
thetruth90 #ufo #magick #moonbat egyptsearchreloaded.proboards.com

White people have poisoned most of our people's minds with colonialism and enslavement.

The common ridiculous notions that some "hetero"sexual people (namely men) have regarding homosexuality makes many of our most intelligent "leaders" look and sound ridiculous. One of which being that homosexuality is not natural.

The common theme of both of enslavement and colonialism was the spreading of Abrahamic religion namely the Bible and the Koran (books that were developed by sick cultures not our own). Those books are the root of homophobia not only on the African continent but throughout the cultures of the World. They turned most of our people against something that was not only seen as normal, but even divine in indigenous societies (in precolonial America and Africa).

The reason why gay people are seen as divine is because of the story of the Annunaki as told by the Zulu. The original people on Earth prior to the Annunaki were unisex, both genders (or really a divine woman).

The Male Chromosome is a mutation of the X Chromosome.

During this time people were at a higher consciousness and communicated telepathically. This was the period referred to as Atlantis (which Nile Valley civilization was a satellite colony of, and some of these Gods migrated to Nile Valley civilization after Atlantis crashed). When the Annunaki turned humans from one gender into male and female those later humans who were "gay" or "homosexual" still had remnants of that same higher consciousness of Atlantis (both feminine and masculine aspects of the brain; and is for this reason that many gays are often times visibly more intuitive then their hetero counterparts/our pineal glands are more functioning/This is why homosexuals are known to create and dominate so many of our cultural relics such as music, food, acting etc etc etc);

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