The Peruvian Government #transphobia

Trans, non-binary, and intersex people in Peru are now classified as “mentally ill” following a decree from the government’s health ministry.

The decree, signed by Peruvian president Dina Boluarte, defines “transsexualism” and “gender identity disorder in children” as mental illnesses.

It also categorises “dual-role transvestitism,” “fetishistic transvestism,” and “other gender identity disorders” under the same bracket of mental illness.

The country’s health ministry reportedly claimed following the decree’s announcement that it was the only way it could “guarantee full coverage of medical attention for mental health.”

The decree will change language in the Essential Health Insurance Plan (PEAS) to reflect the view of trans and intersex people as a mental health disorder.

The health ministry stressed in a statement on Friday (11 May) that despite the decree, LGBTQ+ people should not be subjected to so-called “conversion therapies” and pointed to a 2021 resolution which protects against conversion therapy practises.



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