
Timothy Zebell #fundie #homophobia #conspiracy inquisitivechristianity.com

Scripture provides the Christian with 76 characteristics which constitute the spirit of Antichrist, and 5 litmus tests designed to identify this spirit. Furthermore, the spirit of antichrist has plagued the Christian church since its inception. Despite these truths, the spirit of antichrist remains unidentified and ignored by the vast majority of Christians. This book is intended to expose the Christian to the reality of this adversary, to definitively identify the spirit of antichrist, and to recognize its influence in several of the most influential spheres of society.

In an effort to understand the spirit of antichrist, the reader is lead through a brief but detailed topical study which includes numerous Scripture verses, exposure to the nature of spiritual warfare, and even some demonology. Distinction is made between the individual known as Antichrist, and the spirit of antichrist, yet the reader will learn how the two are inherently connected. Once the reader is capable of defining and identifying the spirit of antichrist, he begins a process of tracing this spirit through the current issues of "Christian" mysticism, the paranormal, evolution, transhumanism, dark technologies, and homosexuality.

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