
Fernando Vossa #crackpot #mammon #magick indiegogo.com

2020 Vossahedron Prototype
The Vossahedron is a Multidimensional Consciousness Art & Biofuturism Science Project.

This Indiegogo campaign is focused on securing the resources & final team to prototype an 18 ft diameter x 9 ft high advanced dome structure.

The Vossahedron Project involves the manufacturing of a modular aluminum concrete form as a mold so we can pour an innovative green aircrete high performance concrete mixture that will result in one wedge section of the Vossahedron sacred geometry shape . This process is repeated 6 times to complete a full dome shell. We then finish the structure with hexagonal windows and a door. This completed basic structure is to be utilized as a groundbreaking instrument to study its quantum effects utilizing cymatic resonance fields of sound, coherent light, structured water, coherent electricity, designer magnetics, crystal lattices, and plasma states as subtle energy modalities for the regeneration of the traumatized human body and amplification of our innate consciousness abilities.

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