
BoneZ #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

That is unequivocally the sun shining on the chopper like i've stated every other time. If you can't see that that is the sun, then you should really get your eyes checked or get a different monitor. Chopper 4 is ABOVE the towers and the sun is shining directly on that side of the chopper.

To say that those sunlight reflections are weapons, static electricity, laser beams is like saying that the WTC buildings weren't controlled demolitioned when we know for an absolute certainty that they were.

Disinfo agents try to spread incredible theories like flashing wings, green screens, sunlight flashes being static or laser beams. Just the exact stuff to discredit the 9/11 Truth movement.

zykotic_again #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

"I've been discussing and explaining all this manipulation and the agenda to many people where I live and surprisingly, many of them actually listen and agree and seems to be awaken to the situation, yet I keep getting the same reaction "don't think about this stuff so much" and they continue down the road to enslavement.

"Yes I agree we have been decieved on an unimaginable scale, yes it is wrong, yes this is important to know... But whatever, I can't be bothered thinking about this stuff. Bye."

Anyone else experienced this? What do you make of this?"

[If this guy was my neighbor, I'd probably just smile and nod, too. I wouldn't want to get on his enemies list.]

Angus #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

My wife gives me "the look" once in a while.. But admits that it isn't that she doesn't believe me.. She doesn't WANT to believe me.. So what she doesn't see won't hurt her.. I tell her she's wrong.. But hey.. whatever.. When we're both in line together waiting at the gates of the concentration camp for me being part of this forum, I'll have the satisfaction of giving her a little friendly nudge and saying told ya so...

GuilelessGuy #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

[Why Bill Maher will never support the 9/11 Truth Movement]
Bill Maher is jewish. I am not anti-semitic at all, as I have many friends that are jewish, arab, etc. His being jewish will show some biases, and after all, the majority of the media and entertainment have prominent jewish people. Also, another note to its semitic origin is that in 'arabic, maher means marriage dowry.

Therefore...how can he not support the official version of the story.

TheQuest #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

It's not a personal thing so don't mind us. But there are many here, like myself who have 'seen it all'. And we also know who to trust and who not to. So when you show links from the New York Times - the same people that are hiding the truth about 911, JFK, RFK, MLK and Iran/Contra - and so many other government sponsored crimes, we roll our eyes in bewilderment.

xtratabasco #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

Now before you censor me, hear me out. And no, I'm not anti-Jew or anti any religon for that matter, hell, just look at insane Christian Bush who is ruining this country.

Everytime I research 911 I keep coming up with Jews in key positions involving 911. We all know the Jews have a vested interest in the War on Terror for obvious reasons, and 911 was the reason we went to war in the first place.

We also know that 90% of PNAC are Jews like Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, William Kristol and good old Mr. Chertoff of Homeland Security is a dual citizen Jew. Then we got Silverstein the lease holder, he a Jew and Bush too?

DJGTSR #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

I just had a long talk with someone who is very knowledgeable about this subject we are all talking about.

First I would like to say that there is NO question that certain groups within the government were definately behind 9/11.

Second, these members will find a way to infiltrate us and stop any movement we make. Look what happened to JFK who was about to abolish the CIA amongst other things.

Third, we cannot organize ourselves as well as these elite few have. They were able to stage the biggest terror attack on the United States and get away with it. They have incredible funding and are very powerful. There is no use even trying to take these few down.

Fourth, and most important, If a movement is started, I believe it will end very brutally in the murder of any opposition leader.

I dont know what you guys are thinking about doing, but please consider your personal saftey. If these people can kill a President and murder 3000 of our own, just imagine what can happen to you.

cam #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

Man your full of it jet fule of hydrocarbons (kerosene aka jet fuel) dose not burn at on 1800 degrees who are bush. Tell me your not that dum. Even if it did it would it would have to burn for hrs to melt steal like it did. There is only one engine found at the crash. you need to look in to this more than what you have mom&dad is not all ways rigth. The tv is not all ways right some thing you have to look up self.

e-dog #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

oooh i understand :$

well why do u think ?? i think cuz all the major organizations like the FBI,CIA,FAA,MI5,NSA,NASA etc. are in control of the guys who did this ....

i know there's a scret organization running EVERYTHING... and bush just a puppet and if bush would do things that they didnt like they'd just eliminate him like they did with kenedy and 2pac or clinton... why do u think the guy who killed 2pac or kenedy was never found.. i mean YOU CAN FIND SOMEONE UNDER GROUND IN IRAK but u cant find the murderor who shot the greatest rapper ever.. in LAS VEGAS?!!! or the guy sho shot my fav president all these stories reeeaaalllyy stink!

