The media and govt have really squeezed this COVID thing for all it had to give. Between the mass panic and sheep-like behavior they clearly demonstrated their power over the weak.
I feel like this will be a turning point people look back on. What a corrupt govt/media can do when they know they can control people like puppets (or desire it as much as possible). People will look back at the flip flops, the incorrect guidance, the public shamings, the panic, the attempt (hopefully failed) to divide society on a virus with a <1% fatality rate that is mostly an issue for those who are very sick already and have multiple comorbidities, that live 1 medical condition away from deaths door all time.
And that they almost never….seriously almost never…said to the public: "you know the best thing for you would be to lose some weight, exercise daily, get healthy amounts of vit C, vit D, and really all vitamins, eat better, and take care of yourself/your health conditions". But they didnt do that. They said "stay inside, lockdown, wear a mask, govt will send you a relief check…stay at home order Uber eats."
Its almost like they really didnt want to help people but rather make sure they were good lazy little cattle. Delicious, Kobe beef.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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