
Benjamin Williams #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot laureate.americanmonarchistsociety.com

On the Current State

I intend to lay out the woes of our modern world and the solution to these great ills which infest our great and noble civilization like a cancer. We have been beguiled by the mindset in which we have been indoctrinated since our births, that somehow democracy and republicanism are virtues, but this is under the false promise of freedom. These ideals are seductive and bring the ignorant much in the form of entertainment; however, the great experiment of democracy has been tried and found wanting and has in turn created within us the spirit of degeneracy. The Liberalism of our age has made the false assumption that whatsoever is old is not of any use. Liberalism makes oh-so-many promises of what has taken to name “progress” but has never once thought of where it may be progressing from. It has also rendered us a society which is unaware of its destination. It wishes to place us under the yoke of slavery, a cruel tyrant, under the guise of so-called freedom and liberty, by which we have been blinded to its ignoble ends and the eminent destruction of Western Civilization.

How is it that democratic republicanism is in reality a terrible evil? In truth, democracy is evil because it allows for the worst and most evil kind of tyranny, the one which democracy calls into service on its behalf: oligarchy. The second tyrant of the republic is the mob. The tyranny of the mob has been noted since the earliest days of democracy (and by much more qualified persons than myself.) However, the mob is second to the oligarchs (those damnable and wretched politicians) because they are the ones who incite the mob against anyone who challenges their status quo; by the mystic sway of the politicians and their lies, it was the mob who murdered both Socrates and Christ because they challenged politicians’ power, they challenged the world to think as I write to you now.

The mob is the faceless tyrant which we do not know, like the headless body of a beast. The oligarchs act as the head, and this head rules by its own will and not the will of the people. The politicians have existed only for self-gain at the expense of the people; in turn, they create a mob and influence its will. In this way the people forfeit their true freedom and become puppets of men, play-things which exist only to be taxed. Those powers that claim to want aid for the poor and disenfranchised only make them but wage slaves and slaves of the state. Our most basic fundamental human right has been robbed and this is the right to think. For once it is destroyed no one may challenge the tyrants.

Those very things Liberalism is wont to preach, it now seeks to destroy. In this American Republic, we see the fruit of such a wicked system as our fellow traditionalists are brought on charges in civil and criminal court because they would not violate their consciences before God or man (these stand as martyrs for thought). Any idea of the American citizen being free is quickly vanishing. We are free in name only. The Liberals enforce their wills as law by limiting the ability to think in the realm of education and by the introduction of unnatural vice as societal norms.

For what I shall next propose, some would brand me as a traitor to this country. But I ask that those who make such claims be considered, and that we ask why they would be enticed to attack me so. I defend myself with this: one may by loyal to his county (a true and real patriot) without once ounce of loyalty or respect to his government. Our current government isn’t for the people, nor by the people, but has become a government for itself. It is corrupt in every way and at every level. We may not and cannot afford to trust the politicians because they have proven themselves to be only interested in their own gains and would see the nation burn if it mean that they could be elected again. No matter how sincere one may be, they are sincerely evil in their motives, or evil due to an ignorance of all that is just and right. They have forfeited virtue, and virtue is the spirit of a nation. Without such a spirit, the nation shall die.

Many would wish us traditionalists dismissed as a lunatic fringe or the alternative right. We are neither. We are men of reason and principle. We preach no nationalism aside from how all within a nation are family to which they belong; but a family without a head is broken, and a nation without a king is likewise broken. All who live under the tyrant of the American Republic are as orphaned children who are without true love from true parents, and are tossed about a troubled sea of foster parents and surrogates which care not for that which they neither gave birth to or created.

We shall only be free of this tyranny once we have replaced the imperial Republic with a real Emperor, reforming it into a Christian State. For ideals, of God is the grandest among them, and He has for Himself a kingdom and no republic. He sits as emperor of the universe. Only when we mirror heaven shall it be made like heaven, and only when we adopt the ideal shall we attain it. For now we mirror hell, and all people cast their votes in the affirmative, and they get what they want with all the pain attached to it. Not all poison is bitter, but it is the sweet poisons which we ingest readily. Many times, just as the medicine is bitter, so is truth, but it is these which heal and preserve us til the next day.

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