
TERFs or far-right white nationalists?

They're the same picture.

various commenters #racist ovarit.com

RE: The Welsh Refugee Counsel used 12 year old schoolgirls to entice migrants to come to Wales

( nopenottoday )
It's genocide of native European populations. And I'm sure many people are getting paid off to assist

( Carrots90 )
My Russian husband thinks it’s a way to bring in authoritarian government

Flood the West with people who are accustomed to harsh/corrupt/dysfunctional governance and ‘manage expectations’. As long as it’s better than what the migrants are leaving from, they will be more likely to accept it. And it has to be fast. The older migrants adjusted to the west. Rapid immigration won’t risk assimilation or inter community harmony

Undo feminism, gay rights, personal liberties, etc

( pennygadget )

There must be some financial gain to someones high up. This is not out of control wokeness or an excess of compassion.

They are actively trying to attract migrants, there must be a benefit. This isn’t just kindness

The theory is that they're bringing them in for cheap labor. But that doesn't track because these migrants almost certainly consume more taxpayer money and resources than they contribute

( asmahan )
I think "they" are just trying to balkanize countries and destroy/eliminate common cultural touchstones and heritage. So the country is weakened from within by partisan in-fighting and multicultural strife. Makes them easy pickings for..... whatever you want really.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
So kinda looks like those Pakistani Rape Gangs are a feature, not a bug in their books. I wonder why.

( Disappearanceoftheychromosomer )
Reasons I can come up with:

1. Immigration lowers wages.
2. If you get a lot of immigrants to a historically oppressed nation between a country you can surpress its peculiarities and stop and independentist sentiment from forming.
3. Immigration creates divisions and conflicts between the working class.
4. Immigration lowers political standarts of living.
5. They want to normalize pedophilia.
6. They want society to be more divided, political and cold in general. They want no trust between us so we are forced to trust them.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Zuckerberg changes policy: Gender Critical views now allowed on Meta; Federal court strikes down Biden Title IX rewrite

The cult continues to collapse.

The real nail in the coffin will be after some of these detransitioner lawsuits finally reach a jury.

( NO )
I bet the gender people are all now screaming and crying and literally shaking.

This is what happens when you step on people's rights. This is what happens when you ignore people asking you to stop violating boundaries.

YOU ARE the white people telling black people that they can't gather.

YOU ARE the racists telling women they are not qualified to make decisions.

That is you.

( bunyip )
There are a bunch of men on /r/TwoXChromosomes whining about how social media is supporting hate speech now, associating it with Project 2025 and a far right movement to oppress anyone who isn't a white Christian man.

They're actually comparing women being allowed to disagree with them to Nazism. Just shameless.

Almost every comment in there under this topic is made by a man. At least there is one man there who recognizes it was a mistake to fight for men in women's sports since that turned the public against them.

( BehindtheCurtain )
It's funny because the left is framing the meta changes as "Facebook has removed fact checking and hate speech will be permitted"

( danaseilhan )
The left never had anything to do with any of this. Gender identity is a RIGHT-WING concept: it entrenches sexism and homophobia and it is woowoo as hell. Marx knew what a woman is.

It's maddening to me because I cannot get otherwise well-meaning people off this "the left got us into this mess" bullshit. It's going to get leftists assaulted or worse. I'm surprised it's not happening already.

I know a leftist Canadian politician who calls himself an "old-growth leftist" but really, he's just a leftist, and I'm furious that we got dragged into this when we were the ones being canceled in the first place for not caving in to the gender madness.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Biden protections for transgender students struck down by US judge

( NO )
You mean privileges

( overanddone )
“Biden’s demolition of women’s rights struck down by US judge”

Biden's removal of rape protections for female students struck down by US judge.

( StrawberryCough )
I'm so thankful for the legal team that took this to the finish line. May every traffic light be green for you, and may spam never darken your inbox.

( OneStarWolf )
So tired of these weasel written headlines. It was struck down to protect the rights of women and girls in education based on our sex, not subjective bullshit like “gender identity”.

( starlight_chaser )
Nice, so his last days in office are being wasted trying to push pointless, wasteful trans bs that they know will be struck down, instead of something more substantial. I didn't expect differently... No doubt reactionary to Trump being elected, but wouldn't it be more meaningful to work on something related to women's rights and oppression, you know the biological reality of 50% of the population, rather than "protections"/privileges for something as arbitrary as "gender identity".

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com


( klytaimestra )
I don't need to figure out what being a woman means to me. Just like I don't need to figure out what having two arms means to me.

And, yes, I am superior to delusional, misogynist porn addicts. That doesn't need much figuring out either.

( OverTheWall )
It’s funny that he thinks actually women are concerned about our “gender identity” we don’t have one. We’re real biological women. Whether we’re “hairy” or don’t fit into gender stereotypes we’re still women. It’s not a made up identity it’s reality.

Trans women have nothing but surgery, consumerism, and misogynistic stereotypes. That is their existence.

And as men, trans”women” will never be allies. So no I won’t be called “cis”, by some creepy pervert.

( Persimmon64 )
Fellas, fellas,

You aren't describing different types of dogs. What you're doing is claiming that some cats are types of dogs as well.

Nope, no, uh-huh.

We're not having it. It doesn't come from fear. It doesn't come from insecurity. It comes from the fact that you're a porn-soaked, mysogynistic pig of a man who wants to control women's words, behaviors, and even the language we can use for ourselves.

Womanhood isn't something you fight for. It isn't something you can "attain." It isn't something praiseworthy or admirable. It isn't an accomplishment or a badge if honor. It's just our daily reality and something you are not and never will be a part of.

We know that since you're men you have a hard time taking "no" from women as an answer, but you really need to "do better".

( MaryDyer )
We don’t think we’re “superior” to transwomen, since transwomen ARE NOT women.

( ByzantineOtter )
I mean, I think we're superior to so-called transwomen...

(but then, I also think men who don't go around in fetish gear 24/7 are superior to TIMs. As are children. And babies. So there's no undue pride there)

( Committing_Tervery )
Just because they’re men doesn’t mean we aren’t superior to them, though. We absolutely are.

( hellamomzilla )
No, sir. None of you are any type of woman. All of you are men. Full stop. And if anyone is behaving out of superiority it is for sure the men who think they can just SAY that they’re women and then tell women that understanding human biology is hurtful TO MEN.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

But I thought trans women were women?

( Committing_Tervery )
I’m so sick of them appropriating the ‘closet’ from gay & bi people. Grrrrrrr.

( cosmiamoth )
If you were a woman you wouldn't need to 'come out' you would simply just be one.

( overanddone )
he wants the token roses one day of the year from his misogynist boss.

He's not satisfied with trans day of awareness, Pride Month, Pride parades, and, oh yeah, transgender awareness month

And, for the record, if I type transwoman into goolge, it changes it to trans woman. Fuck you google.

( DietCokeAddict )
They really think all women are just living the easy life, don’t they? I have no idea what being “celebrated as a woman” would entail but I don’t think it happens to any woman I know.

( ChoppedUpNotKilled )
This was posted on Womens' Day

( DietCokeAddict )
Urgh of course it was - they always make Women’s day all about them somehow.

( SnowWhite )
What do they even wanna celebrate? Men have never had to fight for their rights. Strangely there are no TIM's in middle-east, so it looks like they won't have to fight for it any time soon either.

( Wristfevers )
Tims know they are not women. That's the whole point.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

She won't comply

( NastasyaFillipovna )
Only her and Elon are among the rich af category who are openly against this ideology

( RighteousIndignation )
one of Elons many kids is a transformer, I don't think he'd be so vocal if that wasn't the case, skin in the game.

( VestalVirgin )
Perhaps. Though Musk's son is one of the rare TIMs I have some pity for; if you were custom-made for a man obsessed with spreading his subpar male genes, then I guess getting castrated is a way of taking back your agency.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
Even billionaires can't protect their kids from T ideology now

( Ptarmagant )
No kidding! What kind of freak would say (write) that out loud?!

( viscerally )
I think many of them are saying “if I had your wealth I wouldn’t spread the shit and hatred you do”! but it boils down to the same thing.

( VestalVirgin )
Yeah, I think she translated it a bit, but ... same thing, really.

"If I was a millionaire, I would support trans rights" = "If I was a millionaire, I would support putting bepenised rapists in women's prisons" ... yeah, not something any sane person would boast about.

( Womanwithopinions )
I have had multiple women tell me that they don't care or concern themselves with these laws or conflicts. They say it with pride, sometimes scoffing as if that makes them somehow better than me. I think part of it is a response to trauma. It's very annoying and sad though.

( viscerally )
Oh yes, I’ve had women tell me they’d rather be harassed in bathrooms than have poor twans people commit suicide boohoo. I’m just pointing out that I don’t think any of these people actually wrote that they wouldn’t care about women’s rights if they were rich, just that they wouldn’t be transphobes etc etc. And, of course, it’s the same thing. Being pro-women and girls is transphobic according to today’s consensus.

Pretty sure most of those people wouldn’t care about anyone other than themselves if they had even a percentage of wealth JK has, which goes to show what a great human she is.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

The new woke homophobia and conversion therapy

( TheKnitta )
Fuck the humans rights of a man lairily claiming to be a lesbian to get sex. I don’t care if that makes me literally Hitler. Men and their endless dick needs can fuck off. Women and children owe them nothing.

Human rights my arse.

