
Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot projectcamelot.org

Mission Statement

Overview and mission statement:

• To provide researchers, activists and ‘whistleblowers’ with access to all forms of media in order to get the truth out.

• Our focus includes but is not limited to the following:
• extraterrestrial visitation and contact
• time travel
• mind control
• classified advanced technology
• free energy
• possible coming earth changes
• revealing plans that exist to control the human race.

• To establish ‘safety in numbers’ and unite these disparate factions under an umbrella of protection for activists and ‘whistleblowers’ who may have concerns for the safety of themselves and their loved ones.

• To provide a tribute to all activists in paradigm-challenging fields who have worked for the benefit of humanity... and who have suffered or been silenced for speaking the truth.


In Tribute:

• Many courageous, free-thinking individuals have suffered for their commitment to help humanity.

• We honor them here, and offer protection and support for those who follow in their path.

• We are dedicated to getting the truth out.

• Click here for our Tribute Page in which we honor a number of exceptional men and women who have paid the highest price for speaking the truth.


Project Camelot...

• Enables activists in paradigm-challenging fields to make a firm statement about their work, their intentions, and their positive state of mind.

• Provides access to all forms of media. The objective is to get the truth out... and facilitate appropriate, secure publicity for all those with information to share, but who fear reprisals for their stand.


We shall prevail.

Being of sound mind, heart and spirit, we each declare the following to be true:

• We have no intention of ending our own lives.

• We will not tolerate suppression of our truths, our ideas, our freedoms, or our work.

• We stand together to support others in the expression of truths and freedom to speak out... no matter how radical those ideas may seem.

• Standing for freedom takes courage; together we shall be strong in the face of all odds.

• If it is ever claimed that we have committed suicide, disappeared, been institutionalized, or sold out financially or in any other way to self-interested factions, we declare those claims false and fabricated.

• We testify, assert and affirm without reservation, on behalf of all those who have dedicated their lives to the ending of secrecy and the promotion of freedom of thought, ideas and expression... that we shall prevail.

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