
Jarrin Jackson #fundie #wingnut deadstate.org

GOP Senate candidate: Congress isn’t there to stop school shootings — they’re supposed to promote ‘biblical values’

During a recent livestream, Oklahoma GOP Senate candidate Jarrin Jackson declared that Congress is “not there to prevent school shootings.”

“You’re there to defend the Constitution,” he declared.

“And the Constitution includes the Second Amendment, which if you look at any kind of legitimate approach about what the Constitution means — because the Founders believed the bible and were mostly bible-believing Christians, they enshrined a document, the Constitution, that limits government because man is sinful,” Jackson continued.

Jackson went on to say that when you have a society that reflects biblical values, “you shouldn’t give government a lot of power” so that it can decide “who can have and who can’t have a firearm.”

“Until you get people to point to the Gospel, you’re not dealing with ‘gun control,’ you’re not dealing with murder with an eternal solution. You’re dealing with an idolatrous notion that will inevitably lead to tyranny because we have substituted our fear of God for our worship and our desire for government.”

Pat Robertson #fundie #crackpot deadstate.org

In his first appearance since his retirement from hosting the 700 Club last year, Pat Robertson took a moment to give his thoughts on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and its roll in bringing about the End Times.

“I think you can say that Putin’s out of his mind — yes, maybe so, but at the same time he’s being compelled by God. He went into the Ukraine, but that wasn’t his goal. His goal was to move against Israel, ultimately,” Robertson said, adding that “God is getting ready to do something amazing, and that will be fulfilled.”

“Is Putin crazy? Is he mad? Well, perhaps,” Robertson said later in the segment. “But God says, ‘I’m going to put hooks in your jaws and I’m gonna draw you into this battle whether you like it or not. And [Putin’s] being compelled after the move into Ukraine.”

“Watch what’s going to happen next,” Robertson warned. “You read your bible because it’s coming to pass.”

Lauren Witzke #wingnut deadstate.org

During a recent interview, the Delaware GOP’s candidate for Senate in 2020 gave her thoughts on Russia’s aggression towards Ukraine, saying that when it comes to her values, she trusts Russian President Vladimir Putin over Joe Biden.

“Russia is a Christian nationalist nation … so I actually support Putin’s right to protect his people and always put his people first, but also protect their Christian values,” Lauren Witzke said in a video clip flagged by Right Wing Watch. “I identify more with Russian — with Putin’s Christian values than I do with Joe Biden.”

According to Witzke, “Christian nationalist countries” are a threat to the “global regime, like the Luciferian regime that wants to mash everything together.”

“But Putin takes care of his people, he looks out for his people,” she said.

abbie smith #fundie deadstate.org

Yeah Tony, yer right. A lot of people get privileges and move through life easily. Look at the president of the U.S. an affirmative action victim all the way. Make him white and he doesn’t even get into college given his crappy upbringing. And the victims of affirmative action are in the millions by now. Who wants a black surgeon to operate on his child? The parent will always have doubts about how that surgeon got his education.

LGBTQ – yeah, they are privileged to live in a society that rewards people who have mental disorders; witness the clown act of Bruce Jenner getting a the Arthur Ash award for courage when he really needs serious couch time.

Maybe if blacks would stop shooting each other so much (black lives matter you know) and maybe if black women would force the biological fathers of their children to marry them and become real fathers there would not be the need for some much black privilege and affirmative action.

Boo hoo!!! cry me a river! Oh so we are responsible for all the people that are born into poverty and unfortunate situations? We all must do what we can do with the cards that were dealt to us. Stop this class warfare b******t !!! I am so sick of the political correctness!

Rush Limbaugh #racist deadstate.org

Speaking about Michelle Obama’s recent speech at a museum opening, radio host Rush Limbaugh started off his comments wondering why she still has a “chip on her shoulder”:

"—as though you are an aggrieved victim of something, when you clearly are not. And why not instead take the occasion of your achievement and your accomplishment and motivate and inspire?"

He then turned to President Obama’s alleged victim mentality, before returning to the First Lady’s.

"It’d be one thing, you know – if they let somebody incarcerated – out of jail to go help open a museum, and started talking about being a victim and this and that, and ‘I can’t believe they let me out of jail to come open this museum.’ But she’s the First Lady of the United States. Why not take the occasion of all this to inspire all these people?

Do you ever stop to think maybe a museum and things like that are not in [black people’s] cultural upbringing, and maybe it should be? Do you think maybe the reason they don’t go there is because places like that are mocked and laughed at? Or what’s the popular phrase – they’re ‘too white’?"

Yeah, he said that.

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