( Unicorn )
I just realized they have to use cartoons for these propaganda posters, because showing a real picture of a TIM and a woman holding hands would make it super obvious what a clown show transgender ideology is.

( notsofreshfeeling )
For one brief moment in history, society dared call out the privilege enjoyed by straight white men, and all these men had to do in response was to re-brand themselves with pronouns, unleashing a sexist, homophobic backlash like no other.

( crodish )
Cool then why don't they all meet up for totally lesbo orgies and suck each others' girlcocks off and pound each other's bussies.

Leave lesbians alone.

Fucking shame that UN logo on it. Coercing lesbians to like dick isn't a fucking human right. Neither is insisting that males can be females.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( HipparchiaTheCynic )
JK Rowling the Holocaust Denier... 🙄
Anyone else seeing the claims JK is a holocaust denier now? It comes from this tweet she made:


TRAs are going crazy and claiming the nazi persecuted Trans people...

She quote tweeted this:


Which disproves the claims, guess what? The nazis were okay with Trans people, what they didn't like was (tell me if you've heard this one before) gay men and lesbian women!

( sanitycheck )
Its not denying the holocaust to say that it was focussed primarily on the murder of Jews. That was the whole thing. Trans didnt even exist as a concept at the time. No Nazi laws mention trans. And its certainly not clear that if "trans" people were imprisoned/ murdered it was solely because of their "transness". The Nazis kept meticulous records- its like the thing theyre known for- If there was proof of this trans holocaust I think it would be a lot more and very obvious.

i think some of those posts are gettting deleted because people worry she will sue them. which she should.

( Every-Man-His-Own-Football )
One point I disagree with in the thread is the description of Einar Wegener as a "troubled patient". He was an AGP. What differentiates him from modern AGPs, asking for an uterus transplant, is that he got surgeons unscrupulous enough to actually attempt it. Also like a typical AGP he forced his wife to cover part of the cost of the surgeries by threatening suicide.

( Ishahchai )
Gosh, the Nazis couldn’t have possibly attacked Hirschfeld’s center because he was a gay Jew. It was obviously entirely about the trans folx, even though they were only one small part of it.

There is truly nothing that they won’t find a way in which to center themselves. Hirschfeld was primarily concerned with the rights of gay men, and his own work is based off TIMs being a subset of gay men. The modern narrative of him running the first trans clinic is just as faulty as the narrative of MPJ throwing the brick at Stonewall. It’s rewriting the actual stories of the dead for an audience too lazy and entitled to factcheck. Fuck that twice as much for qWeRiNg the Holocaust right now, as Jews around the world are dealing with a rising swell of antisemitism.

various commenters #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

2X poster gets a little too close to the sun; thread gets locked.

( Alceriniel )
Please say it with me until it fully sinks in:

"Gay men are not allies to women just because some of them are bottoms."

Gay men are still men. They would happily throw you under the bus if it got them a leg up in the world. Look at what they did to lesbians when the gender insanity started. It wasn't until the mob started going after THEM for not sleeping with TIFs that they started speaking up.

( TheChaliceIsMightier )
I think what that gay man and all AGPs and incels have in common is deep envy of how sexually desirable women are to men. They wish to be sexually desirable to that degree because sex is such a priority to them. But that’s inherently a male desire because women are much less driven by sex so if we aren’t desirable it’s not the end of the world.

Men really do go through extremely maladaptive strategies to cope with their womb envy.

( PracticalMagic )
Gay men say that when they think a man they like is paying you too much attention. It often also goes with "more of a man than you'll ever have".

Tldr: jealous.

( syntaxerror )
A lot of gay men want to date straight men. By this I mean that they want to date non effeminate men who aren’t too deep into the culture or community, because that comes with a host of expectations and… personality quirks.

They want to date men who will treat them like women, or at least how they perceive women are treated. Precious princesses who are cared for and doted on and fucked by strong protectors with big dicks.

As a result of this, a lot of them get bitter and hateful towards women, especially women who don’t “try as hard” as they do with femininity and yet still get straight men. Because straight men don’t want feminine men, they want women.

And I’m not just making this up, this is something you hear in the gay community a lot.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

"How do I stop my trans 4 yo telling everyone she used to be a boy?"

( SamanthaK )
This person needs to tell their child they are a boy but they can like whatever they like and love whoever they want. They are, however, a boy. Detransition this kiddo ASAP before too much damage is done. This was ALL the mom wanting to be progressive.

( pennygadget )
Jesus Christ. FOUR years old! And the adults around him are celebrating his mother putting him on the path to permanent mental illness and castration

I'm glad her son blurts out her secret. She SHOULD feel ashamed walking around in public while abusing her son

( puppy_cat )
It's so painfully obvious this is a very little kid who thinks simply wearing a dress makes him a girl and treats it like a little fun game that he wants to tell people about (as little kids do when they find something "cool"). And that he's also essentially treating it as little kids who think they're dinosaurs or trucks blurt this out to people. But of course he doesn't have any abstract reasoning to understand that his parent is a raging lunatic that is planning on sterilizing him eventually, because once those magic words "I'm a girl!" come out, the transhausen parents shift into gear immediately instead of acknowledging it as any other "I'm a dinosaur" "I'm a cat" "I'm Superman" make-believe all kids do.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
How is this not CHILD ABUSE ? My god the west made ungoldy advancements in medical science in the last 100 years, for this?

flyingteapot, Mandy & crispycherrypie #transphobia ovarit.com

Not sterilizing kids and stunting their growth is genocide

( flyingteapot )
Truly, why do they think people want them dead? Someone who is probably a fully intact male goes by "she/her maybe they/them" online thinks this means there are hordes of people trying to murder him? Like... what? Even rabid conservatives who are misanthropes and think society is crumbling, don't even know these people exist much less put effort into wanting them dead.

I guess TIPs really need this to be true because they cannot accept the worse reality for them which is that everyone wants them to shut the fuck up because they're annoying.

( Mandy )
They want to be the ultimate victim and stand at the pinnacle of Victimhood Mountain.

( crispycherrypie )
I didn't realize not putting kids on terminal prostate cancer drugs was genocide.

These idiots really do believe that not sterilizing children is genocide. And here I thought preventing an entire group of people from having children was one of the actual signs of genocide, silly me!

iCONIC #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: The End of the Transgender Craze is Near

So long as humanity exists, the adherents of gender identity religion will proselytize and indoctrinate new members into their belief system

The concept of gender identity is not novel; rather, it finds its antecedents in ancient societies that ascribed "third genders" to people who did not conform to traditional gender norms

Modern transgenderism, bearing similarities to its predecessors, has adopted an even more contentious form, demonstrating the potential for these beliefs to become increasingly detached from empirical reality

It is with a sense of pessimistic resignation that I recognize the enduring prevalence of absurd, religious beliefs. The human mind is prone to superstition. It attempts to discern some semblance of purpose and significance within the purposeless, insignificant expanse of existence. Some form of gender identity belief system will endure, metamorphosing and (d)evolving with the passage of time

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Children to no longer be prescribed puberty blockers, NHS England confirms | UK News | Sky News

( Committing_Tervery )
One step closer to this abusive practice being ended completely. I just wish it wasn’t still available in a trial!

( BondiBlue )
Next stop: abolish “social transition,” the gateway drug. It’s a lie. You can be a sensitive boy or a rough-and-tumble girl. It doesn’t make you the opposite sex, and there’s no such thing as “non-binary.”


( Lynch )
Yes the concept of "gender identity" needs to be entirely discredited and discarded. It is upon what the whole gender affirming model is based.

( Wristfevers )
Gender identity concept stems from patriarchy, and needs to be dismantled alongside it.

( Unicorn )

You can be a sensitive boy or a rough-and-tumble girl. It doesn’t make you the opposite sex, and there’s no such thing as “non-binary.”

When my TIF little sister was trying to make me accept her "boy" identity and I kept refusing and pointing out a girl can look and act in any way including how boys stereotypically look and act, she started "teenager whining" and said "but I don't want to be a masculine girl, I want to be a feminine boooyyyyyuhhhhh!!"

Like... what..? You literally can't? Ever? What is even going on at this point?

So I honestly have no clue what kind of lunacy the younger generations have been consuming through the social media and unfettered internet access.

( Arenlaef )
In 2040 when this is all over, I swear to God I will never let anyone forget that people were trying to convince us that being on the right side of history involved drugging and mutilating kids for the crime of being gender non-conforming and maybe gay or lesbian.

( AsterRising )
Vindication at last. I know the battle is far from over, but I'm so fucking proud of the women who were willing to lose everything to speak the truth. Every victory matters, and it's amazing that vulnerable kids will be more protected from this butchery than they once were. I'm waiting for the day we start debating jail sentences for the doctors who committed these atrocities

AtropaBelladonna, VestalVirgin & YesYourNigel #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Study finds that suicide attempts double for men after having "vaginoplasty"

( AtropaBelladonna )
These days it seems like mostly HSTS get “the surgery”. It’s a little sad that somewhere along the line they were failed in getting the help they needed to accept themselves as gay men.

AGP’s that get it, regret it, and end it? To quote the tired old cliche, play stupid games win stupid prizes. Although they may not be quite as dangerous as the intact “transbians”, their exits probably makes the world a little safer for women and children.

( VestalVirgin )
People are more likely to commit suicide after their genitals were mutilated. How surprising. Not.

