Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut

(Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene)
Merrick Garland is running a rogue DOJ & FBI.

Congress provides oversight and funding to the DOJ.

This is a political war.

Our federal law enforcement agencies should never be used this way.

Merrick Garland should be impeached and so should Joe Biden!

The antiwhites are waging a war on WHITES.

@14W And MTG is Anti White.

@repmtg DoJ and FBI should be abolished. They're run by and for open communist pedophiles.

When people fight over government power, not against it, government wins.

@William_Jaeger @repmtg idiot, name these communist pedos. You've full of shit pal and probably projecting the pedo. Retard.

@repmtg Merrick Garland is perfectly in line with the government at large. The problem isn't that DoJ is rogue, it's that the entire government is rogue and illegitimate.

The federal government doesn't actually have most of the authorities it is exercising on the daily.

If we are going to ignore the fact that the entire apparatus is operating outside of the constitution then it makes no fucking difference what Merrick Garland is doing.

The biggest problem we have in the US is that we're stuck here with a bunch of worthless faggots refusing to represent us and telling us the problems in government are caused by the other party. The problems in our government are there because our government is the problem. If we as Americans are not going to enforce the restrictions placed on government power then it doesn't really matter who is in charge.

@repmtg Not just impeached, but dropped in a deep, dark hole in Gitmo for the rest of their traitorous, unnatural lives. Save room for that psychopath Fauci, too.

@repmtg Merrick Garlic is a huge HOMO and has already sucked a thousand co?ks since taking over the D.O.J



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