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Gjgp27, those_eyes #sexist

The ultimate take down of feminism, hehehe.
But seriously, tell me of the several successful matriarchies who are not only well known, but had lasting influence and power for generations. Tell me of the communities full of women that are boomingly successful. There's so many, right?
Meanwhile, I can tell you of several instances where matriarchal influence has done nothing but hinder a society or group.
The effiminization of the Christian church is what led to the downfall of its substantial impact, also displayed in its push for emotionalism and lack of intellectualism. For instance, go to a Christian bookstore and what will you see more of: group 1; Christian historical books, theology books, hermeneutics, and apologetics, or group 2: women's devotional books?
The black community is notorious for being filled with and ran by some of the most bottom barrel women, and is it doing any better for reversed gender roles and shaking off the patriarchy? Hell, some ghettoes look like third world countries.
In the white world of Dunham esque liberals, stats show kids become better not only with fathers, but that single fathers produce better kids than single mothers. Also, many women who choose to shrug off traditional family values engage in acts that get them several unsavory "accomplishments": tattoos, bastard kids, shacking up while complaining that their man "won't marry them", and getting relationship advice from women who have no men, can't interact with men, and or hate men.
So, feminists, tell me again how going against the Patriarchy is good for society?

Women act like men should automatically respect them but they don't realize they need to earn respect.

tomofukuoka #sexist

America and a lot of the West is in end times, enjoy your days because big change is coming when Rome burns

very few West nations are making babies, the women are just getting older and angrier, too much decadence, corruption, multi culturalism, lies and loss of overall value

If you look at humans as a pack of dogs or monkeys or whatever animals then you must give the more primitive cultures credit....look at humans and look at your own people objectively.....primite culture they do basic thing. Take some people like Burundi in Africa and all the ethnic wars or extreme Arabs or ISIS in the Middle East.....they breed a lot, they also hate the other group or they kill or a war with everone else.....nobody beats them and as long as they keep poping out more babies than their enemy, if they can keep poping our kids to replace the lost soldiers they will never lose

Eventually all this will fall because the West can't keep doing charity and Empire building forever....and all these places Iraq, Palestine, Israel, Egypt....all these places will fall when the West can no longer hand out aid and chairty....for the past few decades the West has been fighting against mother nature....but eventually all these numbers come back, you can't argue with figures and facts and eventually mother nature will re-balance itself

I find it amusing how most Femenists target Western men, when Western men had done lots of things for womens cause and womens the same time these same Femenists refuse to fight real women haters and women killers like ISIS and the extreme arabs of the middle east....they would rather bash the western man, a much softer tamer more civilized target […]

Super Adam #sexist

Matriarchies don't work because of simple natural selection. Natural selection picks the civilizations whose women do absolutely nothing but pop out babies 24/7 as the ones to produce the next generation of humans. Virtually any social movement that was against reproduction ironically was wiped out within a few generations.

@cable_extreme said:
@superadam: how are matriarchies agaisnt reproduction?

It takes a woman nine months to have a child. It takes a man five minutes to a couple hours. Because of this difference, women have to dedicate themselves to doing nothing but reproduction for a society to flourish, reproductively. Whereas men do not.

@cable_extreme said:
@superadam: for the 9 months out of thier lives that they are pregnant

Someone has to raise the child to adulthood, and that can take like 14-18 years. Its virtually impossible to raise a child and support yourself and the child, at the same time. That's why most single mothers are on welfare and collect child support. Its also very difficult to support yourself while your going through a pregnancy. Patriarchy simply makes the most sense reproductively.