
M - 178 Mario #racist profile.myspace.com

I am a Falangist, aka Fascist, Right Wing. I also support National Socialism and the 14 words Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth. I am VERY strongly and fiercely against Miscegenation aka "interracial/race-mixing". This needs to come to an end. I'm also very Anti white-abortion. Anti immigration for most countries. Anti non-whites in Europe. Anti communist. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To Race-mixers your still a pathetic little excuse for life. Your abomination will only lead to more perverse perturbation. You attempting to argue through misunderstanding and misrepresenting premises is all that is laughable. Tautologies are tautological. --------------------------------------------------- M-178. I like video games. I live in America, my blood is of mostly Spanish, and part Italian. I am trying to maintain a politically neutral profile of mine, so myspace please don't delete me. I do not want anger the all mighty myspace staff. I love everyone, even people who are hell bent on killing my race off, and making us all slaves, I love you all. ¡Arriba España! {}

Who I'd like to meet:
Adolph Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Franco Fransisco, Charles Robberts Swart

adam #fundie profile.myspace.com

Hello all! How to discribe myself. Well, I am a charasmatic christian with a severe hatred for witchcraft.

I lost my wife in a conflict with a woman that was a high preistess of goddess worship. Before the conflict was over, 70+ people were sent to prison where many of them died. An addition 30+ individuals were dishonorably discharged from the Air Force.

?~*.WARRIOR.for.CHRIST.*~? [[God is Love!]] #fundie profile.myspace.com

[what's sad is that this isn't a poe]

If you need proof that God is real, even after reading this, then ask me!

If God wasn't real, then...
- Why are true Christians so loving? Why do they strive to show their love to others no matter how they are treated?

- Why would there even be a prayer language? This is truly a gift from God. The anointing can flow through someone instantly by another simply speaking through Jesus' name!

- Why do Christians have that shine in their eyes like nobody else does? This is a big one that I've noticed... nonbelievers or non-Christians don't have that kind, gentle shine in their eyes like Christians do. Simply because they don't have the light of God!

- Why is there a Bible? The Bible was written thousands of years ago, and think about it... back then, people weren't exactly as deceiving as they are now. These people didn't just write it and simply hope that someone would believe it. The Bible is the LIVING Word of God!

- Why is the earth so differently made? I read online on a fact-based website that every last one of the chemicals is perfectly balanced, and there is a perfect amount of oxygen. The earth is the perfect distance from the sun for there to be the needed amount of precipitation and cold and heat. How else could this have happened with just science?

- Why are scientists constantly trying to prove that God isn't real? If God wasn't real, then the scientists would not be trying to prove what's already true as false. Far too many scientists are being used by Satan as living TOOLS of trying to lead someone into deception.

- Why are so many drug addicts and depressed individuals instantly set free by the power of God when they are saved?

- Why would there even be priests and pastors that existed to preach the gospel if God wasn't real? These people aren't just making it all up!

- God is real; there is proof. You simply have to open up your eyes and ears and pay attention to your surroundings.

Winnie the PooH shaves His Toes #fundie profile.myspace.com

once upon a time i vas falling in love, and the falling about, there was nothing i could do, i used to satisfy myself with songs like "i swear it all again" by west life..etc. and/or vatching "family guy, futurerama, funny stuff" when hard times, trials, storms, came
my way. now i know that didn't work casue it lasted for awhile then there vas only love in the dark, now that i've seen the Light, and the LORD opened up the eyes of my heart now i'm living in Joy, and wating for the return of My GOD, My savior, ME JESUS.

Daina Gibbs #conspiracy profile.myspace.com

[What is perhaps most depressing here is that this girl's primary studies at "University Texas" are Psychology and English. The original has NO paragraph breaks.]

Hi, I'm Daina Gibbs and I have something that's astounding! At least I think so. I've compiled nine categories of a wide array of rocks and/or objects that I have found on the Martian surface. From my observations of the images sent by the rovers that are presently located there now and from several other missions as well, Mars is proving to be a treasure trove of marvels. Most remarkable is this Little Mars Man that I found from the Spirit rover navigation cameras taken on sol 118. He's peeking out from the shadow of a unusual, shaped 'rock' that appears as shelter. He's staring directly at rover as the camera snaped this candid picture of him. And what's extra cool, is that there are four objects that look exactly like tools laying, I'd say, ten feet away from him in good view of the cameras. One precisely shaped one the smallest, looks as if it has moisture surrounding it!