FinalStrike #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

heres a good campaign- convert ten of your immediate naibours to the truth and get all ten to put placards outside thier house-

people will question it- want answers and accountability- they learn the truth- their kids spread it to other families-- their parents get angry- come over and see the placards- want accountability of unpatriotic stance- get converted, 30 houses gain lots of attention from other 30 houses- a street screening is held- whole street is converted- all have placards- repeat process.

street by street- community by community- the objectors will be crushed by popular public opinion and crate a polarisation of rediculousness and provide the platform to full informatioon awareness.

get %50 of america and automatically the rest follow. and impeach the entire corporatocracy and move to new constitution with extra amendments to ensure this can never happen again with full guidelenes to ensure that forieign buisness gives a fair deal to poor countries and start financial help programs and kick start an energy efficiency program in america and include in the constitution stark environmental properties to ensure our kids have a future world to live in-

get %50 of a state with placards local news will take explicit notice

they dont deserve it- especially having ignorant ass parents and forefathers

~SÐ~Zántíng #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

I've never actually been able to see bodies or anything of the like flying out of the debris during the implosion and collapse.

Is it possible that many or all of the actual people in the building wern't there? And that it was all covered up?

No bodies during recovery either...

Bulldog #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

Some people (like me) are shocked, stunned, angry, and resentful... Totally stunned that ANY government could stage such an event [9/11] - and get away with it!

Others...... just couldn't give a sh!t. And, by saying 'others,' in my view, that means about 70% of those people to whom I try to convert.

I'm not particularly religous, but I think I now understand how those evangalests out there feel!

bingo #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

In reviewing eyewitness accounts of what occurred in New York on 9/11, I realized how many accounts were influenced or 'contaminated' by media coverage. Subsequently I discovered that a set of Port Authority police transcripts had recently been released to the New York Times.

These transcripts can be found at:

What better eyewitnesses are there than TRAINED POLICE OFFICERS MAKING REAL-TIME OBSERVATIONS AND REPORTS IN THE FIELD? After all, these kind of witnesses are ordinarily considered to be the most credible in ordinary court cases.

At the website there is a section called '9/11 Transcripts' which contain 50 transcripts (1,594 pages) from the Port Authority police. I methodically combed through all these transcripts, ignoring opinions from desk sergeants and all influences from media reports.

The following facts emerged:

1. No credible observations of airplanes in the air are contained in these transcripts.
2. No credible observations of engine noise are found.
3. No reports of separate impact sounds are found.
4. One secondhand report of plane debris was found.
5. No reports of plane holes are found.
6. All observations and reports of plane crashes into either tower, are contradicted by other observations and reports of missiles or other objects impacting the towers, or simply explosions.

A reasonable and disinterested reader of these transcripts, using only the reports listed in the transcripts, would come to the following conclusions:

1. An explosion occurred in Tower One which ignited jet fuel planted in the building.
2. Tower One was then struck by a missile fired from the roof of the Woolworth Building.
3. Multiple explosives were then detonated in Tower One, including at the B-4 level and near the PATH platform.
4. Tower Two was then struck by a missile fired from the roof of the Woolworth Building.
5. Multiple explosives were then detonated in Tower Two.

Any questions?

MaryJane69 #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

[On passengers aboard 9/11 flight 83, which crashed in Pennsylvania]

They may be dead, they may be in the South of France enjoying some fine cusine. Or they may be in an underground city (interesting, I thought I was the only one who believed in a complete, functional underground city hehe).

thinicer #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

Friend, I commend your idealism. But look here....

It is widely known and accepted now that Roosevelt allowed the Japanese to bomb Pearl Harbor so as to shock the Americans into a war they didn't want to participate in before. Where is the outrage these days? No where. Americans don't even know about it, or they don't even care. Some even rationalize it by saying, "Well it was a war that we STILL should have been involved in regardless, so it doesn't matter if FDR knew! Hitler had to be stopped!" I bet some here on this site feel the same way.

