
Michael Baxter #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy arutzshevatuzarapost.substack.com

Western governments want their citizens to believe that Volodymyr Zelensky needs foreign funding—cash and weapons—to defeat or demoralize Russian forces or to enervate them to the point they disobey Vladimir Putin’s orders and forever flee Ukrainian soil. For nearly a year, Zelensky has begged incessantly for arms and cash; he’s pleaded his case to the criminal Biden regime, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and any NATO country with resources to finance his war against what he has called Russian oppression.
The question is, why does Zelensky need cash when he’s already getting Western weapons?

Some monies were spent on foreign mercenaries to augment his depleted army. Zelensky has also used American dollars to bribe Russian officials to turn on Putin. But those expenditures hardly account for the clandestine billions he has gotten from the U.S., the UK, France, and Germany.

White Hats and Russian intelligence share a plausible explanation of how a sizable chunk of all that cash is being spent: financing Adrenochrome farms.

Yesterday we learned Russian Special Forces destroyed an Adrenochrome farm in Ukraine. Valiant Spetznas rescued 50 Russian children who had been kidnapped to harvest fluid from their adrenal glands, small, hormone-producing, triangular-shaped glands on top of both kidneys. Adrenal fluid is a crucial ingredient of Adrenochrome.
Zakharov insisted that Western Deep State paid Zelensky to allow them to build Adrenochrome warehouses in Ukraine because it had become too risky to maintain harvesting facilities in the United States. He believes there may be dozens of Adrenochrome factories in Ukraine and that the Deep State is abducting scores of Russian children to supply an endless stream of adrenal fluid.

“Many Russian children disappear from homes in towns along the border,” Zakharov said. “At first, we thought they were being taken to be sold into child sex slavery, but now we know some are kidnapped to make Adrenochrome.”

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