(I do actually wonder why the effect was not observed after phalloplasty. Women being more mentallly stable? It isn't as if the fake dicks don't rot and fall off. Though of course it could also be to do with the fact that TIFs aren't as misandrist as TIMs are misogynist, and don't expect an actual penis, whereas the TIMs think their fauxgina will be not as good, but even better than the real thing. Which of course leads to bitter disappointement.)

( YesYourNigel )

TIFs aren't as misandrist as TIMs are misogynist, and don't expect an actual penis

It always struck me that TIMs are defined by playing out femininity, whereas TIFs are defined as escaping femininity (rather than taking on masculinity). Hatred of women underlines both, whereas the only hatred of men you might see is TIMs being angry that men are deformed monstrosities because they don't have the perfect bodies of underage anime schoolgirls...which just turns back into being misogyny again.

littleowl12 #transphobia ovarit.com

“The pendulum didn’t swing—this was a battle, hard fought”

What's sad is that they are still allowing treatment for children already on puberty blockers. What this says to me? "For the sake of convenience, we won't save these particular children." And because capitalism must never, EVER be impeded, parents can still get their kids on puberty blockers through private clinics.

Transition treatments should be seen for what they are- the equivalent of lobotomies.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

How to support my son, who is actually my daughter who I put on testosterone when she was 13 yrs old.

( Committing_Tervery )
CHILD ABUSER. Shame on this shitty parent.

( LunarMoose )
I'm pretty sure she's going to find a way to get an illegal script or drugs.

But reading this - my first thought was omg - this is awesome. That child will have a puberty and be saved from lifelong sexual dysfunction.

I have my fingers crossed. Please, Mom. Do nothing.

( Sadeyedlady )
No, clearly YOU don’t give a single fuck about your “son’s” mental health. If you did, maybe you would get her psychiatric help instead of TESTOSTERONE. Although as many people here have pointed out, a lot of therapists push this gender bs too so therapy may not actually help.

( MaryDyer )
If your teenage DAUGHTER is in hysterics and mentally circling the drain because she no longer has access to powerful, potent MALE sex hormones to rub on her body, then she needs to see a psychiatrist.

( Forestandthetrees )
Why? She’s likely been taught that she’ll probably kill herself if she doesn’t take her testosterone. She needs adults to stop lying her, crying in this situation makes complete sense given the very mainstream things she’s been told about herself.

( tuff_terfies )
Will someone please post all the studies we have here about how more suicides happen AFTER TRANSITION to give this woman a head's up? She needs to be warned. Also, her daughter is clearly addicted to T. If it was opioids her daughter was crying over, would she still be so eager to get her the meds prescribed to her daughter? It is an addiction, pure and simple. It alters her brain chemistry unnecessarily and willingly. How is that not addiction?

( Every-Man-His-Own-Football )
It would be great if there were any studies comparing trans-HRT for gender dysphoria against placebo, because the "life-saving" effect of testosterone here seems wildly overstated. Besides, there are plenty of long-term complications. I suspect many troubled teens would react positively if they were told an ointment and therapy program is going to solve all of their problems.

YesYourNigel, CupOfAbominations & Committing_Tervery #transphobia ovarit.com

( YesYourNigel )
Misogyny biting TIPs in the ass
I'm wondering what are some of the nice karma-rific instances of trans folks trying to gender-validate themselves with misogyny, and then get bit in the ass when it turns out that said misogyny can be used against them. Bonus points if they try to cover their ass from the unfortunate implications or accusations of bigotry by excusing it with dysphoria/transphobia (aka it's not actually misogynistic because I have more oppression points than you, there!).

Example: The archaic af idea of blue and pink brains being turned against trans people with the suggestion that their brains should then get scanned to check if they're trans. Cue trans people having an identity crisis.

Second example was seeing a TIF claim that she liked to quote misogynistic BS against women until she heard "penis envy" being used against women, because that meant that it was normal for women to want a penis, and that just makes her feel sooo dysphoric and invalidated as a not-like-other-girls. Who'd've thought that men having their heads up their asses and pushing their dick-worshipping everywhere might not give you a free pass just because you have he/him pronouns?

( CupOfAbominations )
Oooh, I love when they realize that their "transwomen are women therefore lesbians need to suck my girldick! Your genital preference is transphobic!" logic can be turned around and pushed onto them, too, so they'll twist themselves into a pretzel trying to justify their own ""genital preference"" with "ermmm ermmmm but I'M only attracted to cis girls because being with other trans women makes me dysphoric!!!" and it's very obvious they don't actually see other TIMs as women

( Committing_Tervery )
Well, one example I can think of is that TIPs’ misogyny (especially TIMs) peaks people daily. I peaked from seeing the lesbophobia on actuallesbians and haven’t looked back since! So they’re definitely hurting their own cause in that way. They peak more people than we ever could on our own.

NastasyaFillipovna, TheKnitta & pennygadget #transphobia ovarit.com

“Puberty blockers are basic healthcare therefore GENOCIDEEEEE!”

( NastasyaFillipovna )
My dad ( totally GC btw ) says the Ts can't reproduce, so they have to recruit someone somehow. And they are pedos, because a normal adult wouldn't touch them even with a 10 foot pole.

They have to induct little children into their cult because once they are of age, nobody would buy into their ideology, unless they are AGP or fetishists

( TheKnitta )
Oh for the love of god, stfu about your pretend genocide, you victim tourist assholes. You’re grown adults whining that you can’t pressure kids into fucking their bodies up to prove you should be allowed to wank off in the women’s changing rooms. Take a good look at yourselves and find some shame.

Fucking ‘genocide’, when entire governments and media empires support these tossers. The gall of these pricks.

( pennygadget )
This language is deliberate. They cry "TRANS PEOPLE ARE BEING DENIED HEALTH CARE!!!" because they want people to think that TIPs are being prevented from getting vaccines and antibiotics in addition to not getting their blockers & hormones

Also, if not having easy access to medication is "genocide", than pretty much everyone who requires medication for a chronic condition is being genocided right now. I was genocided when my endocrinologist required a blood test before refilling my thyroid medication last week. My father is genocided every time he needs to pay for insulin. People who go bankrupt paying for cancer treatment are being genocided (honestly, i wouldn't blame those people for accusing the medical system of violence against them because medical debt is crushing)

MarthaMMC, Wsbfom01 & Lipsy #transphobia ovarit.com

Florida settles 'Don't Say Gay' bill lawsuit in deal Gov. Ron DeSantis claims is a 'major win' for his conservative agenda - as teachers are given new guidelines for discussing sexual orientation and gender ID in classrooms | Daily Mail Online

( MarthaMMC )
The reason this was even made a law was because schools & teachers were indoctrinating kids into an unproven, inaccurate, reality denying cult belief.

( Wsbfom01 )
This is the LGB suffering from the actions of the TQ+

( Lipsy )
Gotta love that forced teaming, huh. These ghouls know exactly what they're doing.
They're well aware that TQ+ initiatives have alws been unpopular (and are only becoming more so as pieces of damning information actually start to break through), so... absolutely every single time the lobby plays the oh-poor-me victim card, they mention ONLY the LGB part—i.e., the cause whose campaigners actually managed to eke out decades of successive teeny tiny victories in securing public goodwill and acceptance.
Of course they NEVER ever ever play that card for the TQ+ side, especially not when any legislation is passed to protect kids from harm. Why's that? They know all too well that the public will breathe a collective sigh of relief and say, "Good."

These complicit MSM headlines are doing the same thing, and it's really getting fucking old.
"Don't Say Gay"
...uhhuh. But you're not going to mention that the law is also—in fact, it's primarily—"Don't Say Trans", for DAMN good and damn urgent safeguarding reasons. It's not the LGB whose wraithlike skeleton hands are reaching out to grab younger and younger and younger kids.

(All of these various ways to lie and mislead have been carefully planned out right from the start, btw. See, for instance, points 6-7 on pages 19-20 of the infamous Dentons/Reuters project doc for TRAs, where the forced teaming technique is just put right out there almost like a formula.

"Trans rights" has alws been such an above-board, not at all sinister, totally genuine civil rights cause, hasn't it. 🤮 I hate these people so much.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

NY Post: Trump vows to stop 'transgender lunacy,' only recognize two genders

( StrawberryCough )
Just hope this doesn't go the way of his promise to "lock her up" and "drain the swamp". He's exactly the kind of man who broadcasts the fact that he is lying by moving his mouth.

( OwnLyingEyes )
Agreed. Time will tell. The only reason I put a little stock into the possibility he'll actually do something about this is he actually did act on this somewhat during his first term when it was less of a slam dunk in the political landscape at the time, and he knows it's an easy way to score a lot of points at very little personal expense now.

( pennygadget )
We'll see if he keeps this promise after people like the Pritzkers inevitably start kissing his ass and giving the GOP money in exchange for supporting "trans rights"

( movementandarts )
Has anyone seen the speech on this? It is the oddest thing. Trump says things like

"We are going to keep men out of women's sports"
"There are only two genders"
"We will not teach transgenderism in kids schools"

and he gets standing ovation.

Standing ovations and wild applause for stating the most basic of facts that 80% of people already agree with and was normal until around 2015. Strange times. Or maybe I am just old.

( Mizuna )
I'm glad that he correctly called it child sexual mutilation.