Imagine 50 years from now, when the US is still battling the War on Terror and after countless of Americans have been killed by muslim extremists. Suppose the truth for 9/11 comes out then. Do you think Americans will care about the truth of 9/11 after all the bombings by muslim terrorists? Maybe even a nuclear or biological attack? They will probably rationalize it by saying, "Well 9/11 was neccessary to stir the nation into action because these muslim extremists are CRAZY, EVIL LUNATICS that need to be destroyed! It was the only way to get this country off it's ass!"

What about the truth of the JFK assasination? It's been 40 years, yet the battle for the truth of what happened to the man is still being fought. Despite all the independent research, nothing has become of it. Nobody has been charged for treason. Nobody ever will.

This is just how the masses are. You guys are noble in your search for the truth, but it isn't going to make much of a dent.

As I've said before, the only way true, meaningful change to occur is if the US economy collapses. We will all suffer horribly, many of us will starve, lose their homes, etc. but it is the only way this country will get pissed off enough.

red #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

[Barbara Olsen was aboard 9/11 flight 77, which crashed into the Pentagon. Her remains were identified.]

I heard Barbara Olsen was hanging out with Santa Claus in the North Pole. Oh wait, she is now hiding on the border of the North Pole and the South Pole, amongst a band of penguins...

jdyolam #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

[on photos of FBI agents combing for evidence]

After seeing the pentagon research site, i noticed it spoke of a C130 possibly dropping planted debris-- ala Northwoods fake debris release scenario.


longshot theory: the FBI agents combing the area FAR from the pentagon were 'collecting' any faked, dropped, plane parts that might have been damning -- if someone else found them -- photographed them -- or maybe covering evidence regarding light-pole shenanigans.

it appears that the consistent job performed by the FBI was to suppress evidence - so this would be in keeping.

I welcome any other theories to explain what FBI agents were doing out there with paper bags.

OCMARK #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

Have you found your plane yet?.....I did not think so

No luggage...no engines...no wings....no fusalodge....no cockpit....no bodies....no tail...no black boxes.......Where is all that stuff hell it only weighted 100 Tons..

These "terrorist" can barely blow up aroad side bomb ...let alone pull this "JOB" off...as far as you Artist renderings of the pentagon....looks like some of Colon Powels stuff...Remember the WMD Moblie"BIO" Trucks he showed us all at the UN.....looks like the same SH*T.

A 757 plane flys at 500mph at tree top level...weight 100 Tons...crashes into the side of the pentagon..flown by a wannabee pilots..fits through a mouse hole with no plane parts left out side...travels through three buildings and six walls and there is nothing left of the 757...Oh there was an Engine part at the site...but the 757 engine makers say that is none of there's...not sure what the F*CK it is..everybody on board is ID...there is no hanger filled with all the parts...even when they crash in the bottom of the Ocean....there are parts....OH and there is more three or four differant camers caught the crash on film...but that is a secret..TOP SECRET HANDS OFF B*TCH THAT IS OUR LIE!!

Man I have heard of door-to-door selling candy....or a used car sales man...but this guy is good at the sales pitch........A CLOSER HE IS NOT.

Did bush do it YES or No...it's OK still free speech do not be affraid...Hey Moto that is one Hard Sell....there is no plane there...

xtratabasco #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

[on the 100+ eyewitnesses of the Pentagon crash]

You have to remember that if 1 and only 1 of the 4 main areas of 911 deviate from the governments story you have to conclude that the government did it. Because you can't say for example that building 7 was imploded by the government but the pentagon, twin towers and 83 were all done by the hijackers, that makes less sense than the original governments story.

We know about the implosion of bldg 7 and that it would take weeks to set that up, we must assume, I do, that the eyewitnesses as well versed as they present their case are liars and shills.

