TheHopefulBeliever #sexist
JFL Foid refuses to call me beautiful despite Tyrone threatening to beat her ass
So I was added to a facetime call by my Tyrone friend, and there happened to be a foid in there (one of his hoes). I refused to show my face in the camera (for obvious reasons) so my Tyrone friend sent her pictures of me. She had a visible and audible reaction of shock at seeing how ugly I am, and so my Tyrone friend told her to tell me I'm beautiful just to try and make me feel better. Basically, she got it half out in the most pitiful voice I've ever heard and just couldn't bring herself to finish the sentence, despite my Tyrone friend threatening to beat her ass if she didn't say it. There were some of my other male friends in the call as well, and they told me "it's whatever bro, fuck these hoes" to also try and make me feel slightly better. I'm so used to getting called ugly by females over the course of my life however, that it literally doesn't phase me at all in the slightest anymore. JFL at being an ugly male
Women ALWAYS want to see your face so they can decide if you have a good personality or not, all the more funny when you've wooed them online for weeks or months & they have this built up mental image of Chad then when they see the truth finally after bigging up plans of getting together proper they suddenly evaporate.
Good face = good personality to women