( DreamingofAppleTea )
Related question

If his policies do get enacted on day 1, would this prevent people from putting "X" gender markers or whatever other custom thing on their passports? My mother printed out the application forms yesterday and I saw all this stuff on there. Feels rather devious.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( DonnaMme )
Pink Turns Red
Pink Magazine published a brief article expressing their outrage that JK Rowling would dare to write "seemingly sarcaastically" about the rules of transgender grammar. There is a thread on Ovarit which includes what JK Rowling wrote and it is hilarious. But how dare CIS people crack a joke or smile. There is nothing funny about anything according to the article:

Broadcaster Narinder Kaur, who also appeared on the reality TV show Big Brother, wrote it was “sad” that Rowling “chose to pick on” an “already very demonised group of people”.


( realityismykink )

( crodish )
They are demonized for a reason and they can go fuck themselves.

JKR tweets "Birthing Person" as tongue in cheek and gets death threats to be skinned and flayed alive from a moid with a TRA flag in his handle. But she's the hateful one.

Fucking WAKE UP to the cannibalism within your ranks.

( pennygadget )

They are demonized for a reason and they can go fuck themselves.

THIS! Women have every reason to demonize these men. They have actively stripped away DECADES of women's rights activism and have allowed women to be raped in places like bathrooms and prisons. They have colonized and destroyed legacy women's organizations like Planned Parenthood and NARAL and NOW. They have taken Title IX from us.

And these men and their emotional support handmaidens have the fucking nerve to act as if THEY are the marginalized ones!? They can fuck right off!

( pennygadget )

Broadcaster Narinder Kaur, who also appeared on the reality TV show Big Brother, wrote it was “sad” that Rowling “chose to pick on” an “already very demonised group of people”.

Ah yes. The most oppressed group of people: whiney White men. 🤣

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Harris campaign advisor abandons Democrats: "I want to be a part of the team that says men are men and women are women"

( floral )
They really are chasing so many people away on a fringe issue that is losing popularity by the day. And they’ll cling to it and say things like they’d rather be with the people against Hitler than the majority supporting him like it’s the same thing. It’s not. I can never go right wing but god knows I am politically homeless now because I refuse to engage with that nonsense.

( DurableBook )

I can never go right wing but god knows I am politically homeless now because I refuse to engage with that nonsense.

I reject it because I can never go right wing. Transgenderism is right wing. It is conservative--it completely upholds the status quo and reflects existing sex roles and gender hierarchy--and demands completely free enterprise and a totally private ownership model in regards to anything trans related. FFS they literally refer to humans as "[body part] owners".

TRAs are socially conservative arch capitalists who openly advocate the suppression of free speech and the violent suppression of dissent, they are legit as far to the right as one can get.

( real_feminist )
Good for her for speaking up!

I don't appreciate that she is saying that she's being pushed 'right'. That feeds the false dichotomy. I really, really wish people would start acknowledging that the Democrats have lost their way and no longer represent the 'left'. That's the path that will peak people and make this end.

( pennygadget )
I get where you're coming from. But, for someone who wants to be politically active in American politics, I can understand why they would feel "pushed to the right" when all the mainstream left/democrat groups have told them to fuck off because they expressed a mildly offbeat opinion. Especially for someone like Lindy Li who's entire career is politics (so her only reliable career path is working for either the Democrats or Republicans)

And this is compounded by the fact that, as a general rule, conservative/republican spaces are far more tolerant and welcoming towards people who don't perfectly align with the popular conservative dogma. Whereas leftie spaces will call you a nazi if you put out a press release that says "transwoman" instead of "trans-woman".


MaryDyer & PrincessCharming1983 #transphobia ovarit.com

( MaryDyer )
I’d sooner have my baby breastfeed from a nursing dog than a TIM
Like if I was in some crazy, life or death scenario where the only options for my baby to eat were a moobfeeding man or a mother dog with pups, I’d choose the dog.

For several reasons:

1. The baby would be receiving actual milk, not moob juice
2. Mother dogs aren’t goddamned perverts who get off on nursing
3. A mother dog is a FEMALE
Who agrees?

( PrincessCharming1983 )
Funny how it's called breastfeeding when a TIM wants to do it. But the rest of us get shoehorned into calling it chestfeeding because some women don't think they're women.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: TRA politicians slamming people "hateful" for questioning whether WI shooter is trans are being completely dishonest

( real_feminist )
Yup. They normalized the press lying about people's sex and now they're mad that people don't believe what the press says about someone's sex. This was very foreseeable.

( Iota_Aurigae )
TRAs and MRAs (same difference, really) are using the opportunity to spread around a fake manifesto claiming that the shooter was a radfem. This piece of disinformation seems to have originated from a neo-Nazi account who is specifically anti-feminist. Shocker.

( DorothySayers )
the shooter’s deviant art profile indicated pronouns they/them. but it seems that offline rupnow went by female pronouns. her appearance and demeanor is somewhat androgynous which is why i think people also questioned whether she was trans or on T. We don’t really know at this point.

I’m friends with people whose kids went to the school and found out about the shooting via text before it made the news. It feels personal so it’s really weird that it’s already getting so political and being used as political talking points for gun control, trans, or whatever else.

( OnlyHuman )

the shooter’s deviant art profile indicated pronouns they/them

Probably worth noting that DeviantArt requires pronounage and they/them + showing might be the default. That profile is barebones as fuck, no about, no pfp, no comments, no gallery and the only favorite is adolf hitler v3 (lol)

...so yeah. Probably not a TIF at any point of time

( Lillith )
Is it bad that I am thrilled that a man is finally inconvenienced by this nonsense?

Also how can he say that the gender identity does not matter when he probably thinks that pronouns are literal violence too?

The chickens are coming home to roost.

NO, sylviasmushrooms & jvsmine #transphobia ovarit.com

Portland bartender who shoved transgender woman in bathroom dispute guilty of hate crime, jury rules - oregonlive.com

( NO )
Wow... I actually hate them.

They're the kind of evil that sits behind a mask pretending to be good and kind.. but they're just bad people.

( sylviasmushrooms )
This goes for the handmaidens and flying monkeys, too. The worst part of this timeline is realizing how many people either have no principles at all, or are willing to hitch that wagon to any wild, bucking beast just because someone powerful or popular said “right side of history.”

( jvsmine )
just start asking the handmaidens and wokebros what they think they're fighting for - have them explain in detail what they think is going on, why they think it, and what should be done.

more often than not, they say "because! why does it matter to you how someone identifies!!!!" they have no argument. they just support the popular liberal "new gay rights" thing. they're idiots and they embarrass themselves when I start sending article after article like THIS pictures of mutilated children, of the porn in their schools, women getting raped in prison and thrown in solitary for misgendering and they have some shit from fuckin PenisNews.

they embarrass themselves when they insist "well predatory men will always rape you whether you like it or not so shut up and let any male who says he's a woman into your sports, safe spaces, opportunities, prisons, and hospital wards. let a male nurse who says he's a woman care for a female AGAINST HER WISHES, because otherwise, if she isn't comfortable, it's transphobia. females should not have their own spaces for any reason bc transwomen are women like them." make them SAY THAT SHIT. bc that's what they're supporting.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Acting all shocked that the country that beheads women for adultery has backwards laws

( PresumedWoman )
They need to talk about twans wimmon who live in misogynistic hell scapes as often as possible because they think it backs up the "I have a woman soul this isn't a choice" when it only proves that AGP exists everywhere

( Carrots90 )

They also beat two Pakastani trans women for attending the Hajj several years back

Or maybe it was because it was pervy men trying to perv on women??

( MaryDyer )

Or maybe it was because it was pervy men trying to perv on women??

This. Males and females are segregated from one another in mosques; they even have separate entrances. The one for women is called the Sisters’ Entrance (at least that’s what it’s called in the mosque down the street from me). I’ve always been curious as to what will happen when some TIM demands access to the women’s side of a mosque.

( crodish )

forcibly detransitioning

Excuse me while I roll my eyes so hard that they fall into the back of my throat

How fucked is it that even in a place that literally kills women for being women that men STILL want to larp as them for a fetish?

Either that or it was a closeted gay man who thought the only way to live as a homosexual there was by "becoming a woman", in which case, maybe slightly more sympathy on my end is afforded at how the LGBTQ dogma fucks up actual arguments for gay rights.


edit: apparently the case was famous enough to have a wikipedia


and no. not gay. just a dude who was born in saudi arabia, relocated to the west for education, inevitably got sucked into gender ideology there, and when real life knocked on the door just refused to return to reality. They didn't fucking torture him, they threw away his HRT and said he was a man. and death before detransition made him 41%.

Fucking hell. He didn't face any actual oppression.


various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: When treating transgender youth, how informed is informed consent?

( Eava )
This drives me nuts: "People who support the currently dominant gender-affirming model of care for children see kind practitioners trying to do their best for vulnerable patients who often have severe mental health issues due to living in a transphobic society."

No one ever considers that these mental health problems are the result of living in a misogynistic and homophobic society, not a transphobic society. People want to think misogyny and homophobia, like racism, have been solved. From women not wanting to be women or can't accept being lesbians, to gay boys being transitioned by homophobic parents, to heterosexual men getting warped by porn. Transphobia isn't the driving cause, it is misogyny.

( IrishTheFrenchie )
There’s no such thing as “transphobia”.

Women are generally afraid of TIMs because they’re MALE.

Men aren’t afraid of TIMs. It’s either that they get rabidly angry if the “woman” they hooked up with is actually a man. OR they see a TIM and hate him bc they think he’s a gay man (homophobia).