FinalStrike #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

i support a global powerdown,

people would just move out into the country- continue to consume current crop production turn over- and maybe an amature ration system run by government remnants,

move back to agri labour- rebuild trade slowly and reclaim the cities after.

build a new government from the ashes built on founding farthers principals wholeheartedly.

we have enough accumulated resources to set something up- we dont need more crap to make its way into america to pull it off- its not about pulling it off, but using the media to mobilise or rally- like the land army- if you want food- return to the soil, and then make a new trade system- a powered down trade system that ifs not for the soul purpose of inflation.

everyone can have their own self sustainable permaculture set-up using existing materials from gigantic american houses, and make smaller livable premises.

all extra investment or labour can put put into developing fuel cells and solar manufactoring.

if iran can build their own airforce, on f16 replicas then i'm sure producing panals for electricity aint that hard.

compost waste, or use for nutes

suburbia can grow plants in their gardens to last them for years for their whole family.

establish local trading.

then regional- abolish national trading. keep it stable and local.

and have a state wide transit system, medicare and professionals can come from europe if oil trading switches to euros to exclude american dollar-

the japs rebuilt in 30 years- america with a new humble beginning will be strong- poeple pulling together,

japan has the world best fuel efficiency- they will provide expertise and products for redevelopment. remember they will be immune to a dollar crash through energy self sustainability.

jdolam #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

Were the hijackers really devout muslims, or someone posing as muslim>? Even more outrageous, is it possible that the captains Dahl and Homer thought they were participating in an anti-hijacking DRILL, therefore thought that the cabin intrusion was part of game, for which they were rewarded handsomely? Just a speculation, based on the fact that Pilot Homer had previously flown Dick Cheney, and Pilot Jason Dahl had reportedly just lavished a new car and a new piano on his family. (where did the money come from?)

Style #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

[On flight 93, which crashed in Pennsylvania on 9/11]

The hero story was a smart fabrication on the part of the government because they knew that the victim's families would not want to lose their loved ones hero status.

e-dog #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

[responding to a question about why the plane at the Pentagon wasn't reconstructed]

well why do u think ?? i think cuz all the major organizations like the FBI,CIA,FAA,MI5,NSA,NASA etc. are in control of the guys who did this ....

i know there's a scret organization running EVERYTHING... and bush just a puppet and if bush would do things that they didnt like they'd just eliminate him like they did with kenedy and 2pac or clinton... why do u think the guy who killed 2pac or kenedy was never found.. i mean YOU CAN FIND SOMEONE UNDER GROUND IN IRAK but u cant find the murderor who shot the greatest rapper ever.. in LAS VEGAS?!!! or the guy sho shot my fav president :P all these stories reeeaaalllyy stink!

pipelineaudio #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

You claim to be well read on this. I certainly am not.

However, the whole Oswald's past thing is BIZZARRE!!!

And Jack Ruby whacking Oswald in a police station???


No sense

If I were a Cuban, recently having fled from Castro, I would hate Kennedy

If I were a Cuban who had a family member on the Bay of Pigs Mission, I would want to KILL Kennedy

If I were a mobster with gambling interests in Havanna, I would want Kennedy's head on a stick

If I were a memeber of the National Front, or any other communist group, I would want Kennedy dead for the Vietnam deal

Im sure there are about 80 zillion motives for wanting him dead.

WHAT motive was there for Oswald to kill him? Besides maybe still being a communist agent perhaps

Robo #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

[On 9/11 flight 93]

Is it even physically possible that a plane travelling hundreds of mph will hit sand and "tunnel right in" without leaving any debris above ground? If a plane crashes on the soft beach sand, does it "tunnel in", or does it break into pieces?

I think that can ruled out.

jdolam #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

[On the 4 hijacked flights, 9/11]

more obfuscation and let;s roll! mythology.

so much smoke.
Real phone calls? maybe, some....

real flight 93? a plane, indeed, seemd to have fallen out of sky in pennsylvania -- or at least plane PARTS fell out of sky -- but at indian lake, not shanksville crater.

I do particularly like the idea of one 'real' hijacking perpetrated in order to 'sell' an america-fights-back story..... and as far as phone calls go, you have to break them down one by one for analysis. do not simply say 'either they were all faked, or all true' --- too simplistic.

Given that there were terror drill war games happening on 9/11, it is entirely possible that part of those flight 93 phone calls, and plane movements, were part of a simple drill and script. from WHERE calls were made unclear. Where 93, or it's double, went also unclear.

