various commenters #transphobia

( SwiftiePrincess )
I just saw a post on Twitter featuring a list of the "most streamed female albums of Spotify" and for some reason Kim Petras' is hogging one of the spots in the top 5. WHY? HE. IS. NOT. FEMALE!

But of course "including transwomen doesn't result in female erasure" nosireee! 🙄

Fwiw I actually like some of his music (at least the songs that don't involve being violently f*cked and degraded by men) and he does have a decent set of pipes, but he's not a female and he shouldn't be taking spots from actual ones.

Also the album art for "Feed the Beast" is creepy. He's looking into the camera with this simpering pout as he clutches his moobies which makes my skin crawl 🤢🤮

( Re-enacterf )
His whole career is horrific. He's an actual modern-day castrato. And he sings about being a bimbofied woman.

( RuneOwl )
Horrific indeed.

It was a popular conspiracy theory around 10 years ago that certain pop stars were victims of MK Ultra style programs meant to serve as propagandists for the Illuminati or whatever. One of their main talking points was how many female singers were groomed into “sex kitten programming” by intentionally inflicting traumatic sexual abuse until they could be triggered on command. Shit gets pretty dark.

While I don’t particularly buy into that exact narrative, to be honest Kim Petras is a pretty compelling case of someone being abused and brainwashed for the purpose of being in the public eye and promoting a sinister agenda. I certainly worry about stuff like this more than whether JayZ is a satanist who eats babies because he does that stupid triangle hand gesture.

( delicate_silicate )
He's so gross. He a man pretending to be a slutty woman who sings about hard-core sex to underage girls. I used to feel bad for him, but he seems very happy to ride this misogynistic gravy train he's on. He hates women.

( pennygadget )
I feel bad for him. He was castrated young. And his record label has him flounce around singing about being a stupid slut. As if that poor eunuch knows anything about sex.

( tymps )
I hate that sort of thing. It also drives me crazy when people include TIMs on lists of female directors. Usually they include those creepy Wachowski if they'd have the massively successful careers that they've had if they were actually women. [...]



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