The issue of the size of the cosmos and intergalactic distances calculated in billions of light years: With the altitude (distance from the earth’s surface) the distances and probably all external dimensions of all bodies decrease, so that approaching the center of this our “universe” the space ship to which we fly it will be smaller and the distance it will travel in a unit of time flying at the same speed, also. It resembles quite a peculiar version of Theory of Relativity, where as it is known, it is not possible to achieve the speed of light, because as you approach this speed, all dimensions of the moving body and its distance to other bodies decrease so that it is not able to reach the speed light. In addition, the passage of time for this body also changes. From a mathematical point of view, it will probably be a sequence converging to the border (in particular to zero) where one meter on the surface of the Earth remains one meter, but the same real one meter near the center of the Earth we can already observe as a billion light years. Which means that the closer to the core of the galaxy, the velocity decreases accordingly, and at the core itself is equal to zero – which is caused by the huge gravitational repulsion of the nucleus. For this reason, getting to the core of the galaxy becomes absolutely impossible! However, the surface of our Earth is almost immobile relative to the core of the Earth, where the Earth’s crust has no gravitational force – but more on that later. The entire mystery of the internal space model is based on the concept of space transformation. All points outside the Earth, let’s move to its center, where all sizes decrease accordingly, and in the center of the Earth form its nucleus. In the same way, all possible laws of physics are transformed into the interior of the Earth’s galaxy. And so the unreal universe and the unimaginable distances and spaces created with the help of mathematics and astronomy, transform into the real world of the inner galaxy, only by adding a tiny, innocent minus against the result of mathematical action, which was inadvertently not set up a few hundred years ago.
The question of the inability to see the other side of the Earth, the concave sphericity of the Earth, sunsets, day and night: All this explains the postulate of some parabolic curvature of light always towards the center of the Earth (up). This means that the Sun, moving at a certain distance from the Earth’s surface, around the center of the Earth, should always be visible (though at various angles) and it should never be at night. This is not the case, however, because at noon, when it is right above our head, everything is normal, then in the morning and in the evening the sun can be seen much lower than it should be at the ground, because the light from it does not fly to us straight line, only turns up. This means that then the light that came out of the Sun in our direction is no longer able to reach us, because it turned into space above us. However, the light that reaches us, came out from the Sun towards the area of the earth much further from us, and closer to the Sun, but turned over the ground so that it reaches us horizontally, which makes us see the Sun at the horizon. This horizontal light also runs into outer space and then we stop to see the sun, because the light that was reaching us horizontally was probably for the obvious reasons, the last one we could see.
The seasons arise because the sun and the planets do not move on a fixed orbit, but on spiral or up and down orbits. It is also possible that it is not the sun, but the axis of the Earth relative to the core of the galaxy that changes its position, but rather it is impossible.
Before you start making fun of this theory, I recommend making a small experiment with a permanent magnet and a lighter, which science knows perfectly but deliberately does not want to answer uncomfortable questions that could have so harmoniously built a mathematical Copernicus model to knock down ruins. Here he is: We hang a magnet on the wire and heat it with a lighter for a few minutes. As we know from experiments in physics lessons, that due to temperature the magnet will completely lose its magnetic properties over time. According to scientific research, the Earth’s magnetic field occurs naturally around the Earth and corresponds approximately to the magnetic dipole field with one magnetic pole near the geographic North Pole and with the other magnetic pole near the South Pole. The line connecting the magnetic poles forms with the axis of the Earth’s rotation an angle of 11.3 degrees. The magnetic field stretches several dozen thousand kilometers from the Earth, and the area in which it occurs is called the Earth’s magnetosphere. Geographers and physicists teach us that there is magma in the Earth’s core, and it escapes volcanoes in the form of liquid lava. The temperature of the lava reaches 1350-1400 degrees Celsius, and its solidification occurs at temperatures of 600-800 degrees Celsius. Now, please answer for yourself a simple question: ‘How is it that in the middle of the earth such high temperatures prevail, and the Earth does not lose its magnetic field, despite the fact that the experiment with a magnet and lighter apparently proves the loss of magnetic properties under the influence of heat? ‘. I’ve heard that science is beginning to change the concept of Earth’s magnetism, and says that the Earth is one great dynamism that is constantly in a rotational motion, where its nucleus rotates but in the opposite direction, creates its magnetic field. Hmmm – as it will be, we will soon find out that we humans are really only biorobots, created by UFOnauts, and our brains are ultra-modern 256-bit biological microchips with ultra-fast memory with a capacity exceeding 5 Yobibyte, which I already had read from Science Fiction publication.