Classic Dick #sexist
All Women Are Whores
I have received well over a thousand supportive emails from women over the last 48 hours. Unsurprisingly to me, the topic they’re the most encouraging about is my comment on whores and all women being them.
All women are whores.
Keep in mind that I consider female anger to be the weather vane of truth and wisdom. When a woman finally has a heart attack after reading something I’ve written, I’m going to start calling myself Buddha.
King Buddha.
That’s why no women are allowed to read this.
Women know themselves almost as well as I know them. They know they’re prone to emotion and anger, and they know they’re all whores. That’s why they get so goddamn upset when I say it. To a woman, calling attention to her innate prostitution is more true than anything else I could possibly say.
But that’s only because women understand math and science about as far as a dog can shit.
Women crave money because they don’t have things like purple hearts, fist fights, and prom queens. They have nothing to validate their self-worth except how much a man will pay for access to their vagina. That’s why they spend money like it’s poison. The albatross of a 100 dollar bill is nothing but shame to a woman. It is a constant reminder of her nature.
All women are whores.