
Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt #fundie #crackpot #racist #wingnut whitenationalist.org

[On the question of whether notorious neo-Nazi Alex Linder is actually a Jew]

And when I found out that Linder had Crohns, which I called 'jew ass-cancer' nearly four years ago, I gloated that this proved that Linder has a kike in itz genetic woodpile. I learned that Crohns was a jew immune deficiency disease in which a jew asshole literally rebels at being attached to a jew asshole. There are a lot of the 'Wandering Mamzers of WikiPedia/Talksjew CI' persuasion who got Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS. LegalMamzer2012 Johns, Dan Johns's spawn. Kommandork McFagg/Steve Elder. Brian Wright, melungeon jewboy playing CI and the melungeon criminal baal-priest Jeromy Visser's partner in crime. All these jewboys pretending to be Aryan with unruly bleeding kike bungholes. No wonder kikes are obsessed over shit when their very bungholes are in immunological rebellion so that they can't take a normal shit. I've had my fun starting a whispering campaign against Linder and Linder's bleeding kike bunghole.

But I'm not the only one saying that Linder is a jew. Quite a few others have done so and been tard-corralled and banned for doing so.

For two months now Linder has been claiming that it no longer has Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS. Now Linder has 'Ulcerative Colitis/Aryan ass-GAIDS. Well, I don't believe it. The bleeding of an unruly jewly kike bunghole does testify against the jewboy.

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