MSCW #racist #sexist
RE: LifeFuel You get what you fucking deserve you skank
>She is black
>She is poor
She should not blame herself and make her full rage against them. image
They're the reason she is in that situation. Not so long ago, she could have her lovely KANG.
Minus: Baby drama, Collect calls, Handouts, Boost mobile, Prepaid debt cards, Gang banging, EBT card, And of course a musical career provided by the 2%. What an american tragedy. Where to find quality black men?
You can't make this shit up. I have most of it from my list. JFL She thinks she deserves that Tyrone. Being a woman doesn't make dating easier
Full of shit as usual. But this time one of them is honest about it. "I feel like dating, at my height, with where I am in life, would have been significantly harder if I was a man." "I'm 5'0 for one. Working part time, nearing 30." I often think about how fucked up the world is for black girls and women
They never had it as good and still find a way to complain.