( Persimmon64 )
Exactly! Nobody is transphobic because there is no such thing as a trans person. It's so, so ridiculous.

It would be like saying someone hates people who are mixed species because they refuse to say the "lizard man" (who had surgery to make himself look reptilian) is part lizard or because people make fun of him. No, they're not making fun of him because he's "trans-species. They're making fun of him because he's weird.

( Riothamusscrote )
I believe TIMs are universally despised because they're the absolute worst men in society. They're perverts who get off on violating others' boundaries.

( BondiBlue )
Nobody can rationally consent to this, because trans on its face is a lie. A destructive (and very profitable) mindfuck of a lie. Humans cannot change sex; to “affirm” one’s belief in being something one is not and can never be, is feeding the delusion. As for NB bullshit, it’s even dumber because no one person is “they.” We do not contain multitudes and anyone who believes he or she is a plural identity is suffering under mental illness. The notion of “informed consent” for trans-anything is a fallacy in and of itself.

pennygadget, BellaBlue & capributterfly #transphobia ovarit.com

NYT/Siena poll: Biden has lost female support

( pennygadget )

Also (and I know many here will disagree with me on this), abortion has less of an impact on women's daily lives than all the other issues democrats are dropping the ball on. American women aren't getting abortions every week. But crime, the immigration clusterfuck, the loss of female language, the homeless issue, cost of living, being denied female-only spaces, being compelled to call AGPs "she", the public schools being shit, the death of Title IX, etc impact us in direct ways every day.

And even if someone is a One Issue Voter regarding abortion, we all know that Biden would federally outlaw abortion tomorrow if some TIM came to him and cried, "Abortion is transphobic because i can't have one!!!". So electing him isn't even a guarantee that abortion will remain legal in at least half the country

( BellaBlue )
Why wouldn't women support

-losing Title IX privileges such as female bathrooms, changing rooms, and sports in public schools

-losing spaces women fought to have, such as schools, bathrooms, prisons, nursing stations, locker rooms, etc.

-unrestricted mass immigration of undocumented men from cultures that tell them women are lesser beings and free for sexual harrassment

( capributterfly )
Imo Trump will be president again and it’s going to be partly on the Democrats. Their lax attitude on crime and homelessness, the border/illegal immigration, and obsession with eroding women’s rights for the benefit of trans people (mostly TIMs) may not end well for them.

Many Dem citizens were cool with these things too until it reached the point where it all started to affect them. Once nice areas of cities are becoming overrun with homeless mentally ill addicts, crime on public transit is (or seems to be at least) increasing, and the issue of TIMs in sports is becoming more common. All these issues seem to be coming to a point where even self-identified Democrats or left leaning people are waking up.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

(submitters note: regarding this tweet https://twitter.com/jk_rowling/status/1765822003246768198 by J.K.Rowling)

( FluffyFuzz )
You're right in the sense that it doesn't mean that the average "transphobe" is afraid of them, but I am absolutely afraid of them in women's safe spaces. I feel terrified for the kids, too. I don't want a big burly man with crude lipstick whipping his dick out in the bathrooms.

( Committing_Tervery )
A phobia is an irrational fear. Women’s fear of men is perfectly rational.

( SatanicPanic )
Correct. It's normal to fear that which is proven to hurt and kill you.

( IrishTheFrenchie )
That’s still not “transphobia”. That’s a rightful fear of men preying on women.

( DurableBook )
Same way radical feminism isn't trans exclusionary, it's male exclusionary.

Nobody is afraid of "trans people." Many people correctly recognize that male people pose the same risk no matter what gender-feels they have in their heads, and the material impact of a male person's presence is the same whether he's got on trousers or a skirt.

Trans activists are the only ones arguing that trans people should be treated differently. The rest of us are out here arguing that someone's trans identity should not have any impact whatsoever on their rights, responsibilities, and protections under the law.

( Persimmon64 )
Their invention of the imaginary "trans" concept really does try to obfuscate the issue doesn't it?

"You're excluding 'trans' people from sport!" No, we're excluding men.

"You think 'trans' people are perverts!" No, we think grown men who fetishize "girlhood" are perverts.

"You don't like 'trans' people!" No, I don't like men who degrade and demean women and treat us like costumes.

"You think trans people are dangerous!" No, I know men pose a threat to women.

( NewbieGuest93 )
She articulated it way better than I could, i completely feel the same way as she does.

( IrishTheFrenchie )
I’m done being ok with “dress how you want”. No. Men abuse this by being perverts in public.

( proudcatlady )
Seriously. This is, like most things, allowance women are absolutely entitled to and men cannot be trusted with even a little bit.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Something that really unsettles me with TIFs

( NewbieGuest93 )
What's unsettling about this phenomenon, what you just described, is that they seem to not be accepting of themselves and their bodies, and feel the need to alter themselves. That kind of mentality is just so foreign to how I am, I'm naturally a very masculine woman and i don't feel the need to perform femininity, so why can't these woman just accept themselves and their bodies how it naturally is. I don't want to sound judgemental or narrow minded, I just find this phenomenon of packing or taping down ones breasts by these TIFs to be difficult to understand and comprehend.

( moody_ape )
i think it comes down to a very deeply rooted internalized misogyny. most women hate our bodies, so """"becoming a man"""" is the ultimate destruction of their femaleness. also, trans identified individuals are completely obsessed with passing and being validated by everyone. so they'll do whatever they can to achieve that (at least in the case of TIFs). i find it really contradictory how they want to pass so desperately in order to be "invisible" (because no one notices they're trans) but at the same time they won't shut up about it [...]

( Sadeyedlady )
In the comments there are a bunch of tifs talking about going through airport security with their fake dicks and in many cases getting flagged as having a suspicious object and getting patted down or an X-ray. wtf??? Purposely inconveniencing themselves and others at an airport just for “euphoria.”

( syntaxerror )
Honestly, you could totally use this cultural climate against people to smuggle stuff through TSA. Just screech transphobia. And also the model that the OP has basically suction cups to your crotch, so I pity the airport employee that day who has to peel it off and inspect it for balloons or deadly weapons 🤦‍♀️

( RuneOwl )
And here I thought packers were primarily for an individual TIF’s peace of mind, to ease their dysphoria and possibly help men’s undergarments fit better. I imagine the scenarios where they would be visible to other people are limited, maybe in wet swim trunks? It shouldn’t be obvious underneath normal everyday clothing.

It really does come off as overcompensating for something. Ironically, being obnoxious over dick insecurity is about as close to a genuinely male experience as she’ll ever get.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: A love letter to gender-critical feminists

( kittyfinesse )
Fantastic piece! This was my favorite quote:

"There is one thing worse than absorbing the hatred of the worst men, and that’s submitting to their will. People only despise what they can’t control. Trans extremists despise you because you’re free."

I'm so proud of women like you and everyone here for standing up to this ideology. I also find it so funny when people try to smear GC feminists as "not real feminists" because we've been the most consistent in advocating for women and their interests the whole time. Our views have never changed. Any person who includes TIMs in his or her definition of feminism has changed its aim to prioritize the feelings of men over the safety of women.

( Alceriniel )
Whenever I am worried about getting blowback regarding being anti-gender-theory, I just ask myself: "How will you face your daughter one day and say with a straight face that you did nothing to protect her?"

Had this happen not too long ago when out shopping with my daughter. She called a TIM "Mr." and he tried to correct her. I smiled politely and happily stated to the TIM at Target: "No. She is right. You *are *a man, and I am not teaching her to lie for your benefit."

And then we walked away.

( MardyMcMare )
Thanks! I like the idea that in the future people will “wish they’d been part of it”, although as Brexit proved, it is easier to con someone than for them to admit they’ve been conned.

( AsterRising )
Agreed! I think it will take a long time for people to admit how they got it wrong with trans ideology, but I do have faith history will vindicate us

( MardyMcMare )
Yes, that may be true of ordinary people, but as Helen Joyce says, people like the parents and clinicians of these poor confused lied-to children will have to cleave to the ideology forever, rather than confront their own parts in destroying the health and fertility of the kids they were supposed to protect.

( dotconnectr )
I've always been an avoidant introvert so the isolation doesn't bother me too much, but I wish I had the physical courage to get out into the world more and talk to more people about this. The problem I have with the isolation is that by going out quietly "terfing" by putting up stickers, for example, I am taking on some level of risk of physical harm from TIMs who live in my community if I get spotted. [...]

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Why isn’t any mainstream media covering the WPATH files?

( Demeter )
I remember googling something about the he ACLU and there were literally 3 pages of ACLU.org links before I could find anything else, much less an opposing viewpoint. A decent subsection of TiMs are mega smart* and they cooperate. They are tech savvy and weaponize autism in ways our side could only dream of. We don't even have a sub for strategy on Ovarit** that's private for users, much less voice verified .. we're all in a fishbowl with handmaidens and TiPs at our backs taking notes.
*The top 8 richest men are predominantly on the spectrum, like a high percentage of TiMs.[...]

( Mizuna )
It's predictable. When confronted with a story that goes against The Narrative, the corporate media pattern is:

Ignore ___ until it can't be ignored any longer. [We are here].

__ is a far right conspiracy theory.

Okay, ___ is real, but it's not what you think.

Here's why ___ is a good thing.

