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HNEX HydroNano Extracellular Oxygen Delivery System

HNEX™ was developed by a group of world-renowned European scientists with a patented technology that has been scientifically tested and shown to signal the activation of genetic pathways which can lead to positive impacts on overall health.

HNEX™ is the first supplement on the market which contains active hydro-oxygen Nano structured molecules, providing powerful cellular messengers that help protect and revitalize the body.

HNEX™ utilizes silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) as a base to attach a matrix of separate Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms. This delivers Oxygen and Hydrogen to the body’s immune system. Highly potent and effective, this nanoparticle anchor delivery method is a promising Antiviral, Antifungal and Antibacterial agent with its transportational action of vital Oxygen to cells and Hydrogen throughout the body.

HNEX™ has been shown to:

• Improve immune system health
• Modulate hormone balance to support vitality and wellness
• Help maintain a healthy inflammatory response
• Improve gut health and digestive enzyme production
• Help maintain cardiovascular health and support arterial elasticity

HNEX™ is the first supplement on the market which contains active hydro-oxygen Nano structured molecules, providing powerful cellular messengers that help protect and revitalize the body.

Cell signaling in your body plays a key role in regulating gene expression. We are not talking eye color here — your genes do much more than dictate physical characteristics. Genes give life-sustaining instructions to cells, and cells carry out those instructions to keep you alive and healthy. As we age, cell communication breaks down, the signal weakens, and gene expression can be disrupted. Regulating gene activity with hydro-oxygen molecules keeps cellular communication strong.

<only $125 PER LITER>

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