
Chechar #fundie #wingnut #sexist caesartort.blogspot.com

Earlier this day I wrote in a previous post: “I confess I’ve just re-watched Pride and Prejudice for the Nth time. There’s no question about it. Mores must be forcefully reverted back to the Austen world, where women were kept in their place. Only the feminized western males cannot get it. Women belong to us; not to themselves. They’re Nature’s most precious gift.”

This is a brief exchange between a typical liberal, the atheist Richard Dawkins (doctored photo, above) and a religious conservative, a smart Palestinian Muslim:

Muslim: Fix your women.

Dawkins. Fix your women! That’s not my business; that’s my women’s business.

Muslim: No, no! It is your business. When you take your women and dress them like whores in…

Dawkins: I don’t dress women! They dress themselves!

Muslim: I know but you allow it as a norm to let women on the street dressed like this. What’s wrong on with your society? What’s wrong with the…?

Dawkins could not tolerate more cognitive dissonance and in his video he simply faded out the audio of what the Muslim was trying to tell him.

Fortunately, in an Islamized Europe the Muslims will teach the feminized male how to grow their gonads again…

Kevin MacDonald #racist caesartort.blogspot.com

[Chechar quotes white nationalist author Kevin MacDonald on Jews]


—.......—....... —..........European Cultural Origins......Jewish Cultural Origins

Evolutionary History ...Northern Hunter-Gatherers.....Middle Old World Pastoralists

?Kinship System —..........Bilateral....................—..............Unilineal
—..........................................Weakly Patricentric—...............Strongly Patricentric

Family System —......—...Simple Household—..............Extended Family;
—......—......—..... .—......—......—..... .—......—......—......—.—...Joint Household

Marriage Practices —...Exogamous—........................Endogamous,

Marriage Psychology —..Companionate;—............Utilitarian; Based on Family
—.........................................Based on Mutual—............Strategizing and Control of
—.........................................Consent and Affection—........Kinship Group

Position of Women —.......Relatively High—.....—.......Relatively Low

Social Structure —.......Individualistic, —.....—.......Collectivistic
—............................................ Republican ——............ Authoritarian
—............................................ Democratic—.....—.......Charismatic Leaders

Ethnocentrism —.......Relatively Low —..... ........... Relatively High; —.......

Xenophobia —.......Relatively Low —....—....—......Relatively High—.......

Socialization —.......Stresses Independence, —.......Stresses Ingroup
—..........................................Self-Reliance—..................Identification and
—............................................................................obligations to Kinship Group

Intellectual Stance —....—....Reason;—.......—.......Dogmatism;
—...............................................Science—..................Charismatic Leaders
—.............................................................................. (e.g., Freud, Boas);
—............................................................................Submission to Ingroup Authority

Moral Stance —.......Moral Universalism: —..............Moral Particularism:
—.......—.......—............—...........Morality is —.......
—.......—.......—.......—............—Independent of—..............Ingroup/Outgroup Morality
—.......—.....—............—.............Group Affiliation—...........("Is it good for the Jews?")

Whereas individualist cultures are biased toward separation from the wider group, individuals in collectivist societies have a strong sense of group identity and group boundaries based on genetic relatedness as a result of the greater importance of group conflict during their evolutionary history. Middle Eastern societies are characterized by anthropologists as “segmentary societies” organized into relatively impermeable, kinship-based groups (e.g., Coon 1958, 153; Eickelman 1981, 157-174). Group boundaries are often reinforced through external markers such as hair style or clothing, as Jews have often done throughout their history. [...]


Jews are at the extreme of this Middle Eastern tendency toward hyper-collectivism and hyper-ethnocentrism—a phenomenon that goes a long way toward explaining the chronic hostilities in the area. I give many examples of Jewish hyper-ethnocentrism in my trilogy and have suggested in several places that Jewish hyper-ethnocentrism is biologically based (MacDonald 1994, Ch. 8; 1998a, Ch. 1). It was noted above that individualist European cultures tend to be more open to strangers than collectivist cultures such as Judaism. In this regard, it is interesting that developmental psychologists have found unusually intense fear reactions among Israeli infants in response to strangers, while the opposite pattern is found for infants from North Germany.(14) The Israeli infants were much more likely to become “inconsolably upset” in reaction to strangers, whereas the North German infants had relatively minor reactions to strangers. The Israeli babies therefore tended to have an unusual degree of stranger anxiety, while the North German babies were the opposite—findings that fit with the hypothesis that Europeans and Jews are on opposite ends of scales of xenophobia and ethnocentrism.

I provide many examples of Jewish hyper-ethnocentrism in my trilogy on Judaism. Recently, I have been much impressed with the theme of Jewish hyper-ethnocentrism in the writings of Israel Shahak, most notably his co-authored Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel (Shahak & Mezvinsky 1999). In their examination of current Jewish fundamentalists and their influence in Israel, Shahak and Mezvinsky argue that present-day fundamentalists attempt to recreate the life of Jewish communities before the Enlightenment (i.e., prior to about 1750). During this period the great majority of Jews believed in Cabbala—Jewish mysticism. Influential Jewish scholars like Gershom Scholem ignored the obvious racialist, exclusivist material in the Cabbala by using words like “men”, “human beings”, and “cosmic” to suggest the Cabbala has a universalist message. The actual text says salvation is only for Jews, while non-Jews have “Satanic souls” (p. 58).

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