
caamib #fundie rantsofanincel.wordpress.com

You guys have no idea how correct you are with the Soviet comparison. In Soviet Union people who didn’t believe communism/socialism could work were treated as mentally ill. It was simply incomprehensible to believe that. It’s the same with feminism/liberalism and men like this idiot I’ve been trashing around here.

You guys have never lived in the communist state though (probably, I guess). But my ancestors did and I have the encyclopedia from that time. In that entry under Capitalism you can literally see a cartoonish picture of rich fat cat torturing the hungry masses by throwing a roasted chicken manipulated by a rope in front of them. That’s literally how capitalism had been perceived at the time and gives you a good insight into the psychology of men like Johnny. Notice how he didn’t even bother to comment on the part where I told him that shirnks themselves rejected to “treat” me or that any sincere discussion with a shrink would result in me being arrested. This he doesn’t want to talk about because the former doesn’t fit his narrative and he is cautious enough not to openly admit that he does want to see me arrested regarding the latter.

When people firmly believe in the horrible ideas they have and think they are as natural as breathing and have the power of police and psychiatry behind them it gets very nasty and turns their previously free countries into next USSR.

(To clarify above)
Well, they didn’t exactly live in a communist one, not even USSR was communist, but the point was more about totalitarian systems. And keep in mind, my ancestors aren’t even from USSR but a place with the most liberal strain of totalitarianism during the Cold War.

caamib #sexist rantsofanincel.wordpress.com

Lon, your fairy tales are just that – fairy tales. They have little to do with an actual state of most human beings. Simply put, if feminism made all the men in the world incel they’d quickly tear the system down and massacre those responsible. They wouldn’t listen to middle-aged men who have given up telling them to “let go of hate”.

Feminism is hate itself. It can only be defeated by hating it even more. Men most forgo some “consent” crap as long it isn’t defined in it’s sane form – as a differentiation between a married woman cheating or a married woman being raped. The OT often didn’t even make the distinction between an unmarried girl being raped and her just fooling around. It mattered very little to the consequence, which was that the guy was to marry her. That’s how a man is to think. You can’t think in any other way.

Also, your loaf of bread thing is also incorrect. At times, dealing with women can inflict worse pains that simply never having any experience. I was basically a feminist until I got more experience with women and saw what they really were – animals. Now I have more experience exactly because I ditched feminism and treated them like the animals they are. I wish it weren’t so but the only culture where women do behave is a patriarchal civilization where men guide them to good behavior.

rantsofanincel #sexist rantsofanincel.wordpress.com

Happy international cunt’s day

In honor of international cunt’s day this week, I have decided I am going to write another honoring hero’s post. This week, our hero, who is one of the greatest hero’s to ever live IMHO, is George Sodini.

For those who do not recall, George Sodini was a 48 year old incel, who tried everything to find a woman, and got rejected each and every time. He even tried PUA and went to bootcamps, blowing his money to get his head filled with BS advice, which did not work. One day, George got tired of all the rejection and instead of suffering his fate of spending the rest of his life alone, he decided to go and do something about it. George Sodini got revenge by going on a rampage at a gym, shooting up a woman’s fitness class. The only mistake Sodini made, was not racking up a large enough body count. George was a fairly well to do man, having over $250,000 in cash stashed as well as outright owning his own home. Sodini should have used this money to buy some bigger guns, and perhaps, learned to make some bombs to really up the body count. Of course, in the aftermath, once the whining and crying settled, the media started slandering him and twisting his situation by saying he was only after 20 year old women and if he went after women his own age, he would have found somebody. Oh boy, doesn’t this sound familiar. I suggest you go back and read my post so titled. Anything to take all the blame off the poor wimminz. Any and all responsibility is kryptonite to today’s cunt, almost as much as the incel man is. George Sodini would have gotten rejected if he approached 20 year olds, 30 year olds, 40 year olds, 50 year olds. Maybe if he tried approaching 60 year old women, one would have given him a chance, but even that is doubtful. Bottom line is George Sodini had NO chance with ANY women, since he was introverted, quirky, and was not a badboy or thug. As if all this were not bad enough, to add injury to insult, he had to deal with the mockery from men as well as women of being a 48 year old, never married incel. I know from experience that in the part of the country George Sodini lived in, this alone would exclude you from just about all social gatherings, unless of course, you lie, but sooner or later the truth would come out. Why couldn’t just one girl have given him a chance? Oh, because that would be Ewwww, disgusting, now wouldn’t it cunts? Well, when they were cleaning the contents of your head off the floor, I am sure that some poor aftermath cleaning crew was saying the same thing about you. Well, cunts, enjoy your international women’s day. BTW your so called “strike” made absolutely no difference to the economy. You cunts are only good for one thing, and you know it o!o.

rantsofanincel #fundie rantsofanincel.wordpress.com

I was asked by someone(Lon?) how I am able to hold down a job. The answer to this is that when people ask me at work about relationships, I say I have a girlfriend. This is strictly a survival tactic, as most men in corporate america are naginas and if you are vocally against feminism, you will at worst, loose your job, and at best, you will be thrown under the bus when it comes to raises/promotions, etc.

I know this from experience, because it has happened to me before. Unfortunately, there are women I have to work fairly closely with on a day to day basis, and the ones you have to watch out for are the young pretty ones who have a trail of naginas drooling behind them, as if they find out there is an incel in the midst, they will have all their naginas turn on you, and this could be a career ending event. Luckily, I am established enough in my field, that there is very little these cunts could do to me, even if they knew I was a full blown incel. Most of the women I work with are completely useless, although, there are a couple who are very good at what they do. Women above 40, or so, tend to mind their own business and pose no threat, generally, to the incel men in my field. It is the younger ones you have to watch out for. I know who the cunts are, and I am respectful to the women who are respectful to me, but for the younger entitled cunts, the 20 somethings, who have a trail of naginas drooling at their heels, I purposely ignore, because I know it pisses them off.

Professionally, these know nothing bubble heads could not even hurt my feelings, however, they could spread word around the office about “that creepy guy”, and the naginas who are trolling for poon, of course, may try to win favors by kissing the cunts ass, and gang up on you. This could create problems for you in the workplace, no matter how skilled you are. For the incel man, the goal should be to hog as many resources as possible, while being as invisible as possible, until the time comes when you have accumulated enough, that if things go bad, you can just tell them to fuck off after grabbing the cunt by the pussy. I suggest that all incels lie to their coworkers about being in a relationship, as it will make life as a corporate slave much easier, until the time comes where you have accumulated enough to walk away from it all.

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