MarkD #fundie #wingnut #forced-birth #homophobia

God help us all!

America is begging for God's wrath. The blood of millions of aborted babies, left gasping on counters to die, amongst other atrocities is crying out to God. (Look up Jill Stanek on the internet). I am from the Chicagoland area, not proudly, where this nurse worked at Christ's hospital. She gave a gruesome detailed testimony to the IL state senate depicting the horrible atrocities she had witnessed while working there. Horrible late and partial birth abortions, etc. Obama, after hearing this testimony, still voted in favor of all types of abortion to continue. He and many others have a lot of blood to account for some day. It takes a very cold heart to hear the stories this nurse tells and then turn around and vote to continue it. It sickens me. Then in his acceptance speech he thanks homosexuals-because after all they voted him in to. Thumbing homosexuality up in God's face is not advisable for our nation. See: Sodom and Gomorrah--Old testament. I don't think our economy beginning to fail is a coincidence.

God can no longer bless a nation that has kicked Him out. Look at the Israelites. Every time they turned away from God disaster struck.

Not to prophesy gloom and doom, but Pray People, Pray.

The blood cries out even as we speak.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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