Faust #fundie originaldissent.com
Sodomite rendezvous service television advertisements.
The television sations where I live have been running a lot of advertisements for some kind Sodomite rendezvous service. One shows a cowboy talking about how hard it is meat guys out on his ranch. (I feel sorry for the poor cattle! ) The other show a Black guy ordering himself a white boy.
Years ago the local TV sation used run to lots of old movies. As Child I was rather fond of Abbott and Costello, Shirley Temple, Ma and Pa Kettle, Francis the Talking Mule, John Wayne, Westerns, the Good the Bad and the Ugly and old War movies. Now it seems like they never run any movies made before 1980 on Free TV. A child will never see any of this stuff these days. They will see ads for Condons, "the pill," anti-VD drugs, and Sodomite rendezvous service between sick and evil programing.
Thais is really sick, sometimes I think the Taliban were right to smash the TV sets...