SuperMario64DS #crackpot

[RageFuel] Another one: Burning down an IT strawman on teen love

Why not.

For those who don't know,

"A straw man (or strawman) is a form of argument and an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be 'attacking a straw man'."

So much of IT focuses on this one argument and it is nothing more than a strawman. A disgusting one and copied / pasted one at that. Here it is in my own words:

" argues that teen love is so wonderful, so sublime, and perfect; they create this image of a couple in love, cuddling, sitting outside on a lakeside hill, watching a lake, with fireworks in the distance, and romantic but innocent sex with nobody around. First of all, teen love is not like that, it's awkward, imperfect, and anxiety filled. Second of all, these "movie moments" are so infrequent and rare that they don't really exist."


That is not the argument.

Here's the fundamental issue. You think we don't know that teenagers are socially awkward with each other? That teenagers can be fucking stupid and make decisions that ruin their lives? That teenage relationships are awkward as fuck?

Of course we know that!

The issue is this.

First of all, teenage romance and relationships is awkward because you are doing it for your first time, but you learn from it and develop emotionally. From there, you can start having more adult and mature relationships. People like us are fucked. Why? We never learned from dating and developed emotionally with the other gender. Even if we could get a relationship, it won't work well because we didn't learn from experience and our mistakes. We wouldn't know how to handle it; while everyone else naturally dated people and learned how to function in a relationship, we are stuck with the dating experience of a 13 year old. But we can't even get a relationship to begin with because of our disgusting appearances. We are walking Elephant men.

Second of all, teenage romance and relationships often does create happy memories, even if they are idealized in our media. They are idealized in our media because they are relatable to what's positive about teenage romance. Nobody expects everyone to have a perfect memory like the above, but couples often have at least positive memories. Not always, to be sure, but it happens enough such that mainstream audiences can inherently relate to it.

Us on the other hand, we are viewed by society as failures, worthless, and mainstream media mocks people like us because of things which aren't our fault. We didn't choose to look like this. We didn't pick out our genes. We didn't pick out our skills and abilities. We didn't pick to be rejected.

Again, go jump off a bridge.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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