RhydonHerSlowbro #transphobia reddit.com

(response to “What’s an issue that you can’t have an honest debate about on Reddit?”)

Disagreeing with the politically correct modern culture, the only thing I disagree with personally is the transgender community (Unpopular opinion I know.) but hear me out.

The common misconception to this point of view is that to disagree with it is complete and utter belligerent ignorance, not a logically based counterpoint, but still a perfectly valid one.

When it comes to having this discussion with people, I don’t know any of them (and I use the term ‘them’ as an example of the specific person I’m having the conversation with, NOT classing all persons of the community the same.) - I don’t know any of them from Adam, they could be the nicest person in the world, they could go on to cure cancer, I don’t know who they are.

My argument is that in life, even from birth, you have to play with hand you’re dealt, some people have small penises, some are too tall/short/fat/skinny, more importantly, some people are born without limbs, or the ability to see or hear or taste or smell. You’re either born a male or female, as unfortunate as that may be to you, that’s the way it is, you cannot ask people to identify you otherwise, if I were to go out and hook up with a Post-op “female”, and let’s say the operation was a rousing success and I was completely unable to tell the difference as to whether or not this person was born female or chose to be operated upon, and at some stage the relationship becomes successful, but I was never told about them being trans and had no knowledge of it, I would one day want to have kids, and I wouldn’t be able to, and I would feel completely cheated and lied to. (I understand that I would have been in love with that person, but the point still stands that even from that first night, I’d have still been lied to.)

I just, there’s more to it than that obviously that’s just one example, I don’t want to be writing all day on this, but it’s just one of those things, basically I disagree with it, and to have a reasonable discussion on it without it degrading into horrible accusations and abusive comments, seems near-impossible.

I’m more than open to having my opinion changed on the matter, but it seems generally having a strong opinion on only one subject, leads you to being a right-wing but job. :/

I’m not racist, agist, I’m not really for or against anything else. Woman obviously should have the rights to abortion in some areas of America for example the fact that they don’t is complete lunacy, guns graded above a handgun/hunting rifle should be banned over there (preferably all guns but that’ll never happen sadly.)

But yeah, I have one opinion I’d like to debate about, but it’s such a touchy subject.


I read this somewhere, I don’t know if it’s crazy or genius :’)

“You can scientifically manipulate an Apple to look like, smell like, even taste like an Orange, if I told you it was an Orange and you ate it, you’d believe me, no doubt about it, BUT if I took the seeds from the new Orange out and planted them, they’d still grow Apples.”



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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