
Blair Edwards and Taylor Edwards #fundie #quack #psycho kptv.com

A couple who belong to the Followers of Christ Church in Oregon City are facing first and second degree criminal mistreatment charges after their newborn died in June 2023

The Clackamas County District Attorney’s office allege that Blair and Taylor Edwards failed to provide medical treatment for their son, Hayden

Court documents say Hayden was born on the evening of June 24, 2023. However, two days later, his health took a turn and he stopped eating. When the parents grew concerned, relatives arrived at their home on S. Maywood Street in Oregon City to pray and bless the infant

Family and friends say he looked unhealthy and that his lips turned blue. At 2:35 pm. on June 26, Hayden stopped breathing, but began to breathe again after Taylor splashed cold water on his face. Court documents state that despite his condition and not eating for seven hours, the parents didn’t call for medical help

Hayden died 30 minutes later and the Edwards’ called the medical examiner

The faith of Followers of Christ abstains from medical treatment for their children and believe in faith healing

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