Look up the great stuff at team8plus on flight 93 -- I have not seen better!

reno #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

I'm of the opinion that it's possible that both a small plane AND a missile hit the building, not just one or the other. Think of the planes that hit the twin towers, and the flashes that occured before they hit. A missile or some sort of incendiary device/weapon was launched/detonated beforehand--before the plane hit.

I think it's entirely possible that the same tactic was used here. Missile hits building, small plane hits shortly after. The "missile" could have opened a hole into the building so that the "plane" or whatever could enter without leaving much wreckage on the outside. This would explain why the video shows no plane (perhaps it came after those five frames?) and would also explain the cordite smell.

It would also explain any objects hit along the path. In my mind, a missile would have a hard time maneuvering on its own to hit the Pentagon at the angle it hit. It would have to be guided somehow, and specifically, it would have to be carried by something to achieve the reported trajectory.

This also validates eye-witness reports that a plane--not a lone missile--hit the building.

While it's still doubtful that a 757 could have possibly crashed into the building, a smaller plane with a "pod" attached, or perhaps some sort of military plane still could have. The ideas that a small plane or a missile hit are not mutually exclusive. I think they're simultaneously possible, and judging by what we've seen of the other attacks, probable. Let me know what you think.

Badmachine #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

The fact that the FBI seized all recovered aircaft debris of the planes said to have been hijacked on 9/11 and all ivestigative powers from the National Transportion Saftey Board (who normally utilize a process of serial number identification to formally identify crahsed aircraft) strongly suggests that a cover-up aimed at concealing the real identities of the planes said to be hijacked on 9/11 is underway.

Why the seizure of this debris?

Why the continued avoidance of a process that would genuinely identify this debris - a process that has been standard operating procedure for years?

Whats the matter U.S. government?

Are you afraid that an identification process would reveal that the planes were remote controlled drones?

After all, the people you identified as hijackers couldn't fly airplanes - period.

One 9/11 cover-up after another:

Cover-up of the energy policy meeting content 2 days after Bush took office that many say covered an invasion of Iraq and seizure of it's oil fields

Attempts to cover-up the NY Times oral histories that revealed eyewitness testimony of bombs in the buildings.

Cover-up of 9/11 Pentagon video's.

And on and on and on ...

Attention U.S. Government:

Why The Secrecy?

What Are You Afraid Of?

What Do You Have To Hide?

bingo #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

[on the 100+ eyewitnesses of the Pentagon crash]

Many or most of the "eyewitnesses" were employed by the media or military. The photographic evidence proves there was no plane.

The idea that a plane crashed into the Pentagon is as absurd as the idea that the two towers collapsed due to plane crashes.

JFK #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

[If there were no passengers on the 4 9/11 flights...]

Hypothetically, it is not unreasonable to ASSUME that these people were actually involved in the events of that day and they were either silenced, or , my pet THEORY, taken to an underground city/lab. ( Too many valuable credentials combined to be coincidence )
Do some research on Denver international airport and you will get my drift.
( the most popular of many )

BTW, are you aware of the report of flight 93 landing in Cleveland that morning ?

yorketown #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

Today one must confront the obvious fact that a cadre operating within the United States Government executed the attacks of September 11th. The media cannot blind everyone, nor can the socio-political “experts” completely saturate the collective consciousness with their armchair speculations. Crossing the Rubicon identified key suspects; Loose Change has examined the physical aspects of the collapse. It is up to each individual to discern the ulterior motives behind terrorism. I think that the pathology of the elites manifests itself in a ritualistic fashion, and the attacks have been planned to coincide with an occult belief system based on numbers.

What cannot be disputed is the fact that the attacks are part of a continuing chain of serial mass murders. Much like individual serial killers whose motives are consumed and driven by delusions and other forms of psychological dementia, the faction responsible for terrorism is similarly motivated. Practicing in an esoteric belief system based on occult numerology, they have hidden this numerology in the dates of the attacks. They have formed a sequence that ends on 12/21/12, an extremely important date within their beliefs. The rituals captured on film at Bohemian Grove are only the peripheral activites of this occult society.

The CIA/MI6 attacks we have seen are precursors to the release of a biological agent sometime during the year 2012 in accordance with a depopulation scheme. Depopulation has been widely accepted in elite circles as the only pragmatic solution to the human “problem”. The pathogen will likely be released on 6/6 2012, (12/12) around the time of the summer Olympics of that year.