( crodish )
This made me laugh because I just saw a video of a TRA male getting quizzed by Billboard Chris over "no one is giving gender medicine to kids". The TRA started out "it's not happening". Chris showed him a video with proof and backed up stats. TRA changed his position to "it's not that bad". One minute more of arguing later and it became "it's actually good that kids HAVE access to these surgeries" (paraphrasing).

Also JKR recently tweeted a gif of a goalpost moving on a soccer field in response to GCs talking about TRAs doing just that. 🤣

( Yarrowheart )
This is a truly terrifying trend. I know it has always been this way to a certain extent, but before you could at least find counterpoints to the narrative. Now, anything but The Narrative does not exist. If people don't hear about it in the media, and going online to find information only yields The Powers That Be's officially approved sources that bolster the narrative... Then it doesn't exist otherwise to people. This is an extremely dangerous path that society is on. It ultimately makes it low hanging fruit for atrocities to be committed in relative silence.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

So I cut this guy's dick off and now he's furious with me. How can we blacklist him so no one else has to deal with his bullshit?

( shewolfoffrance )
This seems to be a common occurrence among vaginoplasty victims. The surgeon basically waits for the check to clear, and then cuts them off (unless they can get him to come in for revisions).

It doesn't make me sad that sexual deviants coom themselves into getting their dicks cut off, but I don't think psychopathic surgeons should be allowed to prey on the mentally ill.

( pennygadget )
I don't feel bad for adult AGPs who cut their dicks off (honestly, I think its a public service when men like Jonathan Yaniv get The Chop). But I do feel bad for the confused young men who are groomed into it because they're confused, gay, autistic, traumatized, etc and think that transition will magically fix all their problems.

( shewolfoffrance )
Yep. The only ones I feel bad for are the grooming and transhausen by proxy victims. Marci Bowers belongs in jail.

( [Deleted] )
Remember there's no "standard" penis inversion procedure. They're all using different methods because it's so traumatic and unnecessary it's really never "successful"

( Riothamus )
We need to outlaw this surgery for both children and adults. After all, any guy who thinks this isn't the worst idea ever is too mentally ill to meaningfully consent to it.

HERetic & Lipsy #transphobia ovarit.com

Centrist Democrats should stop blaming progressives for Harris’s loss

( HERetic )
I read the archived page but I'm curious if there are any good comments on the live page?

I did indeed withhold my vote for Kamala (wrote in JKR) because of the gender stuff. A lot of people are saying we did and this guys response is "nuh uh!"!?

I'm also not upset she lost, as he claims we are. I'm not particularly jazzed about a Trump presidency, but I think I'm less fearful of that prospect than a "progressive" regime. Look what our liberal justices are doing!

( Lipsy )
paywall-free: https://archive.ph/PneTW

But anws. Shit take of the season right here—although I suppose We shouldn't be surprised that these people are delusional about their collective delusions.

The reality goes in the opposite direction.
Because of ☭-esque measures ranging from blanket censorship of the administration's and TQ+'s worst injustices in the mainstream press, to siccing intelligence-agency spooks on parents who spoke out at school board meetings, to law enforcement standing aside while the TQ+ mob engaged in Maoist Red Guard-style domestic terrorism on the daily... the simple fact is, the American electorate went to the polls this time woefully UNDERinformed about the horrifying scope and excesses of the "progressive" left, which has become an illiberal, authoritarian, antisocial, anti-reality, pro-tyranny, band of cheaply bought foot soldiers for a bunch of scheming billionaires.

If people even knew the half of what was rlly going on under the aegis of the party that not-all-too-long-ago stood for basic civil liberties and First Amendment freedoms, this election result would have been MUCH more lopsided than it was.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

It's not just "normies" who oppose mutilating kids, hon

( hellamomzilla )
There’s no such thing as transgender kids. That’s also the point.

This odd cult has spent all its time trying to make totally normal, understood things seem weird and sinister and then normalize their actually creepy as fuck perversions.

( Lemonade_Masquerade )
No, you have the same right to medical care as everyone else. ""Cis"" kids can't take hormones just because they want to either.

Anyway, what do hormones have to do with gender? If a dick can be female so can his testosterone 🤷🏻‍♀️

( pennygadget )
Who does he include in "we lost"?. Because women and children win when this shit isn't tolerated

( Edelgard )
I like to look at the bright side of things: at least there's finally a somewhat viral post that acknowledges that the vast majority of people, no matter their political leanings, don't suscribe to trans ideology. The narrative is getting closer to the truth.

( pennygadget )
Ugh. They aren't banning all "gender affirming care". They're banning medical transition for MINORS!!

Do they also believe its a civil rights violation to deny minors alcohol, cigarettes, and tattoos?

( LadybugStardust )
A child smoking three packs of cigarettes and drinking 5 bottles of whiskey a day would still do less far damage than irreversible "gender-affirming" medical mutilation would.

( pennygadget )
Show me the doctor who is giving "cis" kids hormones for entirely cosmetic, non-medical reasons

The only example that somewhat makes sense is a girl taking birth control to manage acne. But, IMO, severe acne is a medical issue

Mandy, jelliknight & FrankieDuck #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Chase Strangio Argues Her Case in the New York Times

( Mandy )
Cross sex hormones only "saved" her life because they were available for her to want.

In the days before cross sex hormones existed people "saved their lives" by cross-dressing and adopting a cross-sex persona. They didn't kill themselves because they couldn't grow breasts or beards. They might have wished they could, but knew they couldn't and just got on with it.

Sex hormones are thus unlike, say, chemotherapy or antibiotics, where people really did die for the lack of them in the days before these treatments were invented.

Chase Strangio saw something she wanted and wanted it so bad she was ready to kill herself if she didn't get it. That's mental illness.

( jelliknight )
This is exactly it. Before insulin, diabetics died. Insulin is lifesaving medicine. Before antibiotics, people died from infections. Before testosterone, women didnt die from not growing enough chest and facial hair.

They say they would kill themselves without it, but 1. Theres no evidence they do and 2. That would be a death from suicide, not lack of medical treatment.


( FrankieDuck )
One of the top comments:

Mutilating minors with opposite-sex hormones and surgeries is unethical and should be unlawful. I hope the ACLU loses this case, big time.

1. Sex is not "assigned" at birth. Sex is a biological fact that is observed and recorded.

2. There are no long-term safety studies of the impacts of powerful puberty-blocking or opposite-sex drugs on children's bodies. The medical system should not be experimenting on children. The medical system should be providing psychological counseling and support for gender-confused children, many of whom grow up to be gay.

3. There's a huge difference between helping a child's body develop naturally according to his/her biological sex, for example there might be an endocrinological issue, versus forcing cross-sex hormones onto a child's body.

4. The ACLU has not "protected" trans people in prisons. The ACLU has violated the rights of women in prisons by demanding that intact male sex offenders and murderers, who conveniently self-identify as "trans" be housed with the female population. For this reason, I terminated my monthly donations to the ACLU.


various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Supreme Court Inclined to Uphold Tennessee Law on Transgender Care - The New York Times

( WatcherattheGates )
Heartening. But so appalling that 3 of the 4 women justices would strike down this law if they could. For shame!

( FrankieDuck )
I'm not so sure it won't be 4 out of 4 women justices but it's very likely I missed something.

( Malenia )
So in 20 years after the trans crap is over, conservative men will point to them and be like, "See? Men know what's best for women! Women shouldn't be put in positions of power! They operate on feelings, not FACTS!"

( Lillith )
Amd all because they catered to the feelings of crossdressing men. The irony of it all...

( PeregrineWitch )
Let's hope sanity prevails.

On a side note: Every SC pick for the last 40 years (and probably ever) is about one side or the other pushing a particular agenda. The Republicans have always had Roe in their sights, though a few of their picks (Souter most obviously) didn't work to that end. Now that Roe has been overturned, it will be interesting to see what their next agenda is.

What today made painfully clear, thanks to the rabid performance of KBJ, is that the Democrats' main agenda now is pushing the TRA agenda. Which would be the end of women's sex-based rights and protections.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Justice Thomas's question

( StrawberryCough )
This is all so dystopian, it's deeply disorienting. Radfems cheering on conservative justices, and me totally agreeing.

( Chronicity )
I’m welcoming the deprogramming I’m currently experiencing. If you’re able to acknowledge someone’s good points regardless of their political affiliation or personality type, that means you are probably an independent thinker.

It’s a much better way to be.

( Tq231442 )
Hitler himself could come back to life and say puberty blockers are wrong and I'd agree. Social media has turned people partisan to an astoundingly stupid degree. [...]

( babygrandpiano )
I think Alito's question was also brilliant. If gender is immutable then there is no such thing as transgender. If gender isn't immutable then it's not a protected status.

( wildclovr )
If he had asked a question like that on most of reddit or facebook, he would have been booted from the platform. And maybe had some kind of angry mob after him.

But, we're at the U.S. Supreme Court now and things just don't function the same there as they do online.

( OneStarWolf )
This. Because it can be a temporary mental illness and/or a paraphilia.

In girls/women, transgenderism seems to manifest more like anorexia or cutting, a self harm or defensive mechanism in reaction to emotional trauma, abuse, and sense of self worth. In boys/men, it’s more a paraphilia and fetish through porn and autogynephilia, but can also be self-worth reaction in homophobic gay males.

Transgender status is also very commonly used by male predators as a disguise choice, to both game the system for sympathy and use for other benefits (access to women and children, lesser prison time, access to women’s spaces/benefits).

