
Allure #quack #conspiracy #dunning-kruger liebeisstleben.de

(Translated from the original German by submitter)

The Catastrophe of Mainstream Medicine – The Spanish Flu 1918 A Fake Pandemic

102 years ago, at the end of WW I, the first mass vaccinations were performed. Immediately afterwards, a previously unknown disease surfaced which brought death to ca. 100 million peope.

Later, it became known as “the Spanish Flu”. But if you read from the ancient books of doctors of those times gone by, the picture of the Influenza pandemic appears completely different:

In truth, it was the vaccinations,
which caused those countless deaths.

They simply deny that these mass vaccinations happened back then, they portray the testimonies of witnesses of the time as a conspiracy theory, and all is well again for the religion of vaccination and its faithful adherents.

The only problem is that this catastrophe of mainstream medicine, which began in the USA, where most of the CONTEMPORARY WITNESS accounts come from as well, cannot be covered up forever.


While pharmacological medicine and hospitals using pharmacological (“allopathic”) treatments lost 33% of their influenza patients, non-pharmacological hospitals such as BATTLE-CREEK, KELLOGG and MACFADDEN’S Health-Sanitorium achieved nearly 100% recovery, and they did so with their water cures, baths, enemas etc., with fasting cures and other simple methods of healing, followed by carefully planned diet schedules with natural food.


Today we know that polio is a common side effect of vaccine poisonings. Those who stayed home did not contract polio until the global vaccination campaign of 1918.


WW I lasted a relatively short time. Consequently, vaccine producers were not able to sell their entire stockpile. But, as they were (and still are) driven by profit, they decided to offer the vaccines to the rest of the public.

Thus, they started the greatest vaccination campaign in US history.

There were no epidemics to justify it. Nevertheless, they used other tricks. Their propaganda claimed that soldiers would return from foreign lands with all sorts of disease and that everyone would have to get all vaccinations available on the market.

People believed them, firstly because they wanted to believe their doctors, and secondly because the returning soldiers had indeed become sick. But they did not know that the latter were iatrogenic diseases due to vaccinations, as the army doctors did not like to tell the of such things.

Many of the returning soldiers were crippled for life by these diseases caused by vaccination.

Many of them went insane due to the post-vaccine encephalitis, but the soldiers called it “shell shock” even though many of them never left American soil.

The conglomerate illness caused by the various toxic vaccines left the doctors speechless. This new disease they had created had the symptoms of all the diseases they had injected into the men.

High fever, extreme weakness, abdominal rashes and disturbed bowels, as typical for typhoid fever. The diphtheria vaccine caused excessive lung inflation, feeling of coldness and fever, a swollen painful throat, disrupted by the artificial membrane, and through difficult breathing and heavy wheezing even death from asphyxiation, whereupon the body blackened with stagnant blood, drained of oxygen during the phases of asphyxiation. Once, it was called the “Black Death” The other vaccines caused their own reactions – paralysis, brain damage, tetanus, etc.

When the doctors tried to suppress the typhoid symptoms with an even stronger vaccines, they caused a type of typhoid fever they called typhus they called paratyphoid. Yet as they concocted yet another vaccine, yet again more potent and dangerous than before, to suppress the results of the other vaccine, they created a disease far more terrible, for which they had no name at first.

They did not want to tell the population what it really was – their own Frankenstein’s monster they had created with their vaccines and their symptom-suppressing medicaments.

They wanted to deflect the fault from themselves,
and thus, they finally named the disease “Spanish Influenza”.

So much of the factual accounts from those times of sorrow. Now the vaccination-believers can prattle again as much as they can and talk away, twist and bend all the facts in concordance with their orthodoxy, until their illusion of a “Just World” is restored.

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