In the following equation pairs of like numbers are strong and permanent, and therefore do not change when added together. The dates are listed sequentially, in the order they actually occurred.

9/11 (New York)
3/11+ (Madrid)

10/12+ (Bali)

Key points: 1.) 7/7 was executed one day after London won the 2012 Olympic games.

In occult circles 7/7 is a powerful number pair. It was used to “mark” London in preparation for 2012.

2.) 3/11 was executed 911 days after 9/11.

Today the outbreak of killer flu is advertised as inevitable. What is not mentioned is the fact that for over 50 years Western governments have developed animal viruses at biological weapons facilities such as Plum Island (read Lab 257) and other military installations. In 2002 the DHS took responsibility for the administration of these locations. When there is an outbreak it will be planned, but in accordance with what?

FinalStrike #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

ok if possible can we get a list of people who knew before or on the day this was an inside job or it was let happen..

the jews in the WTC

and mciheal c ruppert CIA whistle blower- he held the truth and lies of 9/11 conference 2 months after 9/11- he didnt even need physical evidence and provides the lead up events and the warning before it happend- all properly sourced. an independant investigation as presented as if it were brought before the supreme court of justice.[...]

DJLegacy2k1 #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

[About praise given by victims' families for the movie "United 93"]

Id really honestly love to meet some of the families, not to bash them or be rude or iggnorant, but to see what their feelings are.

I mean obviously there are no bodies from this crash which is rediculous as it is. Next Id love to see what has been told to them by the government, then Id love to find out about these phone calls.

I mean I think these people that think Flight 93 isa great movie, are using it to hide their pain. They dont want to admit to the truth and they would much rather believe their familiy members were heros. I mean if I were in denial Id do the same thing.

Airbis #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com


Well I feel the two planes that hit the world trade center did not contain any passengers; they were remote;

as far as 93, which landed in Cleveland. They interrogated the people, recording 10 minutes of voice, got their information.

made the fake calls, and plated the fake black box...

then executed them; If you noticed they were the only people who got a "hero" story; they were "heroes" who took down the terrorist.

I think that hero story was made up to honor their names; after being executed.

and the families received money as well.

Zor #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

["...The two parts shown in those photos are BOTH from and RB-211, the main engines from AA 757...."]

You can plant pieces to engines anywhere. Its not difinitive proof that that was flight 77. PERIOD. A couple of parts do not a plane make...

datars #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

[On comparing flight 93 to the Florida ValueJet crash]

dennis_in_nh, don't waste our time with this type of horse nonsense.
You can't even compare this with the so called flight 93 site.

I swear! There’re more stupid Americans then any other Country. Not even! Any common sense, none what so ever.

izzy #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

[About the airliners used on 9/11]

It's little more than a foil-wrapped kite without a string, that meeting an immovable object would crumple as an accordian , as would a car hitting a large tree.--not FLOAT thru walls like a DOOM video game...

Not only that, but it would change speed substantially, not break the laws of Physics by maintaining the same speed as before impact!

I should have seen it the first time, why didn't any of us catch it right away? Frankly, I think we all should have caught it from the beginning.

I mean, it's not like it's hidden or anything--it is JUST IMPOSSIBLE-I think I must have fallen in love with the pod or something, or more likely it's possible that we were all under some sort of mind control ---we were "told" what we were seeing--so our brains made corrections, ALLOWANCES--maybe we are far more suggestible than we are aware of.

TheQuest #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

Many people question the Pentagon eyewitnesses yet only a few question the photographic evidence from the 2nd tower 'plane strike'. I find this highly illogical.

The perps had to had spent MILLIONS on planting demo charges in 2 towers and WTC7, rigging explosives/plane/missle/whatever for the pentagon, shipped the steel from the towers to China, fake Osama and Zarqawi videos and on and on.....

Didga1113 #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

[just part of a long post about how 9/11 was a Zionist plot]

7) The media is controlled by Zionists

One the most important pieces of evidence that Zionists are the masterminds to almost all the world's corruption is that they dominate the media of Europe, North America, and Australia.
No crime network could get away with a crime as enormous as the September 11 attack unless they can suppress investigations and evidence.

