
Shift Frequency #crackpot #pratt #conspiracy shiftfrequency.com

Recreating Balance – A few examples of obvious ‘cracks in the matrix’ that can help see through the other side:

1. Mainstream history dates the discovery of Antarctica to early 19th century, and its complete mapping to the 20th century. However there are countless maps dating several centuries before, which clearly show very accurate mapping of Antarctica, many of them even show the map of the land underneath the ice:

2. One of the biggest and most powerful countries in history (until 1775 roughly), Tartaria, is mostly unknown nowadays, because its history makes the official history of our planet, which is full of lies, impossible. This vast and powerful country is depicted on countless official maps and referenced in many texts from back then
4. Three of the most important and famous power structures in history, the White house in DC, the Versailles Castle in France, and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, are aligned in an exact straight line. That line even aligns perfectly with the design of Versailles and its water canals:

On top of that, the distance between Versailles and the White House is 3333 nautical miles (99,7% accurate), and the distance between Versailles and the Dome of the Rock is 3333 kilometers (99,6%).

Anybody can verify this in Google maps.
7. The Moon and the Sun appear the exact same size in our sky, because the moon is both 400 times smaller than the Sun, and 400 times closer to us than the Sun. This is the reason why eclipses are possible.

Also the Earth turns 400 times faster than the Moon, and the Earth circumference is roughly 40000km. There are many other repeating numbers and synchronicities in the universe.
Bonus Fact: Love and Truth are the most powerful forces in creation, and they can solve anything ! Proof for that can’t be presented though, everybody have to go make their own scientific tests and experiences.

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