These are all varying obsessions that can be damaging but also stopped and people can desist and move on from it in their lives, assuming the resulting self-harm isn’t too devastating for them to accept.

So yes, being “trans” is hugely variable and not close at all to being an immutable status. It’s a changing state of mind, and can be a fad, a fetish, a mode of self harm, a disguise, and it can differ greatly in how and why it presents in males vs females while simultaneously being cormorbid with many other mental problems and fetishes.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Did trans help Trump to victory? - The Democrats’ embrace of gender ideology made The Donald look like the sensible one.

( shewolfoffrance )
I think it absolutely did. It's not like either side was offering much to female voters, but most people who have any exposure to trans it are repulsed by it. Neither men nor women like the idea of their children being secretly groomed at school; or their daughters being forced to compete against males in sports, or share dressing rooms with them. And Democrats spent the last eight years or so going balls to the wall defending exactly that.

( Architectura )
It’s also one of the most concrete images and differences. Grocery prices and rent seem destined to rise regardless of who’s in office, but penises in women’s locker rooms? Only one side supports that.

( Feerique )

And why would anyone vote for a politician who is prepared to lie about sex, something so basic even dogs understand it?

And this is the crux of the matter for me.

( Researcher1536 )
This is EXACTLY why my entire perspective and worldview shifted so drastically going on 5.5 years ago. Once you see that certain people are flat out lying and telling you you're a bigot if you don't agree with the lies, you start seeing the lies that prop up so much of what is on the political platform of the Left. If you can lie about something as fundamental and apparent as sex, you can, and WILL, lie about anything. Thus, so many of us are politically homeless.

( Every-Man-His-Own-Football )
When I first saw the "Harris is for they / them. President Trump is for you." ad, I thought Trump was going to win. The Trump campaign aired this ad all over major sports events, too.

The interesting thing is that they didn't run anti-trans ads up until the last few weeks before the election. I'm not sure if it was intentional, but Democratic volunteers I assume are fairly uniformly pro-trans, so if the Harris campaign rolled back her previously expressed views on the topic, it probably would have aggravated most of their volunteers at the most critical time of the election campaign.

( Feerique )
I think libs and progs silenced so many people through witch hunts that they forgot just how many people weren't protesting because of fear and not because they agreed with them.

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GOP Lawmakers Team Up to Define Male and Female by Biology

( DurableBook )
Fascinating to watch the party of Christian Dominion be the one to argue that people's rights ought to be based on the material reality of their bodies and not on their presumptive souls.

Really drives home how impressively terrible the Democratic party has become.

( PerenelleFlamel )
Also I think the Republican party is changing a bit these days. [...] But honestly, with the Dems pushing so many of their supporters out of the party because of the purity spiral, a lot of different voices are now 'Republican', and many of the old hated members of the GOP are being replaced by Trumpers and straight-up populists.

What an interesting time to be alive.

( Chronicity )
I’ve been saying it for a while.

Politically homeless liberals are going to start voting Republican.

Their left-leaning slant will help more moderate Republicans get elected.

The face of the GOP will start getting browner and more urban as well.

If the Dems continue to cling to unpopular priorities, we might just see the Republicans move closer to being the party of Lincoln again.

The odds of this happening are slim but it’s not impossible.

( wildclovr )
I think it's interesting that Trump, Musk, and RFK are all former democrats. What is this - the republican party is now the party of democratic party rejects?

I just think it's interesting.

( goldenheartcc )
I don't support the GOP, and they have absolutely no interest of women at heart, but it would be nice to at least have legal sex-based reality be a thing again - like yeah, abortion is very much a legal sex based reality [..], and no, there aren't hundreds of thousands of TiPs jumping ship in sports to play for the opposite sex, but I would like bathrooms to be BATHROOMS again.

[...] it's just so fucking annoying when men want to be recognized legally as women when that will never fucking happen biologically!!!

edit to add: the ending is so interesting and really echoes what we say here. unfortunately that blows up in our face because it makes us look like we're (all) bible thumping republicans. no. we just want males to leave us the fuck alone.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Can Someone Explain to Me How "Gender Critical Is a Cult"

( legopants )
It's just the classic uno reverse card that TRAs do.

We say trans ideology, they say "gc ideology"

We say transcult, they say we're a cult

We say they're homophobic, they say we're homophobic

We say they're reinforcing gender, they say we're the ones doing so

Etc etc

( AsterRising )
There honestly isn't much of a "thought process," because people like this are terminally delusional. They believe their views are absolute fact, so anyone who disagrees with them must be a Nazi, in a cult, etc. They're just not capable of fathoming any reasonable motivation for opposing their point of view. Also, it's funny to call GC feminism a cult, when it's possibly one of the most ideologically diverse movements in the Western world. Like, which other movement currently unites radical feminists, conservatives, and political independents in the same way?

( crodish )
It's mostly TRA being stupid and parroting stuff they don't understand in an attempt to make themselves look smart.

They see us saying "gender ideology is a cult" - which it is because all of it is based on falsehood and follows the BITE model. We don't ostracize people who were GC and then became TRA again (which happens extremely rarely) at the rate they drop detransitioners.

Then they go "hurr more like being a TERF is a cult amirite?" and post that to reddit and get millions of botvotes

Then it spreads because these idiots live by upvotes and clout.

There's no substance behind any of it. They're just going lalala not listening haha ratioed! Owned! No u!

🙄 It's only worth arguing with or correcting them for the bystanders watching the clown show.

( CharieC )
Heard this too, been equally baffled, but let's face it: anything we say about the gender ideologues, we'll hear back from them about ourselves five minutes later. They've cannibalised the language of every robust movement to suit their needs (mental healthcare, reproductive rights, gay liberation, etc), and we're not special — any sufficiently witty or sound-bitey commentary gets instantly reversed. At this point it's basically playground-level "no you're ugly", and frankly doesn't deserve that much of your earnest engagement. If any.

NoName, Mr_Tobo & wildclovr #transphobia ovarit.com

J.K. Rowling and Nancy Mace Are Right: Women Deserve Their Own Safe Spaces

( NoName )
It seems the tide may be turning. USA Today is more mainstream than a lot of the media that usually report that women need their own safe spaces away from men.

The Washington Post isn't leaving trans positive articles alone just yet. Democrats need to get it into their heads that the public are not falling for this vile policy.

( Mr_Tobo )
Single-sex bathrooms are under attack in my university, often being replaced with unisex ones. I mean multi-stall bathrooms by the way. Even ones that are labelled as men's or women's sometimes have a sign urging us to trust that people know which bathroom to use... Ridiculous.

Also, has anyone else here noticed how TRA-types have quietly stopped talking about Muslims in a positive light? I wonder if some have realized that they're actively taking away places where Muslim women can fix their hijabs away from men and boys.

( wildclovr )
Nah, they don't care about Muslim women at all, or about ANY women at all -

But it's possible they might have noticed that in general, most Muslim countries are not exactly pro trans.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Moderation Is Not the Same Thing as Surrender. Democrats do not, in fact, face a choice between championing trans rights and completely abandoning them. - The Atlantic

( ArtemisCitrine )
On the contrary, I think TRAs are correct that moderation is not possible. Once you keep boys out of girls sports, you've admitted that trans-girls aren't really girls. Chait exhorts the Dems to, in effect, cherry pick where they'll pretend that TIMs are women and where they won't pretend. Chait doesn't see that the cherry-picking goes on forever: why should TIMs be allowed in women's restrooms, locker rooms, shared hospital rooms, rape crisis shelters, domestic violence shelters, La Leche breastfeeding support groups.....

( pennygadget )
Well said.

The core of trans ideology (and TIMs specifically) is the colonization of female-only spaces. They have already made it clear that they won't settle for their own third spaces. They won't compromise. They want unfettered access to ALL women's spaces and opportunities. And once you deny them one space (like, let's say, sharing prison cells with women), you're already admitting that their claims to be women are bullshit. So it doesn't make sense to compromise on smaller things like letting them into the bathroom or letting them change their IDs to "female"

It really is all or nothing

( Wokeuplate )
In addition to all the direct harm this ideology causes, I resent that it necessitates me being so stridently, virulently “extremist” in that my conclusion is always “No, there is no compromise. No, there is no middle ground. No, there isn’t even an inch that I can budge.” It is all fake, all a lie, all destructive. There are no redeeming elements, not one. If I heard someone speak this way, I would write them off as a kook, or worse. But with this ideology, there is no choice. It has to be #holdtheline and #noquartergiven.

( worried19 )
The problem is that fervent TRAs do not want compromise or moderation. It's all or nothing with them. They would rather see all their progress go up in flames than make reasonable concessions. Purity-driven ideology is simply unsustainable when you are asking the American public to believe in biological impossibilities and act as though the two sexes do not exist.


various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Rep. Seth Moulton: Democrats Are Wearing an ‘Ideological Straitjacket’

( NoName )

“I do know that women’s rights are important and trans women’s rights are important, so we have to find a balance that makes sense,” he said. “And if we can find that balance as a party, I think we can turn this around and actually win on this issue.”

Want to know what the balance is? Men out of women's spaces. That's all it was ever about. No feminist has ever advocated for any harm or discrimination against trans people. They just want men out of women's locker rooms, sports, prisons, rape crisis centers. Seeing as they have so much funding, they can make their own rape crisis centers and trans shelters. It's odd that they don't. Actually, it's not odd that they don't. We know why they want in women's spaces.