The media executives must either be under the control of the crime network, or they must be part of the crime network.

Some people claim that the media companies are helpless victims of a mysterious, nebulous group called the Globalists, or the New World Order, or the Illuminati.

However, until somebody can identify these mysterious people and explain how they force media companies around the world to cover up horrendous crimes, it makes more sense to assume that the media is directly involved in these crimes, and they are among the top members of this criminal network.

The most logical explanation is that the Zionists are promoting other Zionists to top positions in the government, media, banking, Hollywood, and education. The more Zionists they promote, the easier it is for them to take control of the nation and supress evidence of their network.

Robo #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

[On the theory that world-renowned demolitions experts Controlled Demolitions Inc. were involved in a conspiracy in Oklahomy City in 1995 and on 9/11]

It is of considerable mention that CDI presided over the clean-up of Oklahoma City, and this is important because there is essentially undeniable evidence that there were multiple explosives found in the Murrah building (which I can link you to). So it seems likely to me that if elements of CDI were involved with a cover-up then, they would do the same now. Their expertise in controlled demolitions is not in question, but their credibility on post-explosive analysis or their honesty is as far as I'm concerned.

wolfsdinner #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

some speculate that it was jesuits behind the protocols. that it is the jesuit general (black pope) who have, through the centuries, been the head of the one world government. that they have written the protocals but made it look like the jews wrote the protocol. their motive for the destruction of the twin towers is that america would go to war in the middle east and things would be thrown in chaos and like the domino effect america would have to go into afghanastin, iraq, iran, syria, and hopefully a ww 111 would begin. why? so that the third temple would be buildt. either because of a peace settlement or that the dome of the rock would be bombed or both. the jesuits want the third temple buildt- solomon's temple and have a Pope or black Pope of their choosing (anti christ) rule from that location.

Entropy #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

hi i remember reading an article awhile ago about the reoccuring number "11" surrounding the 9/11 attacks. Numerology is highly valued in Freemasonry which President Bush admitted he was a member of. Many presidents in the past were also firm believers in Numerology. Do you think this is the reason, or is it all just one big coincidence? I got this list from http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/wtc/index02.htm

WTC Facts:

* The date of the attack: 9/11 - 9 + 1 + 1 = 11.

* Each building had *11*0 stories.

* After September 11th there are 111 days left to the end of the year.

* September 11th is the 254th day of the year: 2 + 5 + 4 = 11.

* 119 is the area code for Iraq/Iran. 1 + 1 + 9 = 11, 911 - 119 are opposites - enemies?
11 11 polarity.

* Twin Towers - standing side by side, looks like the number 11.

* The first plane to hit the towers was Flight 11.

* State of New York - The 11th State added to the Union.

* "New York City" has 11 letters.

* "Afghanistan" - 11 letters.

* "The Pentagon" - 11 letters.

* "Ramzi Yousef" - 11 letters (convicted of orchestrating the attack on the WTC in 1993).

* Flight 11 - 92 on board - 9 + 2 = 11.

* Flight 11 had 11 crew members onboard.

* Flight 77 - 65 on board - 6 + 5 = 11.

I also remember reading somewhere that there was 911 days between the 9/11 attacks and the Madrid bombings, not sure if thats true or not.

NIckJ123 #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com

Random thought. Before 9/11, what if the zionists told our government that they were being attacked and threatened daily by the palestians, arabs, etc. in Israel and their only chance for survival was to get the U.S involved and help them with their war or ELSE. What if the zionists and the zionist in the US administration threatened to use Israel nucleur weopons on the US if the government didnt cooperate?

After all, zionists control almost the majority of our adminintrations, corporations, Media etc.

So our government has to make a deal that will save the most lives. They cant get us to fight in the middle-east simply because Israel needs us to. I mean 'fight the arabs to save the jews' just doesnt fly. So they have to stage an arab attack on the USA that will want us to go fight in the middle-east. The zionists not only get the protection, but their also getting more Israel territory.

What does the USA get out of this? More lives saved and oil.

John F. Kennedy did NOT want Israel to have nucleur weopons. After making that clear, he was assassinated very shortly after. Maybe the zionists are the ones who killed JFK?

Money is the root of all evil. And the zionists have a ton of it.

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