ServantofJesus #fundie

But evolution actually IS just adaptation and breeding!

If you think that's all "evolution" is (to which you are equivocating here - as I knew you would be), then you know a lot less about the theory than you think.

Once one gene pool is cut off from another gene pool, it is only their experiences in their environment that determine their outer similarity to one another.

You're ignoring the fact that such genetic drift [etc.] is limited within that gene pool. There is still no observable, reproducible, objective evidence that all creatures have evolved from a common ancestor - which is what the Theory of Evolution/Darwinism teaches us.

In fact, only 3 days ago, the secular has [finally] admitted "Most human origins stories are not compatible with known fossils"

Our understanding of evolution and of the age of life on Earth is not a bunch of guesswork and is not driven by any particular agenda, the same conclusions are simply going to be drawn by anyone looking at the same evidence without a presupposition.

That couldn't be further from the truth even if you tried!

It was Charles Lyell - a lawyer, not a geologist - who convinced Darwin to create the idea of uniformitarianism (the belief that fundamentally the same geological processes that operated in the distant past also operate today), not because of any data, but just because he didn't want to believe in the Bible's account of the Flood.

Now the ideas of James Hutton - the father of modern geology - were not generally accepted in his day. He and those like him were considered radicals. Lyell, as a lawyer, knew how to persuade people to abandon their former beliefs and start in the new direction. One of his converts, who read Lyell's book while sailing on the HMS Beagle, was none other than Charles Darwin. No one would believe evolution had occurred in six thousand years. Lyell knew that. He also knew that he himself could not be the source of both arguments: “long ages” and evolution. That would be too suspicious. So he befriended Darwin and urged him to publish his book before others published theirs.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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