( pennygadget )
The problem is that the "rights" TIPs are demanding are the right to force their objectively untrue delusions onto everyone else (even if that means destroying society in the process). Coddling TIMs is no different than banning non-kosher food to please observant Jews or forcing all women into hijabs to please Muslims. Its trampling all over the majority's objective needs and rights in order to serve the nonsensical religious beliefs of a small minority

Comparing the trans "struggle" to the fight for women's basic civil rights is an INSULT

( hellamomzilla )
Yes. And, it’s all based on fetish driven sexual compulsions and once you recognize that, you can’t unsee it. There’s absolutely no reason to privilege the sexual desire of perverted men over all girls and women. Keep your sex life out of the public square. The end.

( MascaraRunsFree )
He needs to learn the difference between "rights" and "desired privileges." As long as he uses TRA language, he's not going to get to the fundamental issue. Women have no obligation to grant privileges en bloc, here ya go guys! Whatever you want!

In fact, it goes the other way round - we must ZEALOUSLY defend the rights of women and girls. There is no contest between privileges desired (so someone can derive the MOST sexual pleasure from their fetish, not my fucking problem) and rights. There's no contest.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Trump plans to kick transgender troops out of the military with 15,000 service members to be 'medically discharged' on his first day in office, report claims | Daily Mail Online

( Mizuna )
The most shocking thing about this is that there are 15,000 transgender people in the military. The US military has a long and ugly history of medical experimentation on its own members. How many of these 15,000 transgender members are unwitting test subjects for whatever sick experiments the higher-ups in the US military are running? I strongly suspect that this the latest chapter in that long and ugly history.

( itsnotaboutewe )
I recently read somewhere that it's to do with serving members requiring regular medication to sustain life. If you have type 1 diabetes you will not pass the medical exam to join. If you are diagnosed after joining, you can be discharged as medically unfit. It's all about being able to serve in combat conditions and being physically able to withstand difficult circumstances in battle. This was how the trans service members were discharged last time. They can't claim that without daily hormones they would die yet still say they are fit enough to serve.

( ProfTerfMom )
How many trans-identifying people enlisted solely to have their medical transitions paid for by the military? The government is going to save a ton of $$$ and have a healthier fighting force.

Good riddance.

( MadSea )
Most of them are considered non-deployable so there really is no point in keeping them in the military. They are a drain on resources better spent elsewhere. Also female soldiers deserve to have their dorms and showers free of males. This is a win and I hope it’s what happens.

( Biologia )
We still eat the costs of their medical if they are medically discharged, along with unemployment/disability benefits.

Simpler to just stop funding for transition & stop letting people legally change their sex. Then the ones who are in the military for free cosmetic surgeries/steroids will leave on their own (or even better- accept the reality of their sex instead of creating 15,000 TRA martyrs)

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Will the Democrats finally start listening to the TERFs? [by Kara Dansky]

( wildclovr )
I think there are some people who are deeply invested in this and have no real way to back off of it, and so for that reason, the Democrats are going to wind up losing a few more election cycles before they give up on transgender.

But we're already seeing some cracks, and I think change is coming. Maybe the new up and comers won't be supportive of trans.

But, the old guard will hang onto it and are never going to admit they were wrong.

( Gray )
I really hope Democrats wake up soon and start listening to TERFs before they lose all the sane people from their political party, or before they cause enough liberal Americans to become so disillusioned by politics that they give up voting entirely.

I didn’t vote in the recent election due to living in a solid blue state and because I felt so unmotivated to bother registering to vote on time this year. The transgender ideology propaganda that Democrats are trying to push onto everyone without limits or boundaries is part of the reason why so many liberal Americans either didn’t vote, voted third-party, or voted Trump.

The Democrats who are brainwashed into believing that “allowing males into women’s spaces if they identify as a woman” is the hill that they want to die on, are the ones who are ruining the Democrat party and are leading to what’s allowed the US political system to become so broken and polarized to the point that a misogynist rapist clown like Trump got voted in.

( PeregrineWitch )
No, they won't.

They are still making excuses and denials and claiming it's the ignorance, selfishness and bigotry of voters, doubling down on the righteousness of all their positions, decisions and opinions.

But all of this is just a smokescreen for the real problem: massive money from Big Tech, Big Pharma and the Medical Industrial Complex. Why would they listen to Terfs -- or any feminist -- when trillion dollar industries offer them billion dollar slices of pie?

( rkin )
This is the answer. When trans fails politically and potentially ideologically, some new version of transhumanism will take hold as an ideology. [...] Science isn't going to calm down on trying to edit the body post-birth with so much money on the line, so they'll come at it with some other social ideology to justify the science.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

I’d much rather share a ladies’ room with Sarah McBride than with Nancy Mace | Margaret Sullivan | The Guardian

( mathlover )
Well, then feel free to share the men's room with Mr. McBride. That is the only place where he will ever belong.

( babygrandpiano )
These handmaidens are testing my patience. We're supposed to be more concerned about TIMs getting UTIs than women getting assaulted, raped, and recorded. Won't someone think of the poor crossdressing men and their UTIs!?!?

Shut up.

( Cronelogical-order )
Also, you wanted to be a woman man, welcome to getting UTIs more often

Weird how they never find the downsides of being a woman gender euphoria UWU

( Carrots90 )

If you can’t stand to be away from fetishistic cross dressing men, you and the other handmaidens have multiple options. You can pee with him in the mens room, in the all gender restrooms, in his private restroom, etc

You and the handmaidens can also try out for men’s sports or mixed sex sports with him

( dasehe )
Being a woman does not give you the right to consent on behalf of other women. We used to understand this. Women opposed women's suffrage, too. The mere fact of their disagreement does not mean women should not have had the vote.

( dasehe )
Someone should ask her about sharing a ladies' room with Isla Bryson.

( CrimsonSoleil )
Anytime people are asked about pedos in women’s bathrooms, we’re told, “those aren’t transwomen! Those are men!” So how can we tell the difference..? (Hint - we can’t)

( pennygadget )
They're making McBride the poster boy for this issue because he's a non-threatening, swishy gay man. Its easy for Sullivan to say that she'd be fine pissing in the stall next to him. But how would she feel if she or her daughter had to spend the night in a prison or homeless shelter alongside a male sex offender claiming to possess a lady soul? Would she choose sharing a cell with "Karen White" over sharing with Nancy Mace? I'm guessing the answer is "no"

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: AOC wonders what the Democrats can do to not fucking fail.

( Lilith )
Democrats just need to quietly drop the T. Like how they quietly dropped peace. Like how they quietly dropped labor unions. And age discrimination.

It seems to me that they have NO problem whatsoever dropping issues that are inconvenient to their donors. It's the issues that are unpopular at the polls they insist on dragging us down with.

( Veneficca )
This is where the forced teaming with LGB really hurts, because it's so hard to decouple now and so any attempt to talk about trans gets branded as homophobia or good old "anti-LGBTQ." I noticed that even snarky sites that make fun of trans anything got upset with Mace and branded her as "hating queer folk." Which immediately shut down all discussion of the real issue.

AOC knows her brand is being young and progressive so it's going to be impossible for her to go too far off script. All these "let's have hard discussions about where Dems go wrong" already have preset topics in place.

That said... I do think behind the scenes a few politicians understand. I just don't know how much the messaging will change. The best thing we can do is be vocal online and IRL to show that people are sick of this toxic shitshow.

( CharliXX )
I have no idea what it's like to be AOC. She's been a politician for so long she is part of "the swamp" but the lefty swamp of victim hierarchy thinking which puts a regular working joe of any color, sex or orientation as privileged over trans people (including rich perverts like Jamie Lee Curtis' son) or people from war torn countries a million miles away (including when those people commit literal atrocities and upload themselves to their victims' facebook doing it), and therefore unworthy of sympathy and policy. I genuinely doubt she will ever come around. We need new blood and even though Nancy Mace is on the right, I hope her bravery will inspire more left wing oriented women to become champions for reality. I think it's a real damn vote winner.

( Hollyhock )
I think that she knows trandgenderism is a massive problem for her political party, but she also knows how even she can be cancelled. It's as plausible that she's scared as it's plausible she doesn't get it, but I'm not sure.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

I love that someone in a position of power in America is finally saying what we’re all thinking

( syntaxerror )
I appreciate that she’s able to be so bold about it. Usually people like her (celebrities, politicians, influencers) go through a period where they try and be more gentle about it and sugarcoat the message, which is totally ineffective. We need to be clear.

( KevlarMagnolia )
Evergreen: the "Pronouns are Rohypnol" essay

"Of course trans women should use women's restrooms and locker rooms" hits normies a lot differently than "of course men who think they're women should use women's restrooms and locker rooms," and the trans rights activists fucking know it, hence their tireless efforts to keep statements like the latter from seeing the light of day.

I hope Mace is just getting started--I would love for her to bring this kind of clarity to discussions about, say, men in women's prisons.

( twinklebarbie )
Agreed! We need her! I really think she should use her platform to highlight some of the things that have been going on. Reduxx has plenty of new stories each day that the American public isn’t preview to but should be. This is how she will help women win the public. Unfortunately just calling them mentally ill (which they are) helps support the bullying argument, and she may end up setting us back on the left. I don’t think this should be a partisan issue. For example, she could have retweeted the video of the track and field runner begging school officials not to include males in their female track team. Democrats will have nothing to say to this.

( TheChaliceIsMightier )
Their fetish is not our new reality either