I sure hate to break it to little Ms. Omar but the truth of the matter is, her loose lips, and brain dead, half-baked ideas have painted a political target on her back. Her front. Her sides. And every other angle available.
No one should have their lives in danger no matter what their ideas (good or bad) are. You’re basically saying “First Amendment be damned; She needs to agree with everything the GOP says or does, OR ELSE!”. How fashy of you.
What the freshman Congressperson needs to learn is to keep her little mouth shut as she observes and gleans from those on all sides of her who have years of valuable experience. By doing this, her native head wrap will one day be full of wisdom, not empty hot air, and in turn she just may become a valuable fixture in Congress, and back home in the district/regain she was elected and entrusted to serve with dignity and hard work.
She’s a Congressperson; Her job entails talking, you sexist nincompoop. Her head-wrap contains plenty of wisdom and the antics of Orange Boy and the GOP are as , wisdom-filled as Carrot Top! Omar is standing up for All-American Values like EQUALITY FOR ALL, A NATION OF IMMIGRANTS and E PLURIBUS UNUM. She’s standing up for REFUGEES FLEEING WAR & PERSECUTION who were APPLYING LEGALLY AS LEGAL REFUGEES UNDER REFUGEE STATUS WHICH IS LEGAL who are being cruelly and unjustly detained and packed like sardines in prison camps for no good reason!
Her family was in the same situation. They came from Somalia; Fleeing a war-torn, impoverished nation with literally no real government and rife with warlords and pirates. They came to the USA for a better life…which is THE ENTIRE POINT OF THE UNITED STATES!
If your country turned into a war zone, wouldn’t YOU want to “Get Outta Dodge”?
Also; I detect a lot of sexism in your remarks along with the implied ethnicism and Islamophobia.
Finally; Your analogy with the Tootsie Pop…well…sucks…The Tootsie part is the best part. Are you implying that the hard shell is superior to all the chewy, chocolaty goodness within? You basically stated that Omar’s better than she seems.
I think the “logic” of your sucker analogy is also dog-whistle ethnicism. Tootsie rolls are brown. Chocolate is brown. Black people are brown-colored. Thus; You’re saying her blackness is the “bogus booby-prize” (‘See? You thought you were getting a nice, hard, strong, All-Murrican but what you really got wuz some dumb negroid! Hurr hurr hurr!’).
The Trumputin Train on the GOPer tracks DESERVE to get called out because they’re evil to the core and Anti-American! They are “Type 2 Eagleland” (Ugly bigoted boorish ‘Murrica) while real patriots like Rep. Omar, the Dems and yours truly are “Type 1 Eagleland” (Noble, resolute, freedom & equality-loving America).
“Type One” will feast on “Type Two” like the mighty, noble and badass Bald Eagle feasts on a fish! Enough of the hypocrisy of espousing Type One while having a long history of Type Two (this nation was built on Type Two with all that Genocide of Indigamericans, Slavery & Jim Crow but it doesn’t have to be that way forever. Our founding documents and ideals express Type One and Type One brings life and harmony!).
In fact; I’ll apply the TV Tropian “Type One & Two” concept to a lot of things (Type One is noble while Type Two is deranged).
Rep. Omar is a Type One American and a Type One Muslim. You are a Type Two American and a Type Two Christian. Jesus was Type One as was Mohammed in his Meccan Days. DAESH, The Taliban, Boko Haram and Al Qaeda are Type 2 Muslims.
Type 2 is for losers. Screw Type 2!
P.S. In speaking of Guess Who songs, YOU represent “American Woman” which is (more or less according to most folks interpretations) lambasting the USA for it’s Type 2 antics (the ‘woman’ being Lady Liberty).