Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey #fundie #conspiracy christorchaos.com

[From “Jorge Puts His Faith in "Fraternity," Not Christ the King”]

There is no reason to repeat in this very brief commentary what I wrote two years ago in Jorge Signs Off on the One World Ecumenical Religion[…]
Suffice it to say that the bizarre spectacle of several leaders of false religions[…]speaking to each other via large video screens that resembled the crystal cubes in which Marlon Brandon’s character in Superman (1978) imprisoned three villains who escaped in Superman 2 (1981) was a complete exercise in Judeo-Masonic naturalism that was devoid of anything to do with the Sacred Deposit of Faith:
The man who disparages revealed truth for an affective sentimentality praises "fraternity" as though all one needs to do to save one's soul is never to criticize anyone else or to do anything that jeopardizes a thoroughly Judeo-Masonic sense of "brotherhood" that makes a mockery of Divine Revelation.
So devoid of anything approximating the sensus Catholicus that he does not believe that he[…]has anything kind of obligation to seek the conversion of non-Catholics to the true Faith. Indeed, he considers efforts to convert non-Catholics in the past to be a subject for endless apologies.
The International Day of Human Fraternity[…]was nothing other than a preparation for Judeo-Masonry’s goal of a One World Ecumenical Religion.
The "Second" Vatican Council did not just "happen" spontaneously. It emerged as a result of a concerted effort on the part of a veritable legion of Modernists who networked together as they lectured and published books that provided the pseudo-intellectual framework for their version of French Revolution. Anyone who ignores the fact that these Modernists received protection and encouragement from cardinals and bishops[…]is tragically mistaken.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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