Steven Bachmann #wingnut #crackpot

American traditionalists can harbor no delusions about the natures of government and sovereigns. They are not a good unto themselves but serve to direct the entire country towards the greater good. A sovereign should not be chosen if he is evidently obstructive towards those ends. Monarchy is merely a political manifestation of philosophical traditionalism. The latter comes prior to the former, both by principles and need for practical establishment. We cannot pretend that our republic is illegitimate if we ever hope to create new American government. Monarchists must ever watch for sins against patriotism. Love of homeland is any Christian’s duty. There will never be anything worth taking pride in until you put in the effort to help create it. The American identity is as real as the state, and is something more than worthy of baptism and refinement. In order to do so, we must reach out to fellow Americans, not beat them because they don’t disdain their country like the legitimists. We aim to bring America to tradition, not by importing an impersonator, not by pursuing self-destructive policies. Contemporary European sovereigns make it obvious that the presence of a crown alone is not good enough.

There can be no mistake about it: whatever government next to succeed our republic will be ruled by an American. We are not going to exclude ourselves from the races for misguided purists. We will not bend to wishes that lack virtuous patriotism and a basic education in moral philosophy. We will not offend the minds of sensible Americans with the fringe eccentricities of some established monarchists. We have no intention of insisting that Americans cannot field nobility, or that there are no possible candidates in our wide country. To the contrary, a good American family would make superior nobility. The merit, hard work, honesty, and virtue in which Europeans have softened remain more vibrant in our country. The United States can certainly be lifted to high ideals, and we intend to help make its own legacy: one that shall be compared to the great legacies of European ruling families. We hope that you will help us reach that goal as our Society bring America to tradition.

May God bless our American states.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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