
Ariella Indigo #ufo #magick #crackpot ariellaindigo.com

Learning that I was an indigo was one of the most pivotal and transformative days of my life, and so it is with honour and love that I share some of what I know with you so you can decide for yourself whether either you or somebody you know is a star child or star seed.

I'd like to start by making it clear that I firmly and absolutely believe in equality and so being a starseed does not make you any more special or superior to anyone else. We are all individual expressions of the divine and there is no separation only ONENESS and UNITY at the highest level, but as you know, it is here in the physical plane that we get to experience the illusion of separation and the illusion of duality/polarity consciousness.

Also, as far as I understand it, there are four major energy 'types' that we all fall into: Human, Angelic, Alien and Elemental - and some of us are a hybrid mix of between two or even four of the above. 'Starseeds', as the name suggests, come from other planets and dimensions and carry the alien and angelic energy makeup in their DNA. Starseeds usually fall into the category of being volunteer souls who have come to Earth with specific missions to deliver and fulfil to help with Earth's shift into higher frequencies. But I would like to point out that I have met some truly awesome and highly gifted psychic 'Human's' too, who are also here on incredible missions, so just because you are a star seed does not mean that you are necessarily going to be more evolved or psychically developed than some others who identify more with mainly Human energy.

For me, what is true, is that we all actually come from the stars. We all have starry origins and have likely had many different incarnations on many different planets and dimensional frequencies. We know scientifically that we literally are all made of stardust, so even if your belief system differs from mine, then it has to be agreed that the stars play a very important part in our lives regardless of evolution theories and beliefs. It is more a case then of how we view and identify ourselves - do we feel more human, more alien/angelic or more elemental? Or perhaps a mixture of two, three or all four?

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