There's so much stuff. I've found a picture of a giant snail that is about a foot tall that looks very much alive. Very recognizable horseshoe crabs are seen. There's a giant scallop and smaller sea shell. Four species of familiar sea (and land) shell creatures rest within feet from each other. Plus, I found an entirely new species of animal unlike any earth creature that I'm aware of. They come in various sizes and shapes that look like shells and fat bladder or pod shaped things. They all exhibit the same feature that looks like a proboscis or tube appendage that stretches outward and down in order to protrude into the ground. It's purpose seems obvious...to siphon...that's suspect for there being the availability of water.

That's not all. I found so many wonderful objects that I had to start categorizing them into a CD, and soon a website, gibbsmarsdiscoveries.com. that is underconstruction. The categories of my CD are: Humankind, Human Art Forms, Animal Life, Animal Art Forms, Architecture, Artificial and Manufactured Objects, Lakes, Pods, UFOs. Over 179 images when last counted. All rights reserved copyright 2005, 2006. I'm still finding and categorizing the most couriously, stunning objects that I have ever seen. I dare not state it plainly for fear of ridicule. Really folks, Mars is a thriving planet. All images are courtesy of NASA/JPL. Mars was and still is inhabited from what I see on it's ground.

What you will learn when you see my mars discoveries, and discoveries found by others like me who are finding the same things. Not just fossils...which even that is indication enough! You may very well revolutionize your perspective on how you will regard the relevancy of 'commom things' pertaining to their size and dimension. Even in Mars' skies, I've found objects with something similar to our UFO phenomenon. I've only a sample here to show and tell you.

As I present these images that I've taken from the mars images released by NASA, I lay out my theory as to what they all may be. Not every single image I present can be an illusion because there occur repeated themes that really couldn't be random. The only illusions seem to be the ones where most of the images released to the public appear plagued with obnoxious smears and blurrs that's highly indicative of image tampering, unfortunately. It doesn't take too long before you start to see it. But they can't mask everything all the time...I'm hoping.

My 'Gibbs Mars Discoveries' CD is essentially twenty or more webpages, and the list keeps growing. A possible ongoing, life long pursuit of finding and labling every noteworthy object I find. It makes me feel as if I'm becoming a more enhanced human. It's like graduating from Earthling to Earthian, or something like that. Seeing that the existance of life forms on another planet in our solar system is likely quite common place, may it be bestowed on us to find ourselves to be as "solarversal" humans who share the solar system with others of like-kind and with those who are startling similar, yet a vastly different form of human specie.

William Wallace #fundie profile.myspace.com

A teenage girl about 17 had gone to visit some friends one evening and time passed quickly as each shared their various experiences of the past year. She ended up staying longer than planned, and had to walk home alone. She wasn't afraid because it was a small town and she lived only a few blocks away. As she walked along under the tall elm trees, Diane asked God to keep her safe from harm and danger.

When she reached the alley, which was a short cut to her house, she decided to take it. However, halfway down the alley she noticed a man standing at the end as though he were waiting for her. She became uneasy and began to pray, asking for God's protection. Instantly a comforting feeling of quietness and security wrapped round her, she felt as though someone was walking with her. When she reached the end of the alley, she walked right past the man and arrived home safely. The following day, she read in the newspaper that a young girl had been raped in the same alley just twenty minutes after she had been there.

Feeling overwhelmed by this tragedy and the fact that it could have been her, she began to weep. Thanking the Lord for her safety and to help this young woman, she decided to go to the police station. She felt she could recognize the man, so she told them her story. The police asked her if she would be willing to look at a lineup to see if she could identify him.

She agreed and immediately pointed out the man she had seen in the alley the night before. When the man was told he had been identified, he immediately broke down and confessed. The officer thanked Diane for her bravery and asked if there was anything they could do for her. She asked if they would ask the man one question. Diane was curious as to why he had not attacked her. When the policeman asked him, he answered, "Because she wasn't alone. She had two tall men walking on either side of her."

Amazingly, whether you believe or not, you're never alone. Did you know that 98% of teenagers will not stand up for God? Repost this as Love vs. Sex if you truly believe in God.., PS: God is always there in your heart and loves you no matter what.....and if u stand up 4 him u would repost this 90% wont repost

rATnA #fundie profile.myspace.com

[A continuation of the above post. Responding to, "I don't know what you're on, but being pro-choice is about supporting a person's right to make their own medical procedures. You wouldn't talk like this if the subject were a person's right to consent to open-heart surgery or taking insulin.]

