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The Trump era...is a study of White Nationalist Male backlash to Jewish-led Leftist Communist / Marxist / NWO Globalists attempt at world control. The failure of the Bolshevik revolution to take hold world-wide prompted Cultural Marxism which has been very effective, but now faces a pushback by nationalistic forces very similar to post-Weimar Nazi Germany. But this time around the Jews don't have total control of the media and face a knowledgeable public who are aware of their diabolical plans and face far more difficulties in propagandizing their lies. General outline: (1) Cultural Marxism is an offshoot of Fabianism which is still highly influential in British and even American politics. The study of Marxism parallels the study of Jewish / Zionist megalomania beginning in the middle of the 19th Century and includes the Bolshevik revolution, Cold War hoax, the Holocaust hoax, JFK assasination and the 9/11 Mossad-led controlled demolition of the WTC with nuclear and conventional weapons. (2) There was/is a signigicant amount of collaboration between the Frankfurt School and the Zionists who created Israel. (3) Tavistock and the Frankfurt School and related entities provided the intellectual horsepower for a large swath of organizations fulfilling NWO goals, (4) European and US university Social Science departments are dominated by leftist Frankfurt School / New School academicians. (5) Ultimately, Cultural Marxism is just one more aspect of Jewish power machinations (see Zion's Trojan Horse, Tenney, Talmud). (6) Neoconservatism would emerge from Franfurt School ideology. Irving Kristol was associated with the Congress of Cultural Freedom.

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