose to be a virus on the community, having to recruit more into your "species". You cannot reproduce. YOU have chosen to not have kids and be gay instead. Why should you be allowed to adopt? If God wanted you have kids he would have let faggots reproduce!
Pluto is no longer a planet....yes, the learned scientific community has admitted to their little Pluto does not qualify as a planet but is just a tag along to our planetary system.
And this does make quite good logic as the scientific community has downgraded the human species into an evolved life form with no special intent or purpose other than to survive. They also see little reasons to protect life at any stage of the way especially if it might help produce something that will help their research programs. (I know that there are many ethical scientist out there who don't get the chance to rebut a lot of this group and for good reason...blacklisting.)
So now we see many astromnomers eating their words and accepting their falability...of course they will blame it on the new technology that allows them to peer deeper into the universe and not that they jumped to the wrong conclusion to begin with.
Just my observation...
RE: Brawl breaks out in Mexico Congress
It's no wonder many mexicans who enter our country ILLEGALLY are uncivilized animals.
Just look at how their elected officials act.
Time for an armed revolution within San Francisco.
Since the Franco-pussies hate guns guess who's going to win.
[Re: <a href="" target="_blank">Barack Hussein Obama</a> possible run for presidency]
Do the American people want a muslim for a President? Lord, I hope not.
['News just breaking that Ann Richards is dead from throat cancer.']
I hope for her sake that the afterlife didn't come as too much of a surprise for her.
['You've been?']
If you had a rapport with God, you'd know what we are talking about.
[In response to a post about the latest failed plan to stabilize Iraq]
Well, we can always go with plan B - my plan B and that would be - if they are not going to join us here in this century and stop acting like rabid animals and STOP with the violence, hatred, bombing, and fighting- destroy the whole place and all that are there (after getting all of our and our allied troops out first, of course) Maybe that would do it.
Ungrateful pigs.
Muslims will only be peaceful when they are all dead. The sooner the better. (dancing banana emoticon)
[Re: U.N.: Iraq civilian deaths hit a record]
Civilians or terrorists posing as "civilians".
I same more "civilian" deaths is a d*mn good thing.
Those with moral equivalency deficit can't tell the difference.
[Thread Title and Article: San Francisco OKs Universal Health Plan]
Cool. Our job is to inform all illegal aliens and other riff-raff where they can get free medical.
They'll all go there, the weight of millions of extra people should sink San Francisco peninsula into the ocean and all the sharks will get AIDS.
See, just because some storms are simply part of the natural cycles placed by God, that doesn't mean that they all are.
Quite frankly I don't care whether or not you believe God exist. That just means we Jews and Christians won't have to tolerate you when we're in paradise.
One of the preconditions to the Second Coming (of Christ) is widespread social and moral decay. The atheist and antichrists have joined together, and unwittingly, are bringing about the doom of a godless civilization.
[An article was posted about a proposed fence lining the southern border of the USA]
An excellent idea but it is just a start. I would like to see most of the money being wasted on New Orleans used to build something like the Great Wall of China the entire length of both borders.
Does anyone have to wonder why people are trying to leave Mexico in droves....instead of giving California back we should just annex Mexico and make it another state....this is my husbands crazy idea but it seems like a way to get their attention to get their own house in order. We could also live up to our name as an "imperialist" nation!
It's an invasion. Literally. Somebodies gonna crack. Someday is going to take a gun and start patroling the border themselves. This is ridiculous! They are giving law abiding people a bad name. They are disgracing their race and America with their presence. They need to be "handled". Inaction will destroy us. Just look at France and what is going to happen to them for uncontrolled immigration. THEY ARE TOAST. FINISHED!
I am really tired of the slow paced, foot dragging Congress. I propose that we, the American people, bypass them and get directly down to business....building a secure border.
Why wait for a committee to decide to decide to appropirate the funding....we have the ability to get the job done ourselves. You may ask how...and here's my idea.
We should organize a national fundraiser to pay for the planning, material, and labor of a secure fence between the US and start. We could have massive sections emblazoned with the names of businesses and individuals who sponsor an measured expanse. Imagine...."Home Depot" or "Lowes" or even "Wendy's" maybe even BANK OF AMERICA billboard sized corporate sponsors for security.
I know...the corporate world might not be so happy about doing something on that scale, but why can't we as individuals start to pony up the fundings and get building....that would put a burr under the saddle of those file draggers in the Beltway!
I have no respect for any Euro-Fag that I can think of including the Swiss. While claiming to be neutral they spent the entire WWII aiding the Nazis and denied it for decades. Europe has been butt-sucking Muslim terrorists for years and will ultimately be destroyed by Islam but they are too cowardly to resist.
libRATs want us to believe the death penalty is useless as a deterrent. So they'll never acknowledge or admit that AIDS is a deterrent for their perverted and life-threatening gay lifestyles.
In my city, I plan on putting some tire tracks across some illegals chest. (Not really. I don't think our illegals will come out of the dark. They know that people around here won't take any shite off them.)
[Defending the recently-leaked secret CIA prisons]
I choose America first, not islamic scum who want us dead.
Maybe your community will be the next one hit by a hurricane, tornado, or some other force of 'nature'.
Think about it. Where did the tsunami hit? In a morally polluted country. And Katrina took out morally corrupt New Orleans. San Francisco could have a monumental earthquake at any moment. (They've had several warnings.)
(Uhhh.. Schiavo would be considered "terminal" because without machines keeping her alive she would have and did die.)
Would you care to enlighten me as to what machine was keeping her alive?
(So, in effect your characterization of this case and its difference to the Hudson case is in error and is based on fallacy.)
Sounds similar to what the Nazis said at Nuremberg.
I don't think Barak is a muslim. But that isn't the reason why I wouldn't vote for him. He has a far more dangerous pedigree...
He is a
If Bush had done it right and carpet bombed the entire country into oblivion we would not be having these problems. He only convinces the rabid rats of Islam that we are weak by refusing to simply kill them all