I'm on the love that spun the original hydrogen carbon and nitrogen into place....

....and all i do is collect data like Edwin Hubble. I have no lofty opinions to impose on people. I don't babble in theories or messy opinions. All i do is gather data. Raw, accurrate, retestable, observable data is all that we need to know.

I dream of "hot air balloon" perspectives so that I can see past the walls that limit our perspectives.

There is no set 'yes or no' answer to anybody's definition of consent in any medical situation.

I like how you said that pro-choice and pro-abortion are not the same. I am advocating for a return to Mother Earth's crystallization-free natural order, although i don't "advocate" it for anybody but myself, and sometimes i like to let other people know what I'm doing if I think its relevant, and i let you know because maybe you care, maybe not, my guess is yes.......? Anyways can pro-choice be pro-life and pro-abortion at the same time? Yes. But also, pro-choice can be pro-life and anti-abortion at the same time too in perhaps another situation too.......so to say "I'm pro choice" is a crystallization that is fake because even though you are for the rights of the woman, perhaps in some distant situation that might change to include the rights of the natural order of Mother Earth to produce more children because contrary to most pro-choice peoples' world view, many people who come from bad, disadvantaged childhoods end up growing into the most successful adults of all because of the extra challenges, and also, one day I will open a huge school for "unwanted" children and I can almost garuantee you that after time in my school the original parents will want their kids back because i will teach them how to be highly successful by collecting/organizing/analyzing data instead of reading books about other peoples' data-collection adventures...............and how can something that mimics seretonin help the brain produce natural serotonin correctly? What happened to the Natural Order of Mother Earth? How can so many different drugs be "generally recognized as safe" and yet harm the mitochondria that power all cells?

rAtnA's #fundie profile.myspace.com

[I received these as private messages, so I can't link to the post. Link goes to the guy's profile.]

Its not really about pro choice or pro life because those are styles and a style is a crystallization and crystallization is a cessation of growth and prosperity.

Styles and crystallizations are anti-reality because reality is never static, not even in space.

Even your favorite book is on fire right now, its just burning at a rate that is too slow to produce visual flames, but 55 years from now the book will appear brown and singed----almost as if by flame----say cheese, you get the picture.

Many different interactive, active elements combine to form the situations around abortions, so to see the picture clearly we must remove ourselves from our limited, narrow initial perspectives and catch a hot-air balloon to the bigger picture...........otherwise you can separate, isolate, limit, control, and be a lonely skittle.

[I'm sorry, what does natural oxidation have to do with women's political rights again?]

Oxidation = natural death = Mother Earth Progression.

death = man-made fire = abortion/war = Mother Earth Regression.

Combustion is the number one source of smog, regression, abortion, unnatural death.

Sometimes people need to remind me that I live in the otherworld and sometimes people have no idea how i got where i am and in that case whatever i say makes no sense, so i apologize, and i might as well apologize again because this all probly makes no sense either but in light of my path it makes perfect sense.

*****All I'm really trying to say is that to declare oneself pro life or pro choice is a style and a crystallization and a stagnation of growth which promotes an unatural Mother Earth death like a man made fire that will take your book from you in 100 seconds instead of 100 decades. We need stories not slogans. I am from: the future but i live in the present, you see, that cannot be true, we can only live in the present, and thus we can only be pro-life or pro-choice in the immediate situation of life and death, and at no other time is it accurate to be pro choice or life.

Tear down the walls that define your perspectives and float up in a hot air balloon to my perspective where we can see immediate time exist on our blue and white planet and see time not exist in our eternal space where there is no time except the time of creation. Creation via big bang or by God or by both or by none, at most all we can have is a time of creation, and perhaps a time of end, but there are no other times that exist in space except for the time on blue and white planet. There is only one planet. The other planets are just random balls of dust and ice space matter that just happen to orbit the sun as well even though thousands of lifeless balls of space matter orbit the sun too for the simple reason that the sun creates a gravitation pathway for the other balls of dust, if there was only one planet there would be need for grouping other lifeless balls of dust/ice/spacematter ambiguously into the precise atmosphere of Earth.

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