Various Commenters #racist #wingnut
RE: Latinos Need to Confront Their Own Racism, Say Afro-Latinos Pushing for Racial Equity
Laughing at all this. You can never please these people, so why even try. They will always fine something to whine about or blame others for their mistakes. They are infallible according to them. Black privilege.
(Leif Erickson)
Of course they are, they see blacks being pampered and say, I want some of that! Every race is going to get their handouts and reparations and Whites are going to pay for it all.
(G. Nuckols)
A misconception among Latinos and others is that Black Lives Matter is “about trying to put Black people first, as supposed to looking at Black Lives Matter as a human rights platform,” Hernandez said.
A misconception? I thinks Latinos see blm very clearly. Seen many a 'black trans lives matter' sign but nothing for brown folk. Latinos are figuring out quickly that any' blm future' does not include them.
(Alfred Maxwell91)
The whole "Blacks and "Hispanics" together drive was an effort by the left to develop an African-non African "Hispanic" voting coalition. The simple fact is non-African "Hispanics" are not attuned to African "culture" any more than healthy minded White people are. Like White people the non African "Hispanic" seeks to avoid the African.
(Nevada Smith)
The riot involved 300 white and Mexican inmates fighting against 100 Africa-American prisoners and started around 9.45 a.m. in the unit which houses 1,250.
That is the future of race relations here in America and blacks just don't get it.