
faultroy #fundie letters.salon.com

(Why are Christian movies so awful?)

Primarily because of liberal Bigots that are just looking for an excuse to bash Christians. The idea that a young girl that gets her arm ripped of in the ocean by a shark would be back in the water three weeks later is appalling to those Metrosexuals that pontificate about the "bravery of having an abortion" or "being sexual." So this young girl's courage and determination is "so anti-feminist." The good thing is that the movie will do phenomenally well both here and abroad because only in America do we have the double standard of: Whore--good-- sex worker-independent--liberal-feminist. Christian bad-honorable-integrity-faith based--awful! So in our multicultural society being any religion but Christian is acceptable and "must be both embraced and tolerated, but Christians are poison; the Mark of the Devil and must be Dispised. But even better, no Religion--like being an Atheist should be honored because of its openness and lack of critique of everyone--except Christians of whom they literally have a mission to seek out and destroy. Oh and by the way--I'm not a Christian.

LondonLad #conspiracy letters.salon.com

"No 9/11 truther has ever been able to answer this for me:
If the Bush administration had planned 911, why would they have filled the planes with Saudis, - Bushco's buddies - and not so much have a single Iraqi aboard. Only to spend the next two years desperately trying to connect 9/11 with Iraq. Anyone?"

No idea. But all you need to know is this. All the government reports and the toothy truthers agree the towers collapsed at damned near free fall as you can get.

So, a tower is just about to collapse. Lets take the N Tower. Suddenly appearing nearby is an extremely large crane. From the crane hangs a piece of office block exactly the same size and weight as that above impact in the N. Tower. It is also being held up at the same height. It has nothing beneath it.

The starters whistle blows and both tops begin to fall.

The crane top falls through the empty air achieving free fall rate as one would expect of something falling freely under gravity alone. As a consequence it arrives at the ground also in the shortest and only time it could have taken; that being free fall time.

But funny enough as it lands so does the top of the N. Tower. But that top did not fall freely but fell through the line of most resistance. Strangely enough it still achieved free fall rate even though it was smashing to smithereens approximately 8 floors a second as it did so. Nonetheless it still arrived at the ground at the free fall time as the fictional top that really did fall freely through empty air. Both tops did entirely different amounts of work coming down. One did nothing the other did as much as to beggar belief. Yet according to NIST gravity was the only force involved.

Now if that doesn't sound true to you, it should still sound untrue whether Elvis, James Dean, Marilyn Munro or Donald fucking Duck was on the plane.

LondonLad #conspiracy letters.salon.com

"Is it really that much of a stretch to believe that Bush and Cheney were/are incompetent and overconfident boobs who were caught with their pants down on 9/11? Really?"
You bet it is. Getting everyone to think that they were incompetent was one of the master strokes of the operation. Dick Cheney incompetent? Only when he wants YOU to think he is.

The prior warnings were all cooked up false back story. They served a few purposes. Because of their existence studio talking heads could say with authority that Osama did it even as early as when the towers were still standing. You always have to tell the punters what the product is that is right in front of their eyes as soon as possible. Don't leave them time to have thoughts of their own.

Secondly it let the top brass off being considered as involved. No they just stupidly didn't act on the warnings. But the biggest benefit was that these so called warnings were used as providing proof of Osamas involvement BEFOREthe event, removing any necessity for a proper police investigation AFTER the event.

So they could jump in calling it an act of war which is what they were going to do all along whilst scuttling any need in the public's mind for a through criminal investigation that they sure as hell didn't want.

Got to hand it to them. Those "incompetents" sure were slick.

Event Horizon #fundie letters.salon.com

What's next, the Health Benefits of Mercury?

Regardless of the new 'scientific' consensus on the safety of vaccines, the idiocy of injecting a known poison into a newborn with an undeveloped immune system cannot be overstated.

aveutter #fundie letters.salon.com

Can we trust Science?

Scientists do not work in a vacuum, and are probably not much different than celebrity news anchors, who constantly slant the news without being aware they are doing it. Of course there are real pressures on research Scientists, where does the University gets most of its money? Beside that there is a subtle pressure on people who issue the news to avoid shouting fire in a movie theatre. Of course it benefits the major Pharmaceutical companies if the connection between vaccines and autism isn't proved for a few more years.

Look at the financial markets, who was telling you things were collapsing, certainly none of the expert academics, including the Fed Reserve Chief, Ben Bernanke. The truth is a difficult mistress to serve. Science and truth parted ways many years ago.

So do you believe me or your lieing eyes? I listened to one of the heads of a major pharmaceutical company tout a cure for Diabetes, which he predicts will affect 1/3 of all Americans in another generation. Why? (Round up the usual suspects, diet, exercise, and now plastic bottles). Can we trust science, hardly. Can we trust corporate America? When we tried to stop cigarettes they went overseas, and China has more to worry about that milk. The corporations always deny they are selling the things, in this case vaccines with mercury, but exactly where are all those old stocks, have they been recalled?

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