Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut
( Congressman Paul Gosar )
( @ScottFranklin )
@DrPaulGosar Sorry Gosar not one American I have talked to is enthusiastic about this at all
Abolishment is being talked about right now and secession I’m for both the voting violations and illegal illegitimate election process all over for citizens they want blood do not blame them
( @Mojave_MGTOW )
@DrPaulGosar We're not going to do that by voting, apparently.
( @rotsaruckcuck )
@DrPaulGosar MAGA will always be MIGA. I’m done. Can’t do it, and I didn’t in 2020 and 2022 after voting for Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu in 2016. I will never vote again the rest of my life because I’m not a Zionist. I don’t support Israel anymore or anyone else involved with the perpetrators were responsible for a preventable 9/11, and now a bioweapon and killer vaccines. They’re all traitors that’s the problem. They’re terrorists guilty of democide. They’ve terrorized all of us. They all deserve to swing from a rope. I don’t root for their military anymore. I root for Israel’s enemies. We’re ruled by absolute monsters and degenerate hateful tyrants, warmongering mass murdering psychopaths. Fuck them.
( @Killdeer_85 )
( @BobManel )
@DrPaulGosar after last night's speech and blaming the voters after we all saw the red wave and watched it be stolen right in front of us all. I have to step away from this. I will not be voting in 2024 as we have seen that just doesn't work ..they just keep cheating and getting away with it done .
( @MattOdom1776 )
@DrPaulGosar tried that, more than a couple of times, they stole it away from us more and more every time. How about Trump comes out against how horrible of a disaster warp speed was. How come he doesn't apologize for signing off on the killing of millions of people? Gave us a death jab and wants us to elect